Top 7 Unplanned TV Couples That Stole the Show

Top 7 Unplanned TV Couples That Stole the Show

TV shows often surprise audiences with unplanned romantic pairings that end up stealing the spotlight. Here are seven couples that were not part of the original plan, but captivated viewers with their chemistry and charm.

Stiles & Lydia

Stiles and Lydia from Teen Wolf were not initially intended to be a couple, but the audience's overwhelming response to their on-screen chemistry led to their eventual romance. From season 1 to the series' end, their friends-first dynamic and undeniable connection made them a fan-favorite couple.

Stiles and Lydia Dance in Teen Wolf

Stiles and Lydia Dance in Teen Wolf

Their relationship endured ups and downs, and although they ultimately broke up, their love story left a lasting impact on the show's fans.

Stiles and Lydia Go to Mexico in Teen Wolf Season 4

Stiles and Lydia Go to Mexico in Teen Wolf Season 4

Chandler & Monica

In Friends, Chandler and Monica's relationship was an unexpected turn of events that captured the hearts of viewers. Originally meant to be a one-time fling, their romance blossomed into a long-term and meaningful partnership, overshadowing the show's main couple, Ross and Rachel, for many fans.

Monica and Chandler Get Together in Friends' Season 4 Finale

Monica and Chandler Get Together in Friends' Season 4 Finale

Sheldon & Amy

The Big Bang Theory initially introduced Amy as a one-off character, but the strong chemistry between the actors led to her becoming a pivotal part of the series. The unexpected romance between Sheldon and Amy became a fan favorite, culminating in a marriage that showcased their intellectual connection and mutual adoration.

Sheldon and Amy in Bed Talking and Amy Holding Sheldon's Face in The Big Bang Theory

Sheldon and Amy in Bed Talking and Amy Holding Sheldon's Face in The Big Bang Theory

Spike & Buffy

Buffy the Vampire Slayer's creators had not planned for another vampire and slayer romance after Buffy and Angel, but Spike's character development and the undeniable chemistry between the actors led to a captivating and popular pairing. Despite their tumultuous relationship, Spike and Buffy became an iconic TV couple.

Buffy Is On Top of Spike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy Is On Top of Spike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Oliver & Felicity

Arrow's Felicity, initially a minor character, evolved into a significant presence on the show. The unexpected romance between Oliver and Felicity, despite the comic canon's suggestion of a different endgame, became a highlight of the series due to the electric chemistry between the actors.

Felicity Kissing Oliver on the Cheek in Arrow

Felicity Kissing Oliver on the Cheek in Arrow

Barney & Robin

How I Met Your Mother's Barney and Robin were not intended to end up together, but their undeniable chemistry and the audience's overwhelming response to their potential as a couple led to a surprising and memorable romance. Despite the show's problematic finale, Barney and Robin's relationship left a lasting impact on fans.

Barney and Robin at the Hospital Confessing Their Love in How I Met Your Mother

Barney and Robin at the Hospital Confessing Their Love in How I Met Your Mother

J.D. & Elliot

Scrubs' J.D. and Elliot were not initially planned as endgame, but due to external pressure, their romantic storyline was added to the series. Despite their ups and downs, their love story resonated with viewers and became an iconic part of the show's narrative.

Zach Braff as JD and Sarah Chalke as Elliot Kissing in Scrubs

Zach Braff as JD and Sarah Chalke as Elliot Kissing in Scrubs