Uhura's Unforgettable Feats: Saving the Enterprise in Breathtaking New Worlds

Uhura's Unforgettable Feats: Saving the Enterprise in Breathtaking New Worlds

Uhura's invaluable contributions to the Enterprise shine in 'Strange New Worlds' as she saves the day in thrilling episodes like 'Children of the Comet' and 'Hegemony' A true MVP, her actions and quick thinking ensure the crew's survival


Celia Rose Gooding revitalizes the character of Nyota Uhura in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, elevating her role to that of a crucial and highly esteemed member of the crew.

Uhura's linguistic prowess proves invaluable in "Children of the Comet," as she successfully interacts with a comet, effectively disabling its force field and ultimately saving the entire landing party.

Throughout Strange New Worlds, Uhura consistently demonstrates her exceptional intellect, adaptability, and empathy, cementing her irreplaceable role within the USS Enterprise crew. Episodes such as "Memento Mori" and "Lost in Translation" vividly display her indispensable contributions.

Nyota Uhura, played by Celia Rose Gooding, has consistently rescued the Enterprise multiple times in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. While Uhura has always held significance in the Star Trek universe, it is within Strange New Worlds and Gooding's portrayal that the character truly thrives. Originally portrayed by the late Nichelle Nichols in Star Trek: The Original Series, Nyota Uhura's impact on the franchise is enduring. Although her contributions on TOS were not always prominent, Uhura laid the foundation for the actors and characters that followed her.

In Strange New Worlds, Celia Rose Gooding pays homage to Nichols' initial interpretation of Uhura while simultaneously reinvigorating the character in captivating ways. Not only does Uhura play a more substantial role on Captain Christopher Pike's Enterprise, but she also becomes an indispensable member of the crew. Uhura has played a significant role in saving the day on numerous occasions, and the Enterprise and its crew would face greater harm without her presence. Whether she holds the rank of cadet, ensign, or lieutenant, Nyota Uhura remains a cherished and vital character within the Star Trek realm.

7 “Children of the Comet” - Season 1, Episode 2

Uhura's Unforgettable Feats: Saving the Enterprise in Breathtaking New Worlds

"Children of the Comet" illuminates Uhura's exceptional linguistic abilities as she speaks a staggering 37 languages, ultimately serving as the savior of the day. Despite initially feeling uncertain about her skills, Uhura joins the landing party on an expedition to study a comet, aided by Spock and the team who remind her of her valuable presence. In a moment of anxiety, Uhura's calming hum unexpectedly triggers a response from the chamber they are in. This breakthrough enables the landing party to establish a unique form of communication with the comet, leading to the deactivation of the protective force field enveloping it and ultimately preserving their lives. As the episode concludes, Uhura astutely deduces that the comet possessed knowledge of its destiny even before the arrival of the Enterprise.

6 "Memento Mori" - Season 1, Episode 4

Uhura's Unforgettable Feats: Saving the Enterprise in Breathtaking New Worlds

While the majority of this episode focuses on other characters, Uhura demonstrates her versatility when Chief Engineer Lt. Hemmer (Bruce Horak) gets injured. A Gorn ship attacks the USS Enterprise, resulting in Hemmer breaking his right hand and rendering him unable to fix the damaged AP 350 atmospheric processor on board. In a race against time to prevent a catastrophic explosion, Hemmer guides Uhura through the repair process. Unfortunately, the AP 350 malfunctions before she can complete the repairs. Uhura and Hemmer are forced to don EV suits while the AP 350 is ejected into space. Not only does Uhura maintain her composure under immense pressure, but she also manages to impress the notoriously hard-to-impress Lt. Hemmer.

5 "Life Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach" - Season 1, Episode 6

Uhura's Unforgettable Feats: Saving the Enterprise in Breathtaking New Worlds

During "Life Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach", the Enterprise comes to the aid of the individuals on board a shuttle that has sustained damage. Pike immediately recognizes Alora (Lindy Booth), the minister of Majalis, among the passengers. Uhura, utilizing her translation skills, examines an alien data chip discovered on the shuttle and uncovers Alora's deception regarding the true nature of the colony where she, Gamal (Huse Madhavji), and the First Servant (Ian Ho), a young child, originate from. Later on, Uhura stumbles upon Gamal attempting to conceal the First Servant. Though Uhura doesn't fully uncover the truth, she provides enough information to Pike to confront Alora. Consequently, Pike learns that Majalis depends on the unnecessary suffering of the First Servant.

4 "All Those Who Wander" - Season 1, Episode 9

Uhura's Unforgettable Feats: Saving the Enterprise in Breathtaking New Worlds

Uhura's personal log marks the beginning of "All Those Who Wander," recounting her reflections on the conclusion of her time as a Cadet aboard the Enterprise. Subsequently, a priority one mission lands on the Enterprise's doorstep, necessitating an investigation of Valeo Beta V, the very planet where the USS Peregrine was forced to make an emergency landing. Uhura accompanies the landing party to the planet's surface, where she aids Hemmer in restoring power to the abandoned Peregrine. Amidst a Gorn assault, it is Uhura who proposes a method to draw the Gorn out, and she adeptly entices one of the creatures to pursue her by firing at it. Sam Kirk (Dan Jeannotte) aptly remarks that Uhura excels in all she does.

3 "Lost in Translation" - Season 2, Episode 6

Uhura's Unforgettable Feats: Saving the Enterprise in Breathtaking New Worlds

2 "Subspace Rhapsody" - Season 2, Episode 9

"Lost in Translation" not only delves deeper into Uhura's backstory, but also exemplifies her invaluable role aboard the Enterprise. Uhura's brilliance and competence are evident, yet it is her exceptional empathy and compassion that ultimately saves the day. Despite being the only one able to hear the enigmatic sounds, she tenaciously strives to trace their origins. When she uncovers the detrimental impact of the Enterprise's presence in a nebula on the indigenous aliens, Uhura promptly alerts Captain Pike, urging him to cease the dilithium mining operations. Without the decisive actions of Uhura, the Enterprise would have persisted in potentially obliterating an entire sentient alien species.

Uhura's Unforgettable Feats: Saving the Enterprise in Breathtaking New Worlds

Uhura comes into her own in the captivating musical episode of 'Strange New Worlds'. She assumes her rightful Star Trek role as she orchestrates the unity of the Enterprise crew to triumph over adversity. "Subspace Rhapsody" commences with Uhura diligently manning her comm station, deftly directing incoming calls and ensuring their prompt delivery to the intended recipients. Throughout the episode, she takes center stage during pivotal musical performances, with Celia Rose Gooding enthralling audiences with her phenomenal vocals in Uhura's solo number, "Keep Us Connected." In the climactic finale, Uhura leads the entire Enterprise crew in a stirring musical extravaganza, finally liberating them from the grasp of the subspace field that compelled them to sing.

1 "Hegemony" - Season 2, Episode 10

Uhura's Unforgettable Feats: Saving the Enterprise in Breathtaking New Worlds

Ensign Uhura once again demonstrates her intelligence and value to the Enterprise crew in the intense season 2 finale of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds titled "Hegemony." Upon responding to a distress call from the USS Cayuga, Captain Pike and his landing party find themselves stranded on a planet infested with Gorn alongside the survivors from the Cayuga. Working alongside Chief Engineer Pelia (portrayed by Carol Kane), Uhura successfully identifies the source of the Gorn's communications and transporter-blocking field. Moreover, she proposes a daring plan to utilize the saucer section of the Cayuga as a projectile weapon, targeting the structure obstructing the signals.

Throughout the season, Uhura's confidence has grown, enabling her to voice even her most unconventional ideas. Her consistent proven capabilities have made her an indispensable member of the USS Enterprise crew. While she may not single-handedly save the Enterprise, Uhura frequently serves as a catalyst for collective teamwork and idea generation. Thanks to the impactful portrayal by Celia Rose Gooding and the character development provided by the writers, Nyota Uhura truly shines in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.