Unbreakable Bonds: Unveiling the Ultimate Found Families in Anime

Unbreakable Bonds: Unveiling the Ultimate Found Families in Anime

Discover the ultimate found families in anime, from the dynamic Team Bucciarati of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure to the heartwarming bond of The Happy Hungry Bunch in Yona Of The Dawn Explore these extraordinary relationships that will captivate your heart

Blood may not always be thicker than water, as proven by countless anime characters who have discovered true families outside of their blood relations. While the power of friendship and camaraderie is a common theme in many shows, these relationships go beyond the norm. They are the strongest and most meaningful bonds, formed among individuals who don't quite fit in elsewhere.

These groups are not typically defined by roles such as Team Mom, Team Dad, or siblings. Instead, their love and loyalty surpass labels. In simple terms, they find the pinnacle of love and belonging with each other, and their individual potential can only be reached with the help of others.

10 Team Bucciarati - JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (2012 - 2022)

Unbreakable Bonds: Unveiling the Ultimate Found Families in Anime

In each season of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, strong bonds of friendship and loyalty are forged on the battlefield. However, the individuals that truly embody the concept of a chosen family are the ones Giorno Giovanna, one of the show's most prominent protagonists, encounters in Italy during Part 5. Originally planning to conquer the country's underworld alone, Giorno quickly becomes an integral part of this intimate, rebellious group that ultimately turns against their formidable boss.

Bruno, Abbacchio, Narancia, Mista, Fugo, and eventually Trish unite to find strength and protection in a world that has consistently been against them. Like Giorno, they have been let down by the caretakers who were supposed to shield and support them during their childhoods, compelling them to fend for themselves until they finally discover each other. Even in the face of losing some of their comrades along the journey, they persevere through their sorrow and continue to fight on, honoring the wishes of their fallen friends.

9 The Main Four - Hunter X Hunter (2011 - 2014)

Unbreakable Bonds: Unveiling the Ultimate Found Families in Anime

All four main characters in Hunter x Hunter are unconventional in their own unique ways. From the determined yet slightly unstable young boy in search of his father, to the reformed child assassin, the sole survivor of a massacred clan, and the medical student who masters the art of fighting against illness, they truly make an extraordinary group. It's no surprise that when they cross paths during the Hunter Exam, they immediately form a strong bond.

Although they may not always be together - Gon and Killua are practically inseparable, while Kurapika and Leorio often embark on their own individual quests - their true potential is realized when they are united. Leorio is inspired by Gon and Killua, reigniting his passion to become a Hunter, while Kurapika experiences a noticeable improvement in his mental and emotional wellbeing when he is in their presence. As for Gon and Killua, two individuals who have known loneliness their entire lives, they finally discover the true meaning of friendship upon meeting each other.

8 The Main Trio - Noragami (2014 - 2015)

Unbreakable Bonds: Unveiling the Ultimate Found Families in Anime

Yato, Yukine, and Hiyori's paths unexpectedly crossed, forever intertwining their lives. While the show's comedic elements are exceptional, Noragami also explores the journey of abuse survivors supporting one another, discovering true family, and reclaiming their own lives. Each one of them plays a crucial role in their personal growth and progress.

Despite being human, Hiyori unwaveringly believes in her loved ones and fearlessly confronts gods and demons to safeguard Yato and Yukine. Yato, conditioned to be silent and obedient by his abusive father, breaks free from his past and embraces the role of a God of Fortune, thanks to the support of his friends. Yukine, who was tragically killed by his father, finds solace and happiness as a shinki under the care of Yato and Hiyori, who become his new parental figures.

7 The Forgers - Spy X Family (2022)

Unbreakable Bonds: Unveiling the Ultimate Found Families in Anime

Loid's repeated insistence that his feelings for his new wife Yor and adopted daughter Anya are purely for show, a facade for his mission, becomes increasingly hollow with each utterance. Despite his best efforts to remain professional and emotionally detached, his innate capacity for love shines through. Consequently, he finds himself naturally assuming the role of a devoted husband and father, resulting in heartwarming and endearing moments within the Spy X Family dynamic.

The strength of their familial bonds does not go unnoticed by those around them, who frequently comment on their undeniable connection. While Yor initially enters into the marriage to avoid suspicion, her genuine affection for Loid and her fierce protectiveness over Anya make her proudly refer to herself as Anya's mother. As a telepath, Anya possesses deep insight into her parents' thoughts, comprehending about half of it at her tender age of four. Nonetheless, she wholeheartedly loves her family and remains resolute in her determination to support them in any way she can.

6 Somali And Golem - Somali And The Forest Spirit (2015)

Unbreakable Bonds: Unveiling the Ultimate Found Families in Anime

This anime is regarded as one of the top fantasy adventures that focuses on parenting. The story revolves around a golem who discovers an abandoned human child in his forest domain. The golem then makes the decision to care for the child until he can find her a human family. However, there is a challenge: humans are nearly extinct and Somali, the child, greatly prefers her golem father over anyone else.

The golem's time as Somali's father is limited due to his nature; he will pass away in less than a year. Nevertheless, during this brief period, he learns more than he had ever expected about parenting by seeking advice from other parents and gaining valuable experience as they journey together. Somali, unaware of her father's fate or his plans for her, feels loved and safe with him for the very first time in her life.

5 Ryuuchi And Kotaro’s Friends - Gakuen Babysitters (2018)

Unbreakable Bonds: Unveiling the Ultimate Found Families in Anime

Following the tragic loss of their parents in a plane crash, Ryuuichi and Kotaro, a teenager and a toddler respectively, find themselves believing that they must face the world alone. However, their lives take an unexpected turn when they are taken in by the headmistress of Morinomiya Academy. This newfound home provides them with much more than just shelter.

At Morinomiya Academy, surrounded by the Babysitting Club and other students, Ryuuichi and Kotaro discover a loving and supportive community. For the first time, they have companions their own age, breaking the boundaries of their previous isolation. Ryuuichi finally receives the support he has always longed for, while Kotaro is given the necessary encouragement to foster his independence. The true significance and warmth of their newfound family becomes evident during the festive Christmas special, as all the friends they have made join them in celebrating the holiday.

4 The Host Club - Ouran High School Host Club

Unbreakable Bonds: Unveiling the Ultimate Found Families in Anime

In the first episode, Haruhi Fujioka encounters the Host Club, a seemingly perfect group of individuals who, despite being oddballs, are united. However, it becomes evident that they were not always this way; they were once lonely and lost. Tamaki plays a crucial role in bringing them together and demonstrating that genuine happiness is attainable.

While every member reveals their own past struggles and unhappiness in dedicated episodes, the impact of Tamaki on the group is most evident in Kyouya's episode titled "And So Kyouya Met Him!" In Kyouya's previous life, he lived in a clinical, emotionless white void; however, joining the Host Club fills his existence with vibrant and boundless colors. Moreover, Haruhi not only discovers her first true friends within the Host Club but also finds genuine love with Tamaki.

3 Subaru And Haru’s Friends - My Roommate is a Cat (2019)

Unbreakable Bonds: Unveiling the Ultimate Found Families in Anime

Sometimes, loneliness can drive individuals to make life-changing decisions, such as adopting a pet. This decision not only affects the lives of the animals but also has a profound impact on humans. Subaru, a successful author, battles with severe social anxiety, which has worsened following the deaths of his parents. Haru, an exceptional feline companion in anime, has faced numerous hardships on the streets while taking care of her siblings.

Subaru's decision to take Haru in brings about a remarkable transformation in both their lives. As a responsible pet owner, Subaru is compelled to step out of his comfort zone to meet Haru's needs, whether it be purchasing supplies or taking her to the veterinarian. Through a twelve-episode series, Haru and Subaru discover a sense of belonging and develop a newfound family bond. This is beautifully exemplified in the final episode when Haru goes missing, prompting their entire circle of friends to courageously venture out in a storm to rescue her.

2 Team 7 - Naruto (2002 - 2017)

Unbreakable Bonds: Unveiling the Ultimate Found Families in Anime

From the very start of their partnership, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura had never anticipated getting along. However, this quickly changes as they train and fight together, forming a closer bond than they have ever had with anyone else. Even after Sasuke turns his back on the village, Naruto and Sakura remain determined to save him, dedicating their lives to their friend.

While Naruto expressing to Sasuke that he is the closest thing he has ever had to a brother may be the most obvious indication of their connection, it is certainly not the only one. This bond between the team endures even in the sequel series Boruto, where Sasuke and Sakura are married with a daughter who joins Naruto's son on the new Team 7.

1 The Happy Hungry Bunch - Yona Of The Dawn (2014 - 2015)

Unbreakable Bonds: Unveiling the Ultimate Found Families in Anime

Yona and her loyal bodyguard Hak have been inseparable since they were children. However, Yona is destined for more than a sheltered life in the palace. When her father, the king, is murdered by her once-beloved cousin, she must flee and confront her true destiny. Unknown to Yona and her future companions, she is the reincarnation of King Hiryuu, spiritually linked to the four dragon retainers who once served him.

Due to their extraordinary abilities, the current four dragons have experienced varying degrees of isolation throughout their lives. Kija, for instance, has been revered in his village, while Shin-ah has been shunned by society. When Yona seeks out each dragon, they experience a profound connection with her and the other dragons, filling a void in their lives they never knew existed. Together, all seven of them - including Hak and Yun - form an unbreakable bond and wholeheartedly support each other, both on and off the battlefield.

The presence of these characters demonstrates that family extends beyond blood ties. Love and connection can be discovered in unexpected places, as portrayed in numerous anime shows. It is remarkable how spending time with the family you select can bring out the utmost potential in both yourself and your loved ones.