Ramsey Naito, President of Paramount Animation, has given fans a glimpse of what to expect from Cybertron in the upcoming animated film Transformers One. Set before the events of the live-action Transformers movies, the film delves into the backstory of how Optimus Prime and Megatron became archenemies while forming the Autobots and Decepticons, respectively. Unlike its live-action counterparts, Transformers One will take place entirely on Cybertron, the Transformers' home planet. During an interview with Deadline, Naito shared insights into how Cybertron will be portrayed in the film and why it's the perfect setting for an animated feature.
The cast of the show is truly impressive and the storyline revolves around the origin of Megatron and Optimus, portraying a brotherly bond that eventually turns sour. The events take place on Cybertron, the planet that is portrayed as a character in itself, with a vibrant and awe-inspiring personality, unlike the depiction seen in the live-action movies where it is destroyed. The show's focus on the characters' past and the planet's beauty is something that fans have always been curious about. While it would be challenging to create a similar experience in live-action, animation allows for the perfect opportunity to bring this story to life.
Everything We Know About Transformers One
The upcoming film Transformers One, directed by Josh Cooley of Toy Story 4 fame, boasts an impressive cast led by Chris Hemsworth as Optimus Prime and Brian Tyree Henry as Megatron, known for his roles in Godzilla vs. Kong and Eternals. The rest of the star-studded lineup includes Keegan Michael Key as Bumblebee, Jon Hamm as Sentinel Prime, Scarlett Johansson as Elita, and Laurence Fishburne as Alpha Trion. Originally scheduled for a July 2024 release, the film's debut has been postponed to September 13, 2024, providing more time for the studio to perfect the animation, including the depiction of Cybertron before the rise of the Decepticons. While the main focus will be on Optimus Prime and Megatron, the movie also has the potential to delve deeper into the world of Cybertron, offering a fresh perspective not yet seen in the live-action Transformers franchise.
The upcoming Transformers One movie will delve into the events that took place on Cybertron before the Autobots and Decepticons began their war. Fans can expect to uncover new details about the early days of Optimus Prime and Megatron's conflict when the movie releases in September 2024.