Unbelievable Starfield Hack: Unlock Ryujin Tower Without Breaking a Sweat

Unbelievable Starfield Hack: Unlock Ryujin Tower Without Breaking a Sweat

Discover an ingenious Starfield trick that allows players to bypass the challenging Ryujin Tower mission, providing relief from the sometimes frustrating stealth segments in the game's questline


The final mission of the Ryujin Industries questline can prove to be a source of frustration for many players in Starfield, primarily because of the repetitive stealth sections. However, one resourceful player stumbled upon an ingenious parkour trick that allows for bypassing the most vexing portion of the mission.

The detection meter in Starfield's stealth system is frequently criticized for being deceptive, rendering it an unreliable tool for players. It may be necessary to utilize modding in order to address this issue. There is speculation that upcoming DLCs in Starfield, including Shattered Space, might introduce additional stealth missions and offer Bethesda the chance to enhance or resolve frustrating aspects of gameplay.

The Ryujin Industries questline in Starfield, though impressive and well-written, can sometimes be frustrating. However, one player has discovered a clever trick to bypass the difficult sneaking section at Ryujin Tower through calculated parkour. Similar to Bethesda's other titles, Starfield offers complex faction storylines that provide unique experiences. Whether it's fighting corruption in the Freestar Collective or engaging in corporate espionage for Ryujin Industries on Neon, there is plenty of engaging content beyond the main questline, known as Constellation.

Just like the Thieves Guild in Skyrim and Oblivion, Ryujin Industries in Starfield contains various stealth sections throughout its story. Unfortunately, many players have found these sections to be more tedious than enjoyable. Despite the Stealth perk in Starfield's skill tree, the detection meter has often been misleading. To alleviate this issue, it is recommended to max out the stealth skill before embarking on the Ryujin Industries questline. Additionally, utilizing the Void Form power in Starfield can make the stealth sections significantly easier. However, for those who have chosen to upgrade different perks, there is a universal method to bypass the most tiresome part of the final mission.

Shared on the official Starfield subreddit by reaper7894, this method only requires two things from the player: a boost pack and a bit of faith. While they might not succeed on the first try, it is likely to involve fewer reloads than attempting the quest in the traditional manner. Some may argue that this skip is a form of cheating, as Bethesda probably did not intend for the mission to be completed through parkour. However, this does not diminish the creativity of reaper7894's solution.

In the end, solving the current issues with the game's stealth system may require a Starfield mod, as the unreliable detection meter detracts from an otherwise captivating feature. With the Void Form power and stealth modifiers on gear, Bethesda clearly intended for stealth to be a significant gameplay option for players to explore.

Speculation is running high within the community about the upcoming DLC for Starfield, titled Shattered Space. Fans are eagerly anticipating the possibility of House Va'ruun, a secretive and enigmatic faction, being introduced in the DLC. If this speculation turns out to be true, it may mean that Starfield could see an influx of stealth missions. Just like in the case of Skyrim and Fallout 4, Bethesda might utilize the DLCs for Starfield as a means to address and improve upon features that players currently find monotonous or vexing. Starfield can be enjoyed on both PC and Xbox Series X/S gaming platforms.