Ultimate Apex Legends Season 19 Battle Royale Tier List: Unveiling the Top Legends
Discover the ultimate Apex Legends Season 19 Tier List! Uncover the strengths and weaknesses of each legend as we rank them from S-Tier to D-Tier Find out which legends reign supreme in the battle royale arena
These legends are essential assets to any squad and possess minimal, if any, significant vulnerabilities. Within this tier, we have three exceptional legends.
WraithBloodhound, the Offensive Legend
With an impressive win rate and a high popularity among players, Bloodhound is undeniably one of the top choices in Apex Legends. The reason for their success lies in their exceptional set of abilities, with their tactical ability standing out as the best. This ability allows Bloodhound to scan enemies through walls, revealing their exact location to all teammates. Furthermore, Bloodhound can track enemy movements on the ground, making it easier to initiate engagements. And when it comes to speed and tactical advantage, their ultimate ability enhances both, providing invaluable knowledge about potential enemy hiding spots. When it comes to recon characters, there is simply no better teammate to have.
Wraith is commonly associated with skilled players and popular streamers, and there's a valid reason for that. While her passive ability might not be the most thrilling, it proves to be quite useful as it reveals when she is being targeted. However, it's her tactical and ultimate abilities that truly shine, providing her with remarkable mobility and utility. Her tactical ability is undeniably one of the best in the game, allowing her to become invulnerable and gain a 30% speed boost, enabling her to turn the tide of unfavorable encounters. Additionally, her ultimate ability creates a portal that can be utilized to relocate herself and her teammates when they become trapped in an unfavorable position. When considering all of these factors, it becomes a challenging task to eliminate a skilled Wraith player.
Gibraltar excels in defense and is a formidable adversary. With his gun shield, he can effectively block enemy gunfire, bolstering his health pool by an additional 50 points. Furthermore, his deployable bubble is regarded as one of the game's best abilities, providing protection to teammates for resurrection, healing, or strategic repositioning. Not to mention, his ultimate ability wreaks havoc on enemy teams, dealing significant damage and denying them area control. Combined with his innate resistance to gunfire, reducing damage by 15%, Gibraltar proves to be an unstoppable force on the battlefield.
This tier consists of ten legends who excel in their designated roles, yet may possess a few drawbacks that prevent them from attaining the title of absolute greatness.
Recon legends Pathfinder and Octane
Skilled Octane players can greatly benefit their teams thanks to his tactical prowess, which grants him continuous extra speed for quickly engaging in battles or swiftly changing positions. However, this ability does come at a price, as it depletes a significant portion of his health each time, which he then gradually restores through his passive skill. Octane's ultimate ability involves deploying a jump pad that allows the entire team to gain elevation or traverse wide gaps efficiently. Moreover, this ultimate ability recharges rapidly, enabling frequent usage. With such immense speed and versatility, Octane stands out as an exceptional choice for agile and quick-thinking players.
Conduit is known as one of the game's most valuable support legends due to her exceptional ability timing. Her tactical skill allows her to temporarily replenish both her own and a nearby teammate's shields, significantly enhancing survivability during intense encounters. If she happens to be out of range for this tactical move, her passive capability grants her increased speed when approaching a teammate. While these abilities establish her as an exceptional support character, she also excels in crowd control with her ultimate move. This ultimate deploys multiple shield-jamming devices that inflict damage and slow down enemies who approach them. With an abundance of utility at her disposal, having Valkyrie on your team is an obvious choice.
Valkyrie possesses unrivaled movement capabilities due to her jetpack, allowing her to continuously adjust her position and reach heights that other characters can only dream of. The ability to utilize her ultimate for relocating to a new area proves immensely advantageous for strategic rotations, while also providing the added benefit of revealing enemy locations in open spaces. Additionally, her tactical ability unleashes a substantial area-of-effect attack that both stuns and damages adversaries, making her an excellent choice for dislodging opponents from cover. Nevertheless, recent nerfs in Season 14 have significantly impacted her effectiveness, bringing her more in line with the performance of other characters. Despite these adjustments, Valkyrie remains an invaluable asset to nearly any team.
Ballistic has discovered the perfect balance of strength and power. His tactical prowess allows him to overheat an opponent's weapon, inflicting damage whenever they excessively fire. Additionally, his passive ability enables him to wield a third firearm, albeit without the option to equip attachments. However, his ultimate ability elevates this third weapon to a prestigious gold version and provides nearby allies with increased mobility, quicker reload times, and limitless ammunition for a limited duration. With precise timing, Ballistic becomes a formidable force on the battlefield.
Newcastle excels in defense and area control, benefiting from significant improvements to his abilities in Season 14. One of his standout features is his passive ability, which enables him to generate a small shield to safeguard fallen teammates and retrieve them to safety while performing a resurrection. Additionally, his tactical ability allows him to create a mobile and adjustable energy shield, granting both himself and his teammates reliable cover while repositioning. Lastly, his ult enables him to leap forward and construct a sturdy wall with various heights, providing a valuable vantage point for his squad during intense firefights. With an impressive array of defensive capabilities, Newcastle establishes himself as an exceptional legend, giving other competitors a challenging competition.
Pathfinder, the adorable and talkative robot, has always been highly favored by players who prioritize mobility. His remarkable grapple ability, considered one of the game's most versatile movement techniques, rewards players with incredible advantages when executed with skill. Additionally, his ultimate ability frequently enables him and his team to traverse new terrain, proving particularly valuable in bridging horizontal distances. Completing his impressive repertoire, his passive ability conveniently replenishes his ultimate by utilizing survey beacons. These combined attributes undeniably establish Pathfinder as a true superstar.
Mad Maggie
Mad Maggie burst onto the scene in Season 12 with a formidable kit, making her a viable choice for players. Additionally, she received helpful buffs in Season 14 that have further improved her abilities. Her passive ability not only allows her to briefly scan enemies after dealing damage, but also grants increased movement speed with shotguns. Furthermore, her tactical ability inflicts damage through obstacles, effectively forcing enemies out of their positions. As for her ultimate ability, it deploys speed boost pads and detonates upon enemies, causing damage and disorientation. Undeniably, Mad Maggie is currently a meta legend and a fantastic alternative to other aggressive legends such as Wraith, Bloodhound, and Octane.
Vantage immediately made a strong impact and has maintained her momentum. Her versatile toolkit benefits both her and her teammates in various situations, making her an excellent choice for any type of player. With her passive, she can provide valuable information to her team even without a weapon. Her tactical ability allows her to position her bat companion, Echo, which she can then use to propel herself and perform double jumps. Furthermore, her ultimate ability grants her a sniper rifle that can mark enemies, enabling her teammates to inflict additional damage. Selecting Vantage ensures that you can greatly assist your team from any distance, making you a formidable adversary.
Catalyst introduces a new defensive kit to the game. She has expertise in ferrofluid and can employ it to obstruct the line of sight of opponents or set traps. Her tactical ability lays spikes on the ground, hindering and inflicting damage on enemies attempting to advance. Moreover, her ultimate ability enables her to construct a substantial wall of ferrofluid that obstructs foes' vision and slows and disorients them if they attempt to penetrate it. With her passive ability, she can even block doors using the substance, making her an excellent choice for players focused on defense.
Ash has established herself as a formidable contender ever since joining the roster. Her tactical prowess proves immensely valuable for blocking doors and impeding foes, although it can pose challenges when aiming at varying distances. Her ultimate demands careful placement, yet her ability to swiftly teleport to new locations makes her an exceptional choice for flanking enthusiasts. Moreover, the ability to track player deaths across the map can greatly assist teams in executing better rotations. Ash is undeniably lethal when wielded by capable hands.
These legendary characters are excellent choices that offer specific advantages in certain situations, particularly when handled by skilled players. However, they lack the extensive versatility required to earn a high recommendation. In this tier, we have a selection of seven legends.
Reimagined as the defensive legend CausticHorizon
Horizon emerges as an invaluable legend, empowering players who can seize the potential of her remarkable passive and versatile tactical ability. Her passive skill enables her to swiftly recover from high falls, instantly resuming her offensive prowess upon landing. Meanwhile, her tactical ability offers a vertical boost to elevated locations, bestowing upon her an extraordinary advantage for scaling new heights, albeit shared with adversaries. Although her ultimate ability effectively establishes territorial control in close-quarter encounters, its susceptibility to destruction or disregard in various scenarios should be noted. Nevertheless, for those willing to trade a lackluster ultimate ability for unparalleled maneuverability, Horizon proves to be an exceptional choice.
Revenant has undergone a complete rework, enhancing his signature ability to climb walls swiftly and granting him the ability to detect nearby players with low health. Additionally, if Revenant is the one responsible for reducing an enemy's health, he will mark the target for his teammates. His new tactical ability enables him to charge forward and either close the distance on moving enemies or reach higher areas. Lastly, his new ultimate ability provides temporary shields for added protection, which can be highly advantageous when initiating a fight, especially since they fully recharge upon downing an enemy. This overhaul has significantly improved Revenant, positioning him as a viable choice for both aggressive and defensive teams.
Rampart has seen an improvement in Season 10, transforming from a low-ranking character to a solid choice for defensive players. Her viability has been further enhanced in Season 13 with buffs. Her amped walls offer additional coverage and increased damage when shooting through them. Additionally, her passive ability makes her even deadlier when wielding LMGs, which are already known for their power. While her ultimate, the giant gatling gun named Sheila, can now be used while on the move, it significantly slows her down, allowing skilled opponents to easily flank her. Although Rampart lacks the mobility required to be considered meta, those seeking a unique challenge will discover that she packs a strong punch.
Loba reigns as the queen of loot, making her a highly prized asset for any team in need of supplies. Her passive ability grants her the ability to spot purple items behind walls and within containers. Additionally, her ultimate power erects a shop where both she and her teammates can browse through nearby loot, acquiring up to two items each and as much ammunition as they can carry. While her tactical skill, a throwable and teleporting bracelet, may appear lackluster and awkward at first glance, it proves highly useful for evading dangerous situations. While Loba may not rank among the top-tier legends in terms of combat prowess, the advantages of easy loot should not be underestimated.
After receiving a buff in Season 11, Wattson has transitioned from being a C-tier legend to a solid B-tier choice for players who enjoy holding down specific areas. Her electrified fences are effective in causing chaos for aggressive enemy teams attempting to push towards her, and her ultimate ability functions as a pylon that replenishes shields and obliterates incoming explosives, making it harder for opposing squads to fend off her team's attacks. However, despite her usefulness, Wattson requires significant time and effort to set up a stronghold that holds significance, and she lacks offensive capabilities, which means she is not an essential pick for most teams.
Recon specialist Crypto's buffs in Season 12 have transformed him from perhaps the weakest character to a valuable choice for players seeking a legend who excels in both aggressive and passive situations. While his original abilities, such as manually flying his drone in first-person and utilizing an EMP stun blast that deals 50 damage to enemy shields, remain unchanged, he now has a new ability. This new feature allows him to throw his drone in a straight line, scanning for enemies along its path. Additionally, the drone can now attach to walls for extended surveillance. With these enhancements, he has become a respectable option for most team compositions, though still not as powerful overall as Bloodhound.
Bangalore in Apex Legends has always been known for her balanced abilities. However, in Season 19, she received a significant nerf that has made her kit slightly less effective. Her passive ability allows her to move quickly while under fire, and her ultimate is perfect for denying outdoor areas. Unfortunately, both abilities have seen a noticeable decrease in duration. Additionally, her smoke grenades can be useful for providing cover during a revive or escape, but they can also be a liability for your team if used during gunfights, obstructing their vision and causing chaos. As a result, using Bangalore to her fullest potential requires a high level of awareness.
These legends have potential but need significant improvements to match the effectiveness of superior legends. This tier consists of four legends.
Support legend LifelineLifeline
Lifeline has received significant improvements in Season 16. Her ability to revive teammates while actively engaging in combat is extremely valuable, especially now that the penalty for doing so has been greatly decreased. Additionally, her healing bot can provide assistance in urgent situations, especially when medical supplies are running low. Moreover, Lifeline's ultimate ability, which calls for a care package, has been significantly enhanced in Season 16. The deployment range has been increased, and the drop animation speed has been reduced. However, despite these improvements, Lifeline is still considered a situational character and may not be necessary in most team compositions.
Fuse is a legend who brings explosive chaos to the Apex Games. With his tactical ability to launch a cluster bomb and his ultimate ability to unleash a deadly ring of fire, Fuse excels at breaking through enemy defenses and clearing out tight spaces. However, his lack of mobility and susceptibility to being caught in the open make him a risky choice for those who prefer a more strategic approach. Despite his explosive prowess, Fuse is considered a decent, but not outstanding, option for most teams.
Seer's abilities provide a unique and powerful area denial effect, making it difficult for enemies to advance. Unlike Fuse, Seer's entire kit is captivating, including his passive ability which allows him to detect enemies through walls. His ultimate ability, known as "Shadowfall," truly solidifies his strength by trapping enemies within a dark realm, making it challenging for them to escape. Seer surpasses Fuse in terms of versatility and effectiveness, making him a standout legend in any situation.
These legends are currently struggling and are hard to recommend to anyone except for the most dedicated fans of the characters and their abilities. In this tier, there is only one legend.
CryptoMirage, the Recon legend with a mischievous nature.
Mirage, a clever trickster, possesses a playful arsenal that allows him to create decoys and manipulate them at will. His ultimate ability unleashes a flurry of these decoys, granting him a fleeting moment of invisibility. While it's undeniably entertaining to confuse enemy squads, Mirage's value to a team extends only so far as his ability to briefly vanish while reviving teammates. Unfortunately, his lack of mobility hampers his overall effectiveness. Skilled players may be able to overcome these limitations, but the majority of teams will discover that Mirage's true potential lies in bringing laughter to the battlefield rather than maximizing strategic opportunities.
Editor's P/S
As an enthusiastic fan of Apex Legends, I am thrilled to see the release of the Season 19 Battle Royale Tier List. This list provides valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of each legend, helping players make informed decisions about their character choices.
In this season, Wraith, Bloodhound, and Gibraltar dominate the S-Tier, showcasing their exceptional abilities and minimal vulnerabilities. Wraith's tactical and ultimate abilities offer unmatched mobility and utility, making her a formidable opponent. Bloodhound's scanning capabilities and ultimate provide crucial information about enemy locations, granting a significant advantage to their team. Gibraltar's defensive prowess, with his gun shield and deployable bubble, makes him a resilient and intimidating force on the battlefield.
The A-Tier legends, including Valkyrie, Octane, Pathfinder, Horizon, and Seer, possess specialized skills that excel in specific roles. Valkyrie's ability to reposition her team quickly and disrupt enemy movements with her ultimate makes her a valuable asset. Octane's speed and mobility, combined with his jump pad, offer aggressive playstyles and swift rotations. Pathfinder's grappling hook allows for exceptional mobility and access to advantageous positions, making him a versatile choice. Horizon's gravity manipulation abilities provide crowd control and defensive options, while Seer's tactical and ultimate abilities grant vital information about enemy locations and disrupt their movements.
In conclusion, the Apex Legends Season 19 Battle Royale Tier List serves as an excellent resource for players looking to optimize their gameplay and climb the ranks. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each legend, players can make informed decisions about their character choices and strategies, enhancing their chances of success in the battle royale arena.