Ultimate Showdown: Secret Invasion vs Eternals - Which One Will Triumph?

Ultimate Showdown: Secret Invasion vs Eternals - Which One Will Triumph?

Secret Invasion vs Eternals: Bold Attempts That Push the Boundaries

The Marvel Cinematic Universe once carried an almost universally recognized mark of excellence. Despite any qualms from fandom, most of the early Marvel projects were, at the very least, decent as standalone films. However, the brand has now entered an era of hit-or-miss productions, causing some fans to disassociate themselves from the franchise. Both Eternals and Secret Invasion were met with negative reception, but their lackluster reception may be the only common thread between them.

There are countless ways for an entertainment project to falter. It could face internal disasters, undergo detrimental studio edits, or have an initial premise that is simply terrible. Marvel often falls prey to catering to Disney's corporate greed, committing numerous mistakes. They compromise plot elements to accommodate future entries, overly rely on visual effects to avoid hiring union workers, and demand extensive rewrites shortly before release to appease shareholders. Eternals experiences these issues, but also struggles with additional, more captivating challenges.

Secret Invasion was a bland mess

Ultimate Showdown: Secret Invasion vs Eternals - Which One Will Triumph?

Secret Invasion received mixed reviews from critics. While some praised it as a refreshing break from the typical superhero narrative, others criticized it as an unoriginal amalgamation of elements from other Marvel projects. One aspect that garnered unanimous praise was Samuel L. Jackson's performance, which was deemed exemplary. However, the surrounding story was found to be lackluster, disjointed, and inconsequential. Despite exploring slightly more mature themes, Secret Invasion failed to make a significant impact.

The series struggles to deliver a captivating narrative, relying heavily on the iconic title and premise borrowed from the original Marvel cross-over event. Nonetheless, it maintains the integrity of the brand by narrowing its focus. For instance, the character of Super Skrull undergoes a significant transformation. In the comics, Super Skrulls capture the DNA of Marvel heroes to replicate their powers, with the most prominent one being Kl'rt, who possesses the abilities of The Fantastic Four. However, in the MCU, a minor character named Gi'ah is given access to the Skrull Power Replicator. She obtains a healing factor akin to Extremis-enhanced superhumans like Aldrich Killian, as well as enhanced strength and durability derived from the DNA of Drax, Thanos, the Hulk, Thor, and others. Although her selection of powers is not as formidable, it aligns better with the established MCU canon. This small change reflects the broader shortcomings of Secret Invasion.

Secret Invasion's most notorious offense is the mistreatment of James Rhodes.

Eternals was an ambitious failure

disguised as a Skrull early on in the series, serving as a covert operative for the alien invaders. However, the revelation of when exactly Rhodey was replaced remains unclear. The creators hinted that Rhodey's absence could be traced back to the events of Civil War. If this were the case, it would undermine every significant moment the character experienced in Infinity War and Endgame. This is yet another example of Marvel inadvertently undermining its own narrative. Rather than branching out from the broader MCU, Secret Invasion stumbles by becoming entangled in the same set of issues.

Ultimate Showdown: Secret Invasion vs Eternals - Which One Will Triumph?

Compared to Secret Invasion, Eternals has a slightly lower score on Rotten Tomatoes. Reviews describe it as "massive," "gorgeous," and "vacant." This ambitious and unconventional science fiction epic draws inspiration from diverse and unusual sources, setting it apart from other superhero movies. With its complex characters, high stakes, and mesmerizing visuals, Eternals is both more and less than your average Marvel film. Chloé Zhao presents her unique take on the ancient aliens theory, delivering a captivating character-driven drama interwoven with epic fight sequences. Regardless of its outcome, the film deserves recognition for its ambition. Few other movies face criticism for portraying one of their central characters as directly involved in the creation of the atomic bomb. Eternals will undoubtedly be remembered as one of the most thought-provoking action films in recent memory, sparking countless discussions and debates. It may not be the best, but it certainly leaves a lasting impression.

Ultimately, the negative reception of Eternals has detrimental consequences for the industry as a whole. The studio didn't learn anything new from the poor audience feedback of Secret Invasion. The failure of Eternals serves as additional evidence for the accountants and IP holders. When something unique fails, it becomes difficult to find a replacement. If all ambitious superhero projects fail, the studio will settle for uninspiring, trend-following content. This gradual decline erodes the essence of what people appreciate about filmmaking. Risky and unconventional projects always involve a certain level of uncertainty. If studios no longer take risks, fans will be inundated with an endless stream of Secret Invasions. While we should praise successful endeavors, we should also acknowledge the significance of art that fails in a captivating manner.