Transformers 9 Anticipation: 10 Expectations for the Exciting G.I. Joe Collaboration

Transformers 9 Anticipation: 10 Expectations for the Exciting G.I. Joe Collaboration

Discover the essential elements fans are hoping to see in Transformers 9, as the epic G.I. Joe crossover promises thrilling surprises and iconic moments.

The end of Transformers: Rise of the Beasts hinted at a crossover with G.I. Joe in the next Transformers movie. This means that the upcoming sequel will need to include many new characters and plot points from both franchises. While G.I. Joe and Transformers have previously only crossed paths in the comics, there is a lot of potential for exciting onscreen collaborations between the two worlds. Bringing G.I. Joe into the Transformers universe will bring a fresh perspective and add new layers to both franchises, enhancing their appeal in the world of film and TV.

In Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, Anthony Ramos plays Noah, a tech-savvy young man who finds himself caught up in a battle between the Autobots and Maximals against the Terrorcons.

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts features Anthony Ramos as Noah, a tech-savvy young man who finds himself caught in a fierce battle between the Autobots and Maximals against the Terrorcons. The movie takes place before the events of the original 2007 Transformers film by director Michael Bay, adding more depth to the universe's lore and worldbuilding. Fans can look forward to Transformers 8 and Transformers 9, with Transformers 8 promising to introduce new elements that will expand the current movies' storyline.

Catch Transformers: Rise of the Beasts on Prime Video.

Maximals, Autobots, And Joes Fighting Together

Using their combined power to take down any enemies

Optimus Primal with his mouth agape in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. - Using their combined power to take down any enemies - Maximals, Autobots, And Joes Fighting Together

Optimus Primal with his mouth agape in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. - Using their combined power to take down any enemies - Maximals, Autobots, And Joes Fighting Together

The Maximals in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts are a standout introduction. They have a strong connection to the Autobots, making them relatable to the audience. With impressive fighting abilities, they are valuable allies in the battle against evil. The Joes are gearing up to face a new enemy and will need all the help they can get, including the support of different Autobots. Despite some Maximals being caught in the heat of the battle, there is hope as there may be more out there in the vastness of space.

The Return Of Anthony Ramos

Now that he has been recruited by G.I. Joe

Dominique Fishback and Anthony Ramos in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts.  - Now that he has been recruited by G.I. Joe - The Return Of Anthony Ramos

Dominique Fishback and Anthony Ramos in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts.  - Now that he has been recruited by G.I. Joe - The Return Of Anthony Ramos

Noah, played by Ramos, was the heart of Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. For the new trilogy to succeed, it must leverage his acting skills. Throughout the movie, Noah undergoes significant growth, gaining confidence and shouldering responsibilities. In the final moments, the Joes approach him, acknowledging his progress and contributions. Wherever Noah goes next with the Autobots, he will carry a renewed commitment to protecting the world.

Introducing New Joe Characters

From the existing movies and shows, and the comics

Dwayne Johnson and Channing Tatum in military gear in GI Joe Retaliation - From the existing movies and shows, and the comics - Introducing New Joe Characters

Dwayne Johnson and Channing Tatum in military gear in GI Joe Retaliation - From the existing movies and shows, and the comics - Introducing New Joe Characters

Although the G.I. Joe movies haven't been as successful as the Transformers films, there are still many interesting characters and stories to explore. Some G.I. Joe characters may not be a good fit for a crossover with Transformers, but there are plenty that would seamlessly blend into the world of Autobots and machinery. Characters like Zartan and Major Bludd could make great adversaries, while Scarlett and Lady Jaye would bring strong female representation to the typically male-focused films.

Who The Joes Are Fighting With

Unicron, other aliens, or something even worse?

Transformers rise of beasts unicron - Unicron, other aliens, or something even worse? - Who The Joes Are Fighting With

Transformers rise of beasts unicron - Unicron, other aliens, or something even worse? - Who The Joes Are Fighting With

In Rise of the Beasts, Noah catches a glimpse of the Joes' mission, but there are still many unanswered questions about the threat they are up against. It seems to be their most dangerous challenge yet, making Noah and the Autobots valuable allies. While it may be tough for the Joes to win over the Autobots alone, Noah could play a key role in convincing them to join forces. Together, they can show the others that the Joes are trustworthy and that they must work together to defeat the new enemies.

The Autobots And Joes In Space

Finally stepping outside Earth and seeing what's out there

Optimus Prime standing atop a mountain in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts - Finally stepping outside Earth and seeing what's out there - The Autobots And Joes In Space

Optimus Prime standing atop a mountain in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts - Finally stepping outside Earth and seeing what's out there - The Autobots And Joes In Space

Noah's interactions with the Joes revealed a peek at an alien spacecraft they were investigating. This hints at space travel becoming a big part of Transformers 8. The Joes may have spaceships for Noah and the Autobots to journey in, or the Autobots could transform into ships themselves for intergalactic travel. Incorporating the broader universe into a franchise typically set on Earth can be challenging, but the Autobots' origins make it a natural next step in the story.

New Autobots From Other Planets

New characters, actors, and whatever motivations they might have

Sideswipe looking at someone in Transformers Revenge of the Fallen. - New characters, actors, and whatever motivations they might have - New Autobots From Other Planets

Sideswipe looking at someone in Transformers Revenge of the Fallen. - New characters, actors, and whatever motivations they might have - New Autobots From Other Planets

When the Autobots and Joes venture into space, they may come across Autobots hailing from other planets. In the upcoming Transformers 8, the introduction of Dinobots presents a fresh opportunity to explore a new type of Autobot. Furthermore, there is a chance for the creators to invent brand new Autobots that could inhabit uncharted planets and worlds. While this departure from established lore might stir some debate, the incorporation of G.I. Joe elements ensures that the Autobots remain engaging and relevant.

The Development Of Agent Burke's Character

Played by Michael Kelly

Michael Kelly as Agent Burke in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. - Played by Michael Kelly - The Development Of Agent Burke's Character

Michael Kelly as Agent Burke in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. - Played by Michael Kelly - The Development Of Agent Burke's Character

Michael Kelly played a key role in introducing the idea of merging universes in Rise of the Beasts. Agent Burke, portrayed by Kelly, remains a mystery to both the audience and Noah. He suggested that Noah team up with the Joes for their next mission, but not much else is known about him. This clever move by the filmmakers leaves the door open for Burke to evolve and take on different roles in the future movie. While his character may change to fit the storyline, one thing is for sure - he will have a significant presence in the film.

Noah And Elena Working Together Again

Their partnership was a great update for the Transformers franchise

Elena and Noah in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts - Their partnership was a great update for the Transformers franchise - Noah And Elena Working Together Again

Elena and Noah in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts - Their partnership was a great update for the Transformers franchise - Noah And Elena Working Together Again

Elena (Dominique Fishback) in Transformers was a refreshing change with her smart and capable character. She was well-developed and brought to life brilliantly by Fishback. Her partnership with Noah was equal, both lost and confused in the face of the Autobots' power. Together, they played a crucial role in helping the Autobots and Maximals. Bringing Elena back in Transformers 8 would add depth to the film with her compelling character dynamic.

Henry Golding Joining The Universe

Returning as Snake Eyes and revitalizing his original film

Henry Golding as Snake Eyes in Snake Eyes - Returning as Snake Eyes and revitalizing his original film - Henry Golding Joining The Universe

Henry Golding as Snake Eyes in Snake Eyes - Returning as Snake Eyes and revitalizing his original film - Henry Golding Joining The Universe

Snake Eyes is a crucial figure in the G.I. Joe world, despite the mixed reviews of his standalone movie. Henry Golding, who played Snake Eyes, did a fantastic job bringing the character to life. It would make sense to have him continue in future films, as he is a talented and engaging actor. Plus, it would be odd for Transformers 8 not to include such an iconic G.I. Joe hero. Having Golding on board would also help connect the different movie universes smoothly.

Watch Snake Eyes on Hulu.

New Threats From Cobra Commando And Decepticons

The journey and motivations of the villains are just as important as the heroes.

The Creators terraforming Earth in Transformers_ Age of Extinction - The journey and motivations of the villains are just as important as the heroes. - New Threats From Cobra Commando And Decepticons

The Creators terraforming Earth in Transformers_ Age of Extinction - The journey and motivations of the villains are just as important as the heroes. - New Threats From Cobra Commando And Decepticons

Every movie needs a great villain to make the story exciting. In G.I. Joe and Transformers, there are some really strong villains to choose from. In Transformers 8, which is set in space, the villains' plans could be huge. The fate of the world is often in danger in these movies, but imagine if the Decepticons and Cobra Commandos teamed up to try to destroy the whole universe. That would be a thrilling new story idea to explore.

Editor's P/S:

This article provides an intriguing glimpse into the potential of a Transformers and G.I. Joe crossover film. The prospect of combining these two iconic franchises offers boundless opportunities for storytelling and character development. The introduction of G.I. Joe characters could refresh the Transformers universe, adding new perspectives and dynamics. The article also highlights the importance of developing existing characters like Noah and Agent Burke and introducing new ones from different planets. The possibilities for space travel and intergalactic battles add another exciting dimension to the franchise.

Overall, the article effectively sets the stage for what could be a highly entertaining and captivating cinematic experience. The combination of Transformers' rich mythology and G.I. Joe's diverse characters creates a fertile ground for imaginative storytelling and action-packed battles. Fans of both franchises will eagerly await the release of Transformers 8 to witness the epic collision of these beloved worlds.