Ultimate Thrills in Zom 100: Conquer the Deep with the Ferocious Zombie Shark
Embark on a thrilling journey with Akira, a heroic protagonist, as he confronts the ultimate challenge: battling a ferocious Zombie Shark Brace yourself for a gripping episode breakdown and immerse yourself in the adrenaline-pumping world of Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
The delay in the release of Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead Episode 5 is concerning, leading to speculations about future episode delays.
Akira achieves his lifelong aspiration of becoming a hero in the latest episode, rescuing survivors from a pack of track-and-field zombies. The arrival of a zombie shark introduces a fresh peril to the show, emphasizing Akira's bravery and the significance of collaboration.
Attention: The content below reveals important information about Episode 5 of Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead, titled "Hero of the Dead". It is currently available for streaming on Netflix & Crunchyroll.
Similar to previous incidents, fans had to patiently await the release of the latest episode of Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead due to production obstacles faced by the studio. This situation raises concerns about the remainder of the summer anime season, as it marks the second delay thus far, prompting speculation about future episodes. Hopefully, with the extended delay for this particular episode, the studio will manage to regain their pace; otherwise, fans may have to endure sporadic episode delays.
Episode Breakdown
: Speculating and Enjoying the Latest Episode of Hero of the DeadAs stated earlier, Akira's current aspiration is to transform into a hero and fulfill his childhood dream. Many, including Kencho (who now sports dyed blonde hair), may consider this ambition to be absurd given that Akira's opponents would be zombies. Nevertheless, Akira has done some online research and discovered the ideal costume to achieve his Akiraiger persona. By utilizing a specially designed diving suit that offers protection against shark bites, Akira can approach the zombies at close range and avoid being bitten. Of course, he will still sustain bites, but the suit will effectively prevent their teeth from penetrating through.
Nearby the aquarium, Akira and Kencho quickly flee from a bus as one of their group members is transformed into a zombie. With a horde of athletic zombies hot on their heels, Akira seizes the opportunity to fulfill his lifelong aspiration. Successfully rescuing the survivors who reach the aquarium, Akira's excitement is dampened when he recognizes the woman from episode two. Trying to play the hero may not have been the smartest way to impress her, especially after she went on a lengthy rant about how Akira's desire to be a hero is pointless and a reflection of his low self-esteem.
Despite feeling irritated by her words, Akira comprehends her perspective. By trying to be a hero to strangers, he put Kencho in danger. Moreover, Akira admits to himself that he isn't entirely sure what being a hero truly means. However, before he can dwell on this realization for too long, a loud noise startles the group. In a bizarre turn of events, a zombie shark, fashioned with the legs of the zombie divers it had consumed, emerges. Amidst the chaos, the group must continue running, evading not only the terrifying shark but also the zombie fish and other undead creatures scattered throughout the aquarium. Just as Kencho and Akira begin to believe they are safe, they discover that the unnamed woman is nowhere to be found. Unlike their previous adventure where Akira merely lived out his hero fantasy, he must now step up and become a true hero for someone he cares about, even if he doesn't know her name.
Zombie Shark
With the assistance of Kencho and the unnamed woman's expertise on sharks, the trio successfully thwart the zombie shark. They decide to leave the rest of the group to find their own way out, taking advantage of the emergency exit for a direct escape route. As they make their exit, Kencho and Akira extend an invitation to Miss Risk Analysor to join them. However, she politely declines but provides Akira with her contact information. Finally, both Akira and the viewers learn the name of this mysterious woman: Shizuka Mikazuki.
The latest episode offers a glimpse into the different perils that Akira and the rest will encounter. Unexpectedly, a zombie shark with human feet appears, catching most viewers off guard. While the idea of incorporating sharks into a zombie-themed narrative is not entirely new, renowned Manga horror writer Junji Ito featured a fascinating twist with a hybrid creature in his story Gyo. Initially, the introduction of zombified fish and sharks may seem outlandish and even like a desperate attempt to create excitement. However, it aligns well with the absurd nature of zombies portrayed in various franchises. So, why choose a shark as the creature of focus?
The terror-inducing nature of sharks is the primary reason, followed by the practicality of the aquarium as the ideal location for Akira to retrieve his suit. Overcoming the challenge of fighting off a shark was an arduous task, yet not insurmountable. While the episode primarily centered around Akira's heroism, it diverged from the norm by focusing on Shizuka's growing realization that collaboration with others is beneficial. Additionally, she witnessed Akira's selflessness and fearlessness, realizing that he cares for everyone, even strangers, without needing a specific motive for saving them. A significant theme emerges, highlighting the idea that survival does not necessitate solitude, with Shizuka learning this valuable lesson through the assistance of Kencho and Akira. Fortunately, Akira possesses her contact information, promising future appearances by Shizuka in forthcoming episodes. In the meantime, fans can enjoy streaming Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead on Netflix & Crunchyroll.
More: The Wildest Xombie Movie Ever Made Has a Zombie Fighting a Shark