Uncover Hidden Gems: 10 Exciting Activities in Open World Games (Beyond the Main Story)

Uncover Hidden Gems: 10 Exciting Activities in Open World Games (Beyond the Main Story)

Discover endless possibilities in open-world games with these 9 exciting activities that go beyond the main storyline Embark on thrilling adventures, uncover hidden treasures, interact with wildlife, engage in hobbies, and even pursue unconventional romances Unleash your imagination and make the most of your open-world experience!

What's more enjoyable than going on an epic quest, saving the world, and fulfilling one's destiny as a hero? It's simply ignoring that quest and opting to go chicken hunting instead. Or perhaps spending 30 minutes teasing an unsuspecting villager, just because players find him irritating.

Open-world games provide thrilling adventures filled with a freeing sense of choice. Instead of following a linear, level-based structure, players have the freedom to explore expansive maps in any way they desire. However, this freedom often leads to more trivial and silly activities, as players push the boundaries of their autonomy. These non-quest escapades are not only entertaining, but also provide a break from the main storyline, offering amusing diversions from the game's intended path.

9 Get Way Off The Beaten Track

Uncover Hidden Gems: 10 Exciting Activities in Open World Games (Beyond the Main Story)

Open-world games, despite their emphasis on freedom and choice, often encourage players to primarily follow the main story's narrative path. This is necessary in order to discover and experience the game's intended storyline. However, it can be quite liberating to disregard the primary narrative and instead explore the vast expanse of the game world. By venturing into remote areas, searching for hidden treasures, or confronting formidable enemies, players can experience the thrill of deviating from the expected path. This sense of adventure is ultimately what makes open-world games so captivating.

8 Find Hidden Treasures No One Else Knows About

Uncover Hidden Gems: 10 Exciting Activities in Open World Games (Beyond the Main Story)

It is certain that others are aware of their existence, but the efforts exerted to uncover the mentioned treasure suggests that it is seldom discovered by ordinary individuals. Only one person, possessing diligent hands and a spirit of adventure, will possess this particular sword/book/warm jacket.

There is always a belief that in some obscure, winding location away from the conventional path, there lies an extraordinary item waiting to be found. It is something that the game developer did not anticipate players discovering until later, or perhaps not at all. Discovering it early would grant the player a remarkable advantage and a gratifying sense of accomplishment for cleverly exploiting the open world system.

7 Love Basic Starter Items

Uncover Hidden Gems: 10 Exciting Activities in Open World Games (Beyond the Main Story)

The urge to explore remote corners in search of hidden treasures and valuable gear that adds character is powerful. However, the fact that these items are concealed means that even if players embark on a hunt for them, there's no guarantee of success. And even if they do find them, they have to make the most of what they have for the time being.

During such moments, the player's most cherished possessions come in the form of worn-out swords or basic weapons with limited ammunition. They may not be the greatest, but they're certainly better than relying solely on bare fists. In fact, these low-tech hand-me-downs become invaluable to the player, transforming them from a vulnerable peasant into a force to be reckoned with among adversaries. Armed with these humble tools, players can now pursue their aspirations and conquer challenges. Some players even choose to stick with or go back to these beloved items later on, in order to maintain the game's difficulty level.

6 Chase Them Sheepies (And Other Animals)

Uncover Hidden Gems: 10 Exciting Activities in Open World Games (Beyond the Main Story)

Why continue the arduous journey towards the character's equivalent of Mount Doom when the weather is so pleasant in this world? Instead, players can wield their large butterfly net and gather fascinating data about the diverse wildlife. This could involve observing their behaviors, categorizing their species, or determining the value of their meat when impaled by an arrow or detonated with dynamite.

Chasing animals through the dense vegetation of an expansive gaming environment is an excellent way to let go of inhibitions and embrace a simpler, carefree lifestyle. It becomes a game in itself, one that is somehow more gratifying and fulfilling than the grand task of saving the world. After all, a heroic quest inevitably leads to moments of procrastination through more harmless pursuits – like counting sheep, tracking sheep, and occasionally even demolishing sheep!

5 Harass The Locals

Uncover Hidden Gems: 10 Exciting Activities in Open World Games (Beyond the Main Story)

A complete open world requires its inhabitants to truly come alive. The more diverse and realistic the characters and NPCs are, the more immersive and dynamic the world becomes. The finest open-world games are brimming with a multitude of individuals going about their daily routines, adding depth and authenticity. What truly excites players is the knowledge that they can interact with any of these characters at any given moment, potentially disrupting their day entirely.

However, there comes a point when the player's desire to cause mischief becomes overpowering, leading them to become either a mischievous trickster or a full-fledged threat to an unsuspecting townsperson. It could be that this virtuous individual simply crossed paths with the player on an unfortunate day, uttering something foolish, endearing, confrontational, or completely ordinary - it hardly matters. Sometimes, the sheer enjoyment of tormenting others is simply irresistible.

4 Reach The Highest Heights

Uncover Hidden Gems: 10 Exciting Activities in Open World Games (Beyond the Main Story)

Life revolves around success, achievement, and overcoming obstacles. This fundamental truth is embedded within every game, both in its narrative and side quests. It offers players a chance at redemption, saving the world, or other similar endeavors. However, this sense of accomplishment can be pursued in a different, more focused manner, such as identifying the highest point on the map and declaring, "I will conquer that!"

Remarkably, there is no narrative requirement or advantage to do so. In fact, reaching the summit of this mountain or constructing a particular structure may divert the player from their official objectives and consume a significant amount of gameplay time. Nevertheless, this self-imposed mission holds tremendous significance, if not more. Players are aware that conquering this pinnacle will bring forth a reward, amplifying their satisfaction through official recognition and the console's achievement notification.

3 Throw Yourself From The Highest Heights

Uncover Hidden Gems: 10 Exciting Activities in Open World Games (Beyond the Main Story)

After reaching the highest heights, players will inevitably have a strong desire to jump from them, regardless of whether they have a parachute. Curiosity can be a dangerous thing, as one wonders what will become of their character when thrown from a 300ft drop. While the outcome is not truly a mystery, it is amusing to witness the character's rapid descent and chaotic movements, surpassing any speed previously experienced in the game. However, it is wise to save progress beforehand, as engaging in such ill-advised base jumping can have consequences.

2 Take Up Hobbies

Uncover Hidden Gems: 10 Exciting Activities in Open World Games (Beyond the Main Story)

Open-world games, especially RPGs, offer players the opportunity to step away from their grand adventures and explore more pedestrian activities. Engaging in trivial or peaceful pastimes can provide a sense of relief, allowing players to take a break from their main objectives.

So, why not try your hand at catching the largest fish in the river or mastering a challenging minigame at the local arcade? Although these activities may not directly contribute to the player's ultimate mission, even heroes deserve a day off. Whether it's practicing yoga, playing a few rounds of cards, or even risking all of your character's money, indulge in these leisurely pursuits.

1 Romance Everyone And Everything

Uncover Hidden Gems: 10 Exciting Activities in Open World Games (Beyond the Main Story)

An expansive open world that aims to provide players with a sense of freedom and choice is greatly enhanced by features such as character customization, various narrative options, and the opportunity for love and romance. A truly immersive and well-rounded game is incomplete without the chance to engage in romantic relationships with non-playable characters (NPCs).

And what do players do when presented with these options? They embrace them, of course. Just like in real life, the desire to find love is a universal one even in virtual realms. In fact, due to the non-consequential nature of virtual worlds, it is natural for players to fully explore and indulge in romantic encounters with any available characters. Players can revel in the resulting drama, without the fear of impacting the game's progress. It is worth noting, however, that in certain games, such as The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, these romantic choices can affect the overall story, including its ending.