Uncover hidden treasures: Diablo 4 Side Quests in the Dry Steppes With Epic Stronghold Challenges
Uncover hidden treasures: Diablo 4 Side Quests in the Dry Steppes With Epic Stronghold Challenges
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Chambatar Ridge Side QuestsThe Accursed Wastes and the Qara Yisu Side Quests
Jakha Basin Side Quests
Side Quests in Khargai Crags
Kotama Grasslands Side Quests
Side Quests in the Dindai Flats
Untamed Scarps Side Quests
The Scarred Coast's Side Quests
Chambatar Ridge Side Quests
Chambatar Ridge is the easternmost part of the Dry Steppes; it encompasses the area just south of the Westering Lowlands in Scosglen. There are five side quests in this area.
Quest Pick Up Location: The Boiling Plains
Quest NPC: Nekhii or Neckii
Prerequisites: None
Reward: None
Quest Pick Up Location: Fate's Retreat
Reward: Herb Cache and Ring
Following a conversation with Rakhaan, he will present you with a Deactivated Ring retrieved from his secure box. Your task is to eliminate the designated enemies in Chambatar Ridge in order to gather Demon Essences. Once the Ring is successfully activated, bring it back to Rakhaan.
In the Name of Love
Prerequisites: Complete the entire main story campaign of Diablo 4
Reward: Herb Cache
Rakhaan will ask players to get the Cleaver from Whispering Vault Dungeon in the Dry Steppes.
Curious Curios
Quest NPC: Sameera
Prerequisites: None
Hunting the Relic Hunter
Quest Pick Up Location: Fate's Retreat
Quest NPC: Rakhaan
Abaan, the renowned Relic Hunter, has mysteriously vanished; venture to the designated location marked on the map in order to locate them. Once there, Abaan will initiate a battle; eliminate all the spawned skeletons. Following the conclusion of the skirmish, thoroughly examine the enigmatic Mysterious Pot and subsequently cast the gesture spell upon the Malevolent Relic. Return the relic to Rakhaan, and then engage in conversation with him once more to commence the subsequent quest: More.Than Meets the Eye.
The Accursed Wastes and the Qara Yisu Side Quests
More Than Meets the Eye
Qara Yisu, the accursed location, dominates this particular area of the Dry Steppe's map. Both the town and the surrounding land bear the weight of a haunting curse, leading players to encounter a mere trifecta of side quests within its eerie confines.
Quest NPC: Rakhaan
Prerequisites: Hunting the Relic Hunter Side Quest
Phases of the Moon
Quest Pick Up Location: Qara Yisu
Quest NPC: Arban
Talk to Arban in the Ruins of Qara-Yisu; ask him "Is there a problem?" Collect 25 Khazra Bones from Moonclan Marauder in the Barren Steps, hen return to Arban for a reward.
Blood and Sweat
Quest Starting Item: Bloodstained letter
Prerequisites: Complete Ruins of Qara-Yisu Stronghold
Reward: Salvage Cache
Upon finishing the Stronghold located in the Dry Steppes, be sure to keep an eye out for a Bloodstained letter that will emerge near the Stronghold's waypoint. Proceed to the highlighted region and search for a Disturbed Stone in order to locate a doll. Deliver the doll to Tuya, who can be found in Alzuuda. Please note that some players may encounter a bug with this quest. If the quest fails to initiate after interacting with the letter, unfortunately, there is currently no known solution to resolve this issue.
Sentimental Value
Quest Pick Up Location: Hidden Overlook in Jakha Basin
Quest NPC: Ulagan
Speak with Ulagan at the Hidden Overlook, then proceed to Desolation's Reach to speak with Ulagan again. Explore the vicinity around Ulagan in search of his uncle's heirloom ring, although it may not be found. Engage in a conversation with Ulagan once more. Subsequently, players will be required to eliminate Orsolya and acquire the ring from her. Upon interacting with Ulagan, he will not recognize the ring. Instead, bring it to Rakhaan in Fate's Retreat.
What Remains
Quest NPC: Bayarma
Prerequisites: None
Reward: Cache
Approach Bayarma at Hidden Overlook and inquire, "Are you in good spirits?" Bayarma will entrust players with Erdene's Remains and request their delivery to Erdene's father, Yeshi, located in Farobru. Proceed to the Arid Heartland and bury the remains within the nearby barren soil. This action will prompt the emergence of a famished Bloodhawk; eliminate it. Finally, return to Yeshi to inform him of the successful completion of the task.
Sealed Oxen Tribe Cache
Prerequisites: None
Reward: Unsealed Oxen Tribe Cache
In the Khargai Crags, eliminate the detestable shamans until a Sealed Oxen Tribe Cache is obtained as a random drop. Please note that locating this cache may require some patience. Defeat the wicked enemies marked by red dots within the highlighted region on the map. As you defeat them, they will release Demon Fury, progressively filling up a bar that will eventually allow you to unseal the Cache. Finally, access your inventory to open the Cache.
Scorched Debts
Quest Starting Item: Scorched Debt Ledger
Prerequisites: None
Reward: Murmuring Cache brimming with Murmuring Obols
Discover a forsaken encampment within the treacherous Bastard's Pass, wherein lies a Scorched Debt Ledger. Transport this ledger to the designated locale within the illustrious Lakren's Overlook. Within this haven, seek out Andreea, and inquire into the presence of her name within the ledger. Prepare for battle as she and her loyal crew launch an offensive. Once victorious, proceed to Ked Bardu and seek out the innkeeper, Urgem. Engage Urgem in conversation regarding the aforementioned ledger.
This Stronghold has two more side quests to find. Players will have to finish the Stronghold before getting them.
A Pound of Flesh
Quest NPC: Nizaar
Prerequisites: Complete the Onyx Watchtower Stronghold
Rewards: Key
Approach Nizaar, the individual confined in the suspended cage, and inquire, "Are you unharmed?" They will make reference to the Ragged Encampment. Eliminate all the bandits situated there in order to obtain the key for the gibbet. Proceed back to Nizaar and liberate them from their confinement. They will descend to the ground. Pose the question, "What is the sensation of freedom like?" Administer a curative potion to them upon request. Proceed a short distance southward, accompanied by Nizaar, and select a weapon from the sword rack.
Quest Pick Up Location: The Onyx Watchtower
Quest NPC: Chabi
Prerequisites: Complete the Onyx Watchtower Stronghold
Tusmaa Rift Side Quests
Tusmaa Rift is to the north of the Onyx Watchtower's location, and it contains three different side quests for Diablo 4 players to find.
Quest Pick Up Location: Tusmaa Rift
Quest Starting Item: Torn Note
Prerequisites: None
Reward: Heretic's Cache
Quest Pick Up Location: Tusmaa Rift
Reward: Cache
A note called the Cultist Missive can be found on the ground in this particular spot. Proceed to the designated areas and search for the lifeless bodies of Cult Recruiters. Following that, explore the highlighted location to locate any survivors. Release the captives from their cages and prepare for their aggressive response. Engage in combat and eliminate them to successfully conclude the quest.
Strange Ore Sample
Prerequisites: None
Reward: Cache
Interact with ore veins in this area until one drops a Strange Ore Sample. Go to Ked Bardu, and look for Gerti. Give them the Strange Ore Sample.
Kotama Grasslands Side Quests
Quest Pick Up Location: Northern Kotama Grasslands
Reward: Cache
Players will be provided with an empty tea infuser by Zolaya, who will then direct them to their hideout. Upon reaching the hideout, players are required to gather herbs from the Crate of Medicinal Herbs located to the north of the entrance and fill the infuser with them. Subsequently, players need to return the filled infuser to Zolaya.
Corroding Mettle
Prerequisites: None
Reward: Ore Cache
Quest Pick Up Location: Ked Bardu
Quest NPC: Husun
Prerequisites: None
Thieves Famine
Quest Pick Up Location: Ked Bardu
Quest NPC: Gelek
Crucible of Worth
Inquire with the NPC Gelek regarding any potential issues, and he will inform you that supplies are continuously being stolen by bandits. Proceed to the designated area in Kotama Grasslands and eliminate the marauders. As a result, they will relinquish the pilfered supplies. Acquire a total of 20 of these items and deliver them to Gelek.
Quest NPC: Gerti
Prerequisites: None
New content:
Reward: Exclusive Weapon
Inquire Gerti about possible issues. Proceed to the marked location along the coastline where the axe can be found on an elevated wall. Collect the damaged Raekor's Great Axe, then return it to Gerti. Following this, Gerti will require specific materials: an Oppressor Horn from the Hapless Frontier and three Silver Quartz from the Infected Delve. Deliver them to Gerti.
Quest Pick Up Location: Kotama Grasslands
Quest Starting Item: Dust Daisy
Dust Daisies can be found in herb bushed in the Kotama Grasslands. Take it to Jaral in Ked Bardu.
Side Quests in the Dindai Flats
To the north of the Fields of Hatred is a small location called the Dindai Flats. Look for two quests here.
Exhuming Faith
Quest Starting Item: Blood-Splattered Scroll
Prerequisites: None
Cache Reward:
Within the confines of the Orbei Monastery lies a deceased monk, his body clutching a Blood Stained Scroll. From there, players must embark on a search for the revered Zakarum Trail Markers. The initial marker can be found amidst the rugged expanse of the Ragged Shore, followed by the second marker known as the Path of the Ill Fated. Lastly, along the boundary of the Ragged Shore, the third marker awaits. It is essential to interact with and peruse these markers in sequence. Upon reaching the final marker, a malevolent demon will materialize, prompting a battle to vanquish it and thereby concluding the quest.
Quest Pick Up Location: Dindai Flats
Quest NPC: Nurbolat
This is an escort mission; once you have spoken to Nurbolat, guide him to the marketplace. Then, accompany him to Batzorig's Neighbor's house. Listen to the eerie conversation between the apparitions, and then engage them in combat. Defeat the ghosts. Proceed to converse with Nurbolat once more, and he will express a desire to explore the Family Cellar mentioned by the spirits. As the players venture inside, they may engage in a dialogue with Nurbolat, who will subsequently become possessed and launch an attack against the player. Persist in battle until Nurbolat surrenders, then communicate with him one final time.
Untamed Scarps Side Quests
This massive area called Untamed Scarps surrounds the Temple of Rot. Players can find 12 whole side quests here.
Consumed by Pride
Quest NPC: Ealda
Prerequisites: None
Rewards: Salvage Cache
Inquire with Ealda regarding the issue at hand, and she will inform players about the absence of the Crane Tribe barbarians. Head over to the southeast section of the Field of Broken Spears. Engage with the deceased bodies known as the Mutilated Barbarians. Have a conversation with Ealda, which will initiate the subsequent mission titled "Raising Spears."
Quest Pick Up Location: Untamed Scarps
Quest NPC: Ealda
Go to the Champion's Demise dungeon. Collect 8 Blood-etched Spears from Champion's Demise with Ealda. Talk with Ealda to start the next quest, Fury Against Fate.
Fury Against Fate
Quest Pick Up Location: Untamed Scarps
Reward: Gem Cache
Ealda can be located at the Crane Tribe Hutmoot in Untamed Scarps. She will request players to join her in the Wasting Hollow to eliminate the cannibal feeding ground. This task consists of multiple waves, and upon defeating all of them, players will receive a gem cache.
Quest Pick Up Location: Untamed Scarps
Quest NPC: Ealda
Prerequisites: Fury Against Fate Side Quest
Reward: Salvage Cache
Quest Pick Up Location: Untamed Scarps
Quest NPC: Kaida
Prerequisites: None
Currencies From Afar
Prerequisites: Culling of Flesh Side Quest
Reward: None
Players can find a Bag of Old Coins from searching chests or corpses around the Untamed Scarps. Give these coins to Gesur in Jirandai.
Keeping the Old Traditions
Quest Starting Item: Lonely Offering
Prerequisites: None
Blistered Heart
Quest Pick Up Location: Untamed Scarps
Quest NPC: Sorga
Kill the spiders and the broodmother spider, then take the broodmother's Spider Queen Heart. Give it to Sorga.
Augury of Bone
Quest Pick Up Location: Untamed Scarps
Ogai requests players to gather Bone Dust from skeletons located in the Valley of the Strayed. Once collected, deliver them to Ogai. Subsequently, players are tasked with investigating the Immemorial Inscription. Return to Ogai to initiate the following quest in the series, titled Hubris Smiles Back.
Quest Pick Up Location: Untamed Scarps
Quest NPC: Ogai
Prerequisites: Augury of Bone Side Quest
Reward: None
Quest Pick Up Location: Untamed Scarps
Quest NPC: Jargal
Tarnished Amulet
Prerequisites: None
Reward: Elixir Cache
Cannibal enemies will randomly drop a Tarnished Amulet randomly. Bring the Amulet to the Yinsuk Shrine. Gesur will be standing by the shrine; talk to him.
The Scarred Coast's Side Quests
Quest Pick Up Location: The Scarred Coast
Reward: Cache
Talk to Nayan in the Tamuur Hinterland. They will ask players to kill 50 zombies in the Scarred Coast. Return to Nayan.
Sealed Penitent's Cache
Prerequisites: None
Reward: Unsealed Penitent's Cache
This particular side quest appears to be excluded from the count of the 38 side quests listed in the area. Nevertheless, it is advisable to undertake it despite not receiving recognition for the area. Within the Scarred Coast region of Dry Steppes, slaying a single Shambling Corpse will yield a Sealed Penitent's Cache. Defeat the designated enemies to fill the gauge and unlock the Cache.
Diablo 4 can be played on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X.