Unearthing an Epic Transformation: Minecraft's Wandering Traders Await an Archeology Update

Unearthing an Epic Transformation: Minecraft's Wandering Traders Await an Archeology Update

Discover the untapped potential of Minecraft's Wandering Traders as they embrace the Trails and Tales update, unlocking a promising future in the world of archeology


The Wandering Trader in Minecraft is widely regarded as one of the game's most irksome mobs, mainly because of its limited utility in the long run.

However, the introduction of the new archeology mechanic in Minecraft provides a potential opportunity for the Wandering Trader to regain its credibility. By integrating this peculiar trader into the mechanic, players can enjoy enhanced support for the feature as well as access to more valuable trades.

The Wandering Trader has the potential to be an asset to archeology in Minecraft. By appearing near structures like Trail Ruins and offering archeology-related items such as brushes, pottery shards, and maps, it can contribute to the newly introduced mechanic and improve players' perception of this mob. In the Trails and Tales update, archeology has finally been incorporated into the game, addressing the long-awaited demand. This addition not only has the potential to salvage the love-hate relationship players have with the Wandering Trader but also opens up new possibilities for this mob. With a diverse range of mobs in all shapes and sizes, some Minecraft players tend to find certain mobs annoying, including skeletons and silverfish. However, the Wandering Trader stands out as one of the more controversial mobs due to its lack of long-term usefulness in terms of available trades.

Minecraft's Wandering Traders Need An Upgrade

But if the Wandering Trader's ideas were adapted to support Minecraft's new archeology features, it could potentially redeem the mob. Archeology has faced challenges in previous updates and is starting off on a rough note, so it will require assistance to avoid disappointing fans. By utilizing the Wandering Trader's concepts, issues with the mechanic's design, such as its interaction with world generation and the associated tools and structures, could be effectively resolved. This could involve directly repurposing the Wandering Traders or using them as inspiration for a new mob.

Unearthing an Epic Transformation: Minecraft's Wandering Traders Await an Archeology Update

For novice players, the appearance of the Wandering Trader may initially feel like a stroke of luck, with its seemingly rare and valuable trades. However, as players gain a deeper understanding of Minecraft, they come to realize that the Wandering Trader serves a larger purpose - providing access to items and resources from unexplored biomes. While these trades prove helpful in the early stages of the game, they progressively lose their significance over time, eventually becoming as annoying as they are pointless.

On the one hand, the Wandering Trader should introduce more random events in Minecraft to enhance the player experience with added diversity. However, this remedy does not address the limitations faced by the Wandering Trader itself. Unlike the Villager, the Wandering Trader lacks the ability to progress from a novice to a master level, restricting its usefulness. Furthermore, if players already possess everything offered for trade, the Wandering Trader becomes obsolete. Without an essential upgrade, the Wandering Trader will retain its current insignificance among Minecraft mobs. This long-awaited enhancement could potentially be achieved through the new archeology feature, giving the Wandering Trader the much-needed boost it deserves.

Wandering Traders Could Have a Future in Archeology

Unearthing an Epic Transformation: Minecraft's Wandering Traders Await an Archeology Update

To better align with Minecraft's archeology theme, the Wandering Trader mob could be associated with collecting and selling buried treasures and relics. Rather than randomly appearing near players, the Wandering Trader could be discovered near structures such as the new Trail Ruins, Desert Pyramids, or Jungle Temples. This way, similar to how Azalea Trees guide players towards Lush Caves, the presence of a Wandering Trader could serve as a clue for locating buried Trail Ruins.

Wandering Traders have the potential to serve a more practical role rather than just guiding players. Considering that archaeology necessitates the use of a brush, players are left with two undesirable options: sacrificing inventory space for a one-time use item or spending valuable time searching for feathers and copper. An alternative solution would be for Wandering Traders to offer trade for archaeology-related items such as brushes, alleviating the inconvenience for players. Additionally, these traders could provide pottery shards, explorer maps, or even fashionable armor trims. However, if repurposing the Wandering Trader proves impractical, an alternative suggestion is to introduce a new "Explorer" mob that aligns with Trails and Tales' aesthetic by featuring a revamped skin and replacing llamas with camels.

Minecraft is currently available on Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.