Trunks Fanart Sparks Global Demand for a Dragon Ball Z Retcon

Trunks Fanart Sparks Global Demand for a Dragon Ball Z Retcon

Dragon Ball Z's Trunks has captivated the hearts of Japanese and international fans alike with his iconic appeal This sensational fanart has created a frenzy among enthusiasts worldwide, showcasing the enduring popularity of this beloved character Discover the intriguing backstory and evolution of Trunks that has left fans begging for a retcon

Dragon Ball Z's Trunks has garnered a significant fanbase, and it's not hard to understand why. In a roster filled with powerful Saiyans and extraterrestrials, he stands out as one of the rare individuals who wields a formidable melee weapon - his iconic sword. Since his grand entrance into the series, Trunks has brought an electrifying presence. However, a stunning piece of fanart has recently emerged, causing fans to reconsider his original appearance.

Emerging from a dystopian future to forewarn Goku and the other Z Fighters of an impending catastrophe, the Trunks depicted in the anime serves as a trustworthy ally, drawing inspiration from his various mentors. Now, Twitter user @DBSKAKERU1 has taken their creativity to new heights with an awe-inspiring fanart.

Dragon Ball Z fans all over the world are going crazy for this Trunks fanart

Dragon Ball Z enthusiasts with keen observation skills will easily spot the familiar references in @DBSKAKERU1’s portrayal of Trunks. From the striking resemblance of his broadsword gifted by Tapion to the uncanny similarity of his gi to Gohan’s attire. Trunks' Super Saiyan transformation, bestowed upon him by his father Vegeta, cannot go unnoticed. Not to mention, even his choice of shoes pays homage to his mother Bulma’s iconic boots.

The fanart has garnered a massive following as fans worldwide use it as a medium to convey their admiration. They have showered the artist with compliments on the art's stunning appearance and have even expressed their desire for this version of Trunks to be adopted in the official Dragon Ball Z series. Undoubtedly, this fanart has generated immense excitement among fans across the globe.

The origin of Trunks

Trunks Fanart Sparks Global Demand for a Dragon Ball Z Retcon

Trunks as he appears in Dragon Ball Z. (Image via Toei Animation)

Trunks' popularity may not be as instantly recognizable as Goku or Vegeta, but there is a good reason behind it - his time-traveling adventures. The fanart depicts Future Trunks, who hails from a dystopian future ruled by Androids. In Season 4 of Dragon Ball Z, he travels back in time to prevent Goku from succumbing to a terminal heart disease and to protect the world from descending into the same ruin.

In a stunning display, he slices Mecha Frieza into pieces and eliminates King Cold before they can unleash havoc on earth, leaving fans in shock. It was a surprising departure from the expected Goku and Frieza confrontation, captivating fans. This iconic introduction undoubtedly contributed to Trunks' popularity even before his true identity as Vegeta's son was revealed.

However, Trunks' challenges in Dragon Ball Z extend beyond the Androids. He later confronts the immensely powerful Goku Black and Future Zamasu, two deities with the goal of eradicating all mortal life. Given these formidable adversaries, it is not surprising that Trunks is adored by fans. He embodies the spirit of an underdog.

Trunks Fanart Sparks Global Demand for a Dragon Ball Z Retcon

This is Trunks as he is depicted in Dragon Ball Super. (Image credit: Toei Animation)

Despite the conclusion of Trunks' storyline in Dragon Ball, it is highly possible that fans have not yet seen the last of this time-traveling Super Saiyan. Although his involvement in Dragon Ball Super seems to have come to an end, there is a chance that he will make an appearance in future Dragon Ball media. Perhaps he will don a similar appearance as the one portrayed in the fanart created by @DBSKAKERU1? This certainly remains a possibility that cannot be ruled out.

For now, Trunks will continue to be adored by fans for his time-traveling adventures and truly remarkable debut. Devoted Dragon Ball Z enthusiasts will persist in creating artworks as heartfelt tributes to Vegeta's beloved offspring.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I have grown up watching Dragon Ball Z and Trunks has always been one of my favorite characters. I love his design, his personality, and his story. I think he's a really cool character and I'm glad that he's getting so much attention lately.

I think the fanart that has been circulating recently is amazing. It's really cool to see Trunks in a different style and I think it's a great way to show how much fans love the character. I would love to see more fanart like this in the future.

Overall, I think Trunks is a great character and I'm glad that he's getting the attention he deserves. I hope to see more of him in the future.