Unearth the Dark Secrets of This Overlooked '90s Creature Thriller

Unearth the Dark Secrets of This Overlooked '90s Creature Thriller

Discover why horror fans should not overlook 'The Relic', a forgotten '90s creature feature Uncover the gripping storyline, check its Rotten Tomatoes score, and brace yourself for the chilling climax Don't miss out on this hidden gem!


The 1997 horror movie The Relic is an underrated gem, with engaging characters, a terrifying monster, and a captivating museum setting.

The Kothoga creature in The Relic is skillfully brought to life by Brian Steele and Vincent Hammond, who collaborated with an animal behavior expert to enhance their performances. Despite its less favorable ratings on Rotten Tomatoes, The Relic provides an enjoyable and captivating experience, highlighted by a gratifying conclusion where the cunning and resourceful Margo outwits the menacing creature.

The Relic, a 1997 horror movie, showcases a horrifying creature and is based on the book Relic by Lincoln Child and Douglas Preston. Directed by Peter Hyams, renowned in the sci-fi genre, the film serves as a testament to his talent behind the camera, which was exemplified in other works like 2010: The Year We Make Contact. With an immersive setting, intelligent protagonists, and a spine-chilling monster, this underrated film from the 1990s offers horror enthusiasts an opportunity to rediscover their fondness for creature features.

What Is The Relic About?

Unearth the Dark Secrets of This Overlooked '90s Creature Thriller

In the horror film "The Relic" released in 1997, Lieutenant Vincent D'Agosta and evolutionary biologist Margo Green are astonished to discover a mysterious creature within the confines of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. The thrilling journey commences when anthropologist John Whitney embarks on a fateful expedition to South America and encounters a bewildering event aboard a ship. Following his disappearance and the subsequent murder of the ship's crew, suspicions arise among the other characters regarding the presence of something malevolent.

Amidst the chaos, Frederick Ford, the museum's security guard, is tragically slain, leading everyone to believe that a human killer is on the loose. However, the truth unravels to reveal a perilous and horrific creature with a connection to an ancient statue known as the Kothoga, exhibited within the museum. While the 1990s witnessed an array of horror movies that were often overhyped, "The Relic" possesses several commendable qualities, including intelligent characters, a genuinely terrifying creature, and an intriguing setting. The film also captivates viewers by gradually revealing more about the creature, providing thorough explanations and leaving no aspect unexplored.

What Is The Relic's Rotten Tomatoes Score?


Successful creature features often showcase truly terrifying villains, ranging from mythological monsters to original creations. In a post on the Stan Winston School of Character Arts website, it was revealed that Brian Steele and Vincent Hammond collaborated with animal behavior expert John Alexander for three months. Their collaborative effort aimed to ensure that they could convincingly wear creature suits and portray animal-like behavior. While there are numerous examples of uninspiring and unscary TV and movie creatures, such as the CGI monster in Wednesday, the Kothoga in the horror film Relic from the '90s appears remarkably lifelike.

The Relic, a horror movie from the 90s, is deemed entertaining but unfortunately has a low Rotten Tomatoes score. It received a 37% on the Tomatometer based on 35 reviews, accompanied by a 34% Audience Score. Occasionally, even enjoyable and thrilling movies face unfavorable ratings on the website. For instance, the fourth installment of Jaws encountered a similar fate.

Critics' opinions on The Relic were undoubtedly mixed. In January 2001, Roger Ebert expressed, "If you appreciate special effects and gore, this movie can actually be a lot of fun." Dennis Schwartz, on the other hand, described it as "a sci-fi horror film that lacks originality and follows a predictable pattern reminiscent of Alien."

How Does The Relic End?

Unearth the Dark Secrets of This Overlooked '90s Creature Thriller

In the concluding scenes of The Relic, Margo and her scientific mentor Albert Frock find themselves in their laboratory, where they come to a realization—they discover that the Kothoga only seeks out humans when it lacks leaves to feed upon. Being a discerning character in the horror movie genre, Margo deduces that the Kothoga belongs to the reptilian species. In an attempt to eliminate the creature, she ingeniously tries to freeze it with liquid nitrogen, but unfortunately, her efforts prove futile as Frock tragically loses his life. This poignant moment undoubtedly stands as the pinnacle of emotional intensity in The Relic, showcasing its exceptional horror movie atmosphere.

The setting of the story within a museum adds an extra layer of intrigue, as the main characters are deeply familiar with researching historical artifacts. Consequently, this setting provides ample opportunity for Margo to make astute discoveries. One remarkable revelation, labeled as one of the finest plot twists in cinematic history, occurs when Margo examines the Kothoga's DNA. She pieced together that John Whitney had consumed a soup prepared by a South American tribe, which subsequently transformed him into the dreadful Kothoga.

The ending of The Relic, an underappreciated '90s horror movie, is filled with intense action. In an attempt to escape the Kothoga, which has penetrated the lab's ceiling, Margo sets it ablaze. Margo is later rescued by D'Agosta and other police officers, who discover that the creature has been eliminated. Unlike many creature-centered horror films that may come across as implausible, the conclusion of The Relic is both gratifying and logical. Margo's exceptional competence is evident as she relies on her instincts and intellect to ensure her own safety and eliminate the danger.