Unexpected Appearance in Gen V Hints at Significant Plot Twist for The Boys Season 4

Unexpected Appearance in Gen V Hints at Significant Plot Twist for The Boys Season 4

A game-changing revelation awaits in The Boys Season 4 as Gen V's surprise cameo hints at the pivotal role their virus will play Mallory's discovery sets the stage for a thrilling conclusion, ensuring a gripping and unpredictable storyline!

Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Gen V episode 7!


In episode 7 of Gen V, a significant character makes a cameo appearance, foreshadowing the direction of The Boys season 4 and altering the trajectory of Gen V season 1 and the main series.

Grace Mallory, an ex-CIA agent with ties to The Boys, becomes aware of Gen V's super virus, raising the possibility that The Boys are already familiar with its existence.

The super virus will play a significant role in The Boys season 4, as all parties involved compete to obtain it. This may lead to an explosive final plan by Billy Butcher, similar to the comic's end.

In episode 7 of Gen V, a surprising cameo occurs, hinting at a major storyline for The Boys season 4. Gen V has incorporated characters, storylines, and worldbuilding elements from The Boys, resulting in significant overlap between the two shows. While Gen V was primarily a self-contained story throughout season 1, episode 7 changes everything by introducing a character with implications not only for the finale of Gen V season 1, but also for the future of The Boys season 4.

Gen V has finally arrived, as the highly-anticipated spinoff of Amazon Prime Video's The Boys approaches the end of its first season. This new series offers a fresh perspective on The Boys universe, with Gen V centering around Godolkin University, a college for supes. Marie Moreau, a powerful supe with the ability to manipulate blood, seizes the opportunity to attend this prestigious Vought-operated institution. However, upon her arrival, Marie quickly discovers that things are not as they appear. Episode 7 unveils a vast conspiracy, setting the stage for a surprise appearance by a significant character from The Boys.

Mallory Knows About Gen V's Virus - The Boys Must Too!

Unexpected Appearance in Gen V Hints at Significant Plot Twist for The Boys Season 4

In the initial stages of Gen V episode 7, an intriguing rendezvous takes place between Dean Shetty and a significant character from The Boys, Grace Mallory. Grace Mallory, a former CIA agent, has been lending her support to Billy Butcher and the group throughout The Boys. Her deep-seated resentment towards supes aligns her with the beliefs of the titular team. In this meeting, Shetty discreetly discloses to Grace Mallory details about the existence of the supe virus. This lethal contagion was crafted at Vought's The Woods facility and possesses the ability to eliminate any supe. Naturally, the power and potential implications of such a weapon are bound to capture Mallory's attention. However, she might not be the sole party intrigued by this revelation.

Who Mallory Is On The Phone To In Gen V Episode 7

As a resource provider to the Boys, Grace Mallory most likely shares information about crucial matters such as the Gen V's supe virus. Since the Boys are determined to eliminate supes, especially Homelander and Vought's other spandex-clad superhumans, acquiring a virus capable of causing mass fatalities among them would undoubtedly be a high priority for Billy Butcher. It is highly likely that Grace Mallory has already informed the team about the virus's existence, and this revelation may have even been depicted in episode 7 of Gen V.

Unexpected Appearance in Gen V Hints at Significant Plot Twist for The Boys Season 4

After Dean Shetty departs, Grace Mallory covertly retrieves her phone and contacts the person on the other end, inquiring if they overheard everything. The identity of this individual remains undisclosed in episode 7 of Gen V, giving rise to rampant speculation regarding their true identity. While it is plausible that Billy Butcher or one of the other members of the Boys may be prime contenders, given their longstanding alliance with Mallory, it is not exclusive to them. Mallory's phone call recipient could potentially be someone other than the aforementioned individuals.

Dean Shetty, a Vought employee, is causing trouble and aiming to bring down the company. Grace Mallory, who is working closely with Shetty, is particularly interested in individuals like him. It is possible that Mallory is currently on a call with Stan Edgar, the former CEO of Vought. Edgar undoubtedly has the desire to ruin Homelander and his former company, and Mallory may be leveraging Edgar to achieve her own goals. Additionally, Mallory could have been in contact with one of Vought's rebellious supes, including Queen Maeve, Starlight, or the recently awakened Soldier Boy. Let's hope that the enigma surrounding this situation will be unveiled in Episode 8 of Gen V.

Gen V's Virus Looks Set To Play A Big Role In The Boys Season 4

Unexpected Appearance in Gen V Hints at Significant Plot Twist for The Boys Season 4

With Grace Mallory's appearance in Gen V, it seems probable that the supe virus will play a major role in The Boys season 4. If the Boys manage to track it down, the supe virus could potentially take center stage in the upcoming season, causing all interested parties to race against each other in an attempt to obtain this powerful weapon. Consequently, Gen V's characters would be drawn into the same sphere of influence as The Boys' characters, resulting in a captivating dynamic between the superhuman and human protagonists from both shows. Given the controversial nature of Gen V's deadly supe virus, it is likely that all supe characters will strive to eradicate it.

Mallory Learning About The Virus Sets Up The Boys' Comic Ending

In the conclusion of Gen V episode 7, Dr. Cardosa met his demise at the hands of Victoria Neuman, who managed to secure the final sample of the virus. This sets the stage for an explosive finale in season 1 of Gen V. As Victoria Neuman is poised to become the primary antagonist in The Boys season 4, the acquisition of the supe virus amplifies her already formidable threat level. Throughout the upcoming season, the supe virus could grant her unparalleled power and control, rendering her an almost invincible force against supes. Given the magnitude of the supe virus storyline, it cannot be confined solely to the spinoff series; thus, it must find its way into The Boys.

Unexpected Appearance in Gen V Hints at Significant Plot Twist for The Boys Season 4

The introduction of Grace Mallory to the knowledge of the supe virus in Gen V was a strategically brilliant decision. It not only adds depth to The Boys' storyline but also sets the stage for the dramatic conclusion of the comic series. In the comics, Billy Butcher, the central character, hatches a drastic plan involving a biological weapon capable of annihilating supes. He executes this plan, resulting in the demise of numerous Vought heroes. This genocidal act serves as the pivotal moment of Billy Butcher's descent to his breaking point, sparking controversy. While The Boys TV series has not hinted at this storyline yet, the inclusion of Grace Mallory's character in Gen V might finally bring it to fruition.

If Billy Butcher can successfully acquire the virus with Mallory's help, he has the potential to recreate his story arc from the comics. Out of all the characters in The Boys, Billy Butcher is the most plausible candidate to unleash the virus. While it may not mirror the exact events of the comic ending, the consequences would be significant, making the events of Gen V episode 7 hold immense importance for The Boys season 4.

Catch the latest episodes of Gen V every Friday on Amazon Prime Video.