Ultimate Guide to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Acquiring and Enhancing the Alexander Summoning Materia

Ultimate Guide to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Acquiring and Enhancing the Alexander Summoning Materia

Learn the step-by-step process to obtain the Alexander Summoning Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, accessible in Chapter 6. Discover how to unlock its full potential and upgrade it to its maximum strength by Chapter 9. Master the art of summoning with this powerful materia.

In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Summons are crucial just like in other Final Fantasy games. Alexander is a standout Summon with its powerful Divine Judgment attack, making it a top choice for players. To fully maximize Alexander's potential, players will need to be patient and put effort into upgrading the Summoning Materia.

When Alexander first becomes available, players won't be able to locate all three Alexander Sanctuaries. In fact, they won't find any of them during that chapter. However, as players progress through the main storyline of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, they will unlock new areas. This will eventually allow them to locate the Sanctuaries and elevate Alexander to its maximum strength.

How to Get Alexander in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

final-fantasy-7-rebirth-alexander-battle - How to Get Alexander in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

final-fantasy-7-rebirth-alexander-battle - How to Get Alexander in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

To fully upgrade Alexander in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, players need to defeat the Summon in Chadley's combat simulator. The Alexander battle becomes available at the beginning of Chapter 6 once players have arrived in Costa del Sol. However, they'll have to wait until Chapter 9 before they can fully upgrade the Materia. This means that those who want to get Alexander sooner will need to fight it at full might, or in its slightly weaker form if they first pay a visit to the first Alexander Sanctuary in Chapter 7.

final-fantasy-7-rebirth-alexander-santuary-1-location - How to Fully Upgrade Alexander in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

final-fantasy-7-rebirth-alexander-santuary-1-location - How to Fully Upgrade Alexander in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Players in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth need to examine the Summon Crystals in the Divine Sanctuaries to upgrade Alexander. However, there's a slight challenge this time. The first Alexander Sanctuary is available in Chapter 7, but the rest are found in the desert area of the Corel Region, which is only accessible in Chapter 9.

Alexander Sanctuary 1 Location & Puzzle Solution

The initial Alexander Sanctuary is situated to the southwest of Costa del Sol. To access it, you will need to swim through a vast body of water that leads you through a cave. The solution to the Crystal Memory Matrix puzzle is as follows: Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Circle.

Alexander Sanctuary 2 Location & Puzzle Solution

To find Alexander Sanctuary 2, players must first complete Chapter 8 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Located in the Corel Desert, players should head south from the waypoint until they spot yellow cranes. Using the grappling hook to swing from crane to crane, they can drop down to a rocky path below by pressing the Circle button. This path will lead them straight to Alexander Sanctuary 2. The solution to the Crystal Memory Matrix puzzle is Circle, X, Circle, Circle, X, Circle.

How to Reach Alexander Sanctuary 3 Location & Puzzle Solution

To find Alexander Sanctuary 3, players need to go north from the Corel Desert waypoint and locate yellow climbing beams on a nearby rockface. These beams are not accessible from the ground, but players can use the metal scaffolding nearby with the grappling hook. By swinging towards the beams and pressing Circle, players can drop down onto them and enter the cave at the top to reach Alexander Sanctuary 3. The Crystal Memory Matrix solution is Square, Circle, Circle, Square, Circle, Circle.

Alexander Upgraded Stats

final-fantasy-7-rebirth-alexander-stats - Alexander Upgraded Stats

final-fantasy-7-rebirth-alexander-stats - Alexander Upgraded Stats


Invoke Alexander to aid you in battle, as well as confer stat bonuses to the summoner


Summon Level +1


Summon Level +1


Grand Laser learned

Editor's P/S:

This article provides a comprehensive guide to upgrading Alexander in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, detailing the locations of the three Alexander Sanctuaries and their corresponding puzzle solutions. The inclusion of screenshots and a table summarizing Alexander's upgraded stats enhances the readability and convenience of the guide. Overall, it is a well-written and informative article that will be valuable for players looking to maximize the potential of this powerful summon.

As a fan of the Final Fantasy series, I appreciate the in-depth information provided in this article. It is evident that the author has played the game extensively and understands the mechanics of upgrading Summons. The clear and concise instructions make it easy for readers to follow, regardless of their experience level with the game. I highly recommend this article to anyone interested in getting the most out of Alexander in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.