Transformers: Rise of the Beasts has received a Rotten Tomatoes score that surpasses all Michael Bay movies except for the original Transformers. The latest addition to the Transformers franchise is directed by Steven Caple Jr., renowned for directing Creed II in 2018. Set in 1994, Rise of the Beasts explores new territory for the series, featuring a variety of Transformers for an adrenaline-fueled ride. Critics have started to weigh in on the movie, with a current score of 55 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 51 reviews. While the score is expected to change as more reviews come in, it is evident that Rise of the Beasts has outperformed most Michael Bay movies, with the exception of the original Transformers, which has a 57 percent score. Additionally, it ranks as the third-best live-action Transformers movie, with Bumblebee from 2018 taking the top spot with a score of 91 percent.
Source: Rotten Tomatoes