Uncover the Secrets of Aztec Civilization in This Epic RPG

Uncover the Secrets of Aztec Civilization in This Epic RPG

New Aztec-Inspired RPG brings the rich history and culture of the Aztecs to life through immersive gameplay Battle against the ruthless conquistadors and survive in a dangerous world filled with challenges and obstacles With stunning graphics and engaging gameplay, this game is a must-play for fans of the genre

A new survival action RPG called Ecumene Aztec has been announced, allowing players to take on the role of an Aztec warrior during the Spanish invasion of Central America in the 16th century. Developed by indie studio Giantscraft, the game draws strong similarities to the original Assassin’s Creed franchise, making it an exciting prospect for fans of stealth games. The game’s setting in Mesoamerica during this period offers a unique and unexplored location for gamers, making it an ideal place for this new title inspired by the popular franchise.

In Ecumene Aztec, players will take on the role of a protagonist defending the Aztec land against Spanish conquistadors. The game features a unique blend of stealth and action gameplay, inspired by Assassin’s Creed, coupled with survival elements. Players can scale walls, stealthily eliminate enemies, craft traps, and gather ingredients in the lush jungle. Although the gameplay appears slightly raw in the trailer, the game is still in development, and both graphics and controls are expected to improve over time. Moreover, since it’s an indie title, players should keep their expectations in check.

Ecumene Aztec offers players the choice of three distinct classes, namely, Jaguar, Snake, and Eagle, each with their unique skill trees focused on specific types of gameplay. They can also explore various environments, including forests, temples, and a dense Mesoamerican city, in search of Spanish invaders to eliminate. Additionally, players can make blood sacrifices to the Gods to upgrade their characters. The game is still early in development and is expected to release on Steam in 2024.

Gamers eagerly awaiting the release of Ecumene Aztec can pass the time with Assassin’s Creed Mirage, set to hit shelves on October 12. This latest installment of the franchise pays homage to its original roots and features a setting reminiscent of the first game. Unlike the previous three mainline titles, AC Mirage will offer a more concentrated experience and emphasize stealth gameplay. Fans can expect to be fully immersed in the game's world and storyline as they await the release of Ecumenic Aztec in 2024.