Unearthing the Truth: Debunking 8 Scientific Myths in the Fallout Franchise

Unearthing the Truth: Debunking 8 Scientific Myths in the Fallout Franchise

Discover the intriguing scientific inaccuracies in the Fallout 4 universe! Uncover the mysteries behind instantaneous mutation, superhuman strength, food and water contamination, RadAway, energy weaponry, cryogenics, mutated wildlife, and underground structures

8 Instantaneous Mutation

Exploring the Fascinating and Imaginative World of Fallout 4

Unearthing the Truth: Debunking 8 Scientific Myths in the Fallout Franchise

In Bethesda's post-apocalyptic USA, the theme of swift and extensive mutations prevails. Throughout the game, players come across situations where exposure to radiation brings about prompt and drastic physical transformations in living beings. A prime example of this phenomenon is ghoulification, where individuals exposed to high radiation levels experience deterioration of their skin, distortion of their features, and a significant increase in their lifespan.

However, in reality, genetic mutations caused by radiation occur gradually over extended periods and primarily impact offspring rather than instantly manifesting in individuals. By presenting instantaneous mutations, Fallout neglects the gradual progression of genetic changes and presents an erroneous depiction of the effects of radiation on living organisms.

7 Superhuman Strength

Unearthing the Truth: Debunking 8 Scientific Myths in the Fallout Franchise

Characters in the Fallout games are often depicted as having extraordinary strength. This is evident when players observe their characters effortlessly handling and swinging heavy weapons such as mini-guns or sledgehammers, executing melee attacks that instantaneously disable enemies, or carrying an excessive amount of weight without any difficulty.

This level of strength surpasses what is feasibly achievable by an average individual, transcending the boundaries of human anatomy and physiology. Although it heightens the gameplay experience, it strays from scientific accuracy and defies the laws of physics. While this can be attributed to the logic of video games, certain elements like a fixed weight for reaching an over-encumbered state can venture into the realm of absurdity.

6 Food and Water Contamination

Unearthing the Truth: Debunking 8 Scientific Myths in the Fallout Franchise

Fallout touches upon the issue of food and water contamination, but its depiction of the health risks involved is overly simplistic. In the game, consumption of certain items can lead to radiation exposure. Yet, the negative impact on the player character is usually confined to elevated radiation levels, resulting in minor consequences like reduced health or slightly heightened radiation sickness.

In reality, the risks associated with consuming highly contaminated food or water are far greater and can result in severe radiation sickness, organ damage, and even death. The portrayal of these health hazards in the game "Fallout" fails to fully capture their extent, thereby downplaying the seriousness of consuming contaminated substances in a post-apocalyptic setting. For instance, players are able to freely consume items like the highly irradiated "Salisbury Steak" or "Toxic Gulp," which would likely have far graver consequences if consumed in real life.

5 RadAway

Unearthing the Truth: Debunking 8 Scientific Myths in the Fallout Franchise

The portrayal of RadAway, a frequently used medical item in the Fallout series, inaccurately suggests a quick fix for radiation sickness. In actuality, there is no immediate remedy for radiation exposure. Within the game, RadAway is utilized to rapidly diminish radiation levels, disregarding any consequences or long-term repercussions. This unrealistic representation fails to acknowledge the intricate nature and dangers associated with radiation.

Players can utilize RadAway to rapidly reduce levels of radiation. However, this representation oversimplifies the complexities involved in proper radiation treatment, which necessitates extensive procedures and medical attention. Although RadAway fulfills gameplay objectives, its portrayal creates a misinforming perception of radiation management.

4 Energy Weaponry

Unearthing the Truth: Debunking 8 Scientific Myths in the Fallout Franchise

The portrayal of energy weapons in the Fallout universe deviates from scientific principles, taking creative liberties. Laser rifles and plasma guns present a level of technological advancement that surpasses our current understanding. Within the game, players effortlessly harness these advanced weapons of the future.

For instance, the laser rifle allows the player to effortlessly obliterate enemies, with no need to worry about power consumption, heat dissipation, or energy conversion efficiency. The complexities associated with harnessing and utilizing energy are simplified and overlooked, which is understandable given the series' nod to the optimistic and pristine scientific visions of 1950s science fiction. However, it still leaves the player questioning how these energy sources are managed in a world plagued by waste and societal decay.

3 Cryogenics

Unearthing the Truth: Debunking 8 Scientific Myths in the Fallout Franchise

In the game, players come across cryogenically preserved individuals who have managed to stay alive for centuries without showing any signs of deterioration or cell damage. Cryogenic technology is used to preserve living organisms at incredibly low temperatures, usually with the help of liquid nitrogen.

2 Mutated Wildlife

This challenges the conventional knowledge regarding the constraints and obstacles linked to prolonged cryogenic preservation. In contrast, the protagonist in Fallout 4 manages to remain perfectly intact within a vault for numerous centuries and defrosts with limited complications or detrimental consequences. However, such a portrayal oversimplifies the intricate nature and hazards associated with the field of cryogenics, rendering it scientifically inaccurate.

Unearthing the Truth: Debunking 8 Scientific Myths in the Fallout Franchise

One of the defining aspects of the Fallout universe is the presence of mutated wildlife that roams the post-apocalyptic wasteland. While these mutated creatures enhance the game's atmosphere, they do not align with scientific accuracy. The mutations depicted in the game, such as oversized insects, two-headed animals, and grotesque variations of common species, occur rapidly and defy the principles of genetic mutation. In reality, mutations occur gradually over extended periods and are often harmful or non-functional.

1 Underground Structures

The game showcases creatures such as Radscorpions and Brahmin, which exhibit fantastical physical features and behavior. For example, Radscorpions possess enormous stingers and have grown to sizes significantly exceeding their pre-war counterparts. These exaggerated mutations disregard the biological constraints and improbable circumstances needed for such drastic transformations to take place within the span of a few hundred years.

Unearthing the Truth: Debunking 8 Scientific Myths in the Fallout Franchise

In every game of the Fallout series, players frequently come across underground structures known as vaults. These vaults were originally built to protect humanity in the event of a nuclear catastrophe. However, the scientific accuracy of these structures is questionable. The construction and functionality of the vaults raise doubts about their ability to sustain advanced systems and resources underground for extended periods of time in a post-apocalyptic world. Despite never being exposed to the world outside, vault dwellers have miraculously managed to survive for hundreds of years.

Additionally, Vault-Tec's incorporation of unethical experiments undermines the integrity of scientific research. A prime illustration can be found in the case of Vault 101, where its occupants were secluded for numerous generations, disregarding the significant psychological and social repercussions until centuries following the conclusion of the war.

The Fallout franchise is now accessible in various formats across a wide range of platforms.