Top 10 Tips for Jurassic World 4 to Shine Bright

Top 10 Tips for Jurassic World 4 to Shine Bright

Discover the essential strategies for Jurassic World 4 to stand out and captivate audiences

1. Illuminate the Dinosaurs on the Big Screen

In the realm of blockbuster movies, showcasing the stars of the show is paramount. While Gareth Edwards' Godzilla remake kept fans waiting for the iconic monster, Jurassic World 4 should take a different approach. Let the dinosaurs roar and rule the screen, captivating audiences with their majestic presence.

One of the key factors that contributed to the success of the original Jurassic Park film was the awe-inspiring portrayal of dinosaurs. Jurassic World 4 should prioritize bringing these prehistoric creatures to life in a visually stunning and realistic manner. By utilizing cutting-edge special effects and cinematography, the film can create breathtaking visuals that immerse viewers in the world of dinosaurs. Whether it's a towering T-Rex, a graceful Velociraptor, or a majestic Brachiosaurus, the dinosaurs should be given ample screen time and presented in a way that showcases their power, beauty, and sheer magnitude.

Godzilla destroying a bridge in the 2014 movie

Godzilla destroying a bridge in the 2014 movie

2. Infuse Emotion into the Prehistoric Tale

A visual spectacle is not enough to create a lasting impact. Drawing inspiration from 'The Creator,' Jurassic World 4 must delve deep into the emotional cores of its characters. Forge connections that resonate with the audience, adding layers of depth and humanity to the thrilling dinosaur saga.

To truly engage the audience, Jurassic World 4 should focus on creating well-developed and relatable characters. By exploring their fears, hopes, and dreams, the film can establish a strong emotional connection with viewers. This could involve highlighting the bond between humans and dinosaurs, showcasing the characters' struggles and sacrifices, and delving into their personal journeys. By infusing the storyline with emotional moments, the film can elevate itself from a mere action-packed adventure to a truly impactful and memorable experience.

Sergeant Joshua Taylor (John David Washington) looking down at a napping Alphie (Madeleine Yuna Voyles) in The Creator

Sergeant Joshua Taylor (John David Washington) looking down at a napping Alphie (Madeleine Yuna Voyles) in The Creator

3. Maintain a Riveting Pace Throughout

While 'Rogue One' had its moments, pacing issues hindered its full potential. Jurassic World 4 needs to keep the momentum alive from start to finish. Engage viewers with a seamless flow of action and intrigue, ensuring every scene contributes to the grand narrative.

To captivate audiences, Jurassic World 4 should maintain a riveting pace throughout the film. By carefully crafting each scene to contribute to the overall storyline, the film can avoid any moments that feel unnecessary or drag on. The action sequences should be well-choreographed and exhilarating, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. Additionally, the film should provide moments of respite and character development to balance out the intensity, ensuring a well-rounded and engaging experience.

Felicity Jones as Jyn Erso and Diego Luna as Cassian Andor wear Imperial disguises in Rogue One

Felicity Jones as Jyn Erso and Diego Luna as Cassian Andor wear Imperial disguises in Rogue One

4. Embrace the Legacy of the Franchise

Like Edwards' Godzilla reboot, Jurassic World 4 should pay homage to its rich heritage. Dive deep into the mythology of Jurassic Park, drawing inspiration from the original source material. Stay true to the essence of the franchise while introducing fresh perspectives and adventures.

Jurassic World 4 has the opportunity to build upon the legacy of the Jurassic Park franchise while introducing new elements that captivate both long-time fans and newcomers. By incorporating references to the original films, such as iconic locations or characters, the film can create a sense of nostalgia and excitement. However, it's crucial to strike a balance between honoring the past and forging a new path. Jurassic World 4 should introduce fresh ideas, compelling storylines, and unique characters that push the boundaries of the franchise while still capturing its essence.

Godzilla walks in front of a bridge with the sun past the horizon in Godzilla (2014)

Godzilla walks in front of a bridge with the sun past the horizon in Godzilla (2014)

5. Cast Characters with Care

The right casting can elevate a movie to new heights. Learn from the casting missteps of 'The Creator' and ensure that every character in Jurassic World 4 is portrayed with authenticity and charisma. Build a diverse cast that breathes life into the prehistoric world.

The casting of Jurassic World 4 plays a crucial role in bringing the characters to life and creating a believable world. It's essential to select actors who possess the necessary range, talent, and chemistry to portray their respective roles convincingly. By carefully considering the casting choices, the film can ensure that each character feels authentic and relatable to the audience. Furthermore, a diverse cast can bring a unique perspective to the story, enriching the overall narrative and reflecting the diverse world we live in.

John David Washington in The Creator

John David Washington in The Creator

6. Focus on the Human Element

'Monsters' showcased the power of character-driven storytelling in a monster-infested world. Jurassic World 4 should follow suit by placing human relationships at the core of its narrative. Let the dinosaurs serve as a backdrop to the intricate human drama unfolding on screen.

While the dinosaurs are undoubtedly a central aspect of Jurassic World 4, it's essential not to lose sight of the human element. By emphasizing the relationships, conflicts, and personal journeys of the human characters, the film can create a more nuanced and emotionally resonant story. The interactions between the characters should drive the plot forward, with the dinosaurs serving as catalysts for personal growth and change. By exploring themes such as love, friendship, and redemption, Jurassic World 4 can elevate itself beyond a simple monster movie and become a compelling exploration of the human condition.

Andrew Kaulder (Scoot McNairy) standing under a mural depicting the mostly unseen aliens in Monsters

Andrew Kaulder (Scoot McNairy) standing under a mural depicting the mostly unseen aliens in Monsters

7. Embrace the Darker Side

'Rogue One' ventured into darker territories within the Star Wars universe, setting a tone of grit and intensity. Jurassic World 4 has the opportunity to explore the shadows of the prehistoric era, delivering a spine-chilling and suspenseful experience for audiences.

Jurassic World 4 can differentiate itself from its predecessors by embracing a darker and more intense tone. By delving into the darker aspects of the prehistoric era, such as the dangers and threats that the characters face, the film can create a sense of suspense and fear. This can be achieved through atmospheric cinematography, intense action sequences, and a more mature storytelling approach. By taking risks and pushing the boundaries of the franchise, Jurassic World 4 can deliver a thrilling and unforgettable experience for audiences.

The AT-ACTs on the beach of Scarif in Rogue One's teaser trailer

The AT-ACTs on the beach of Scarif in Rogue One

8. Develop Multi-Dimensional Characters

While visuals are essential, well-rounded characters are the heart of any story. Avoid the pitfalls of one-dimensional portrayals seen in Edwards' Godzilla remake. Craft compelling characters with depth and complexity, enriching the Jurassic World saga.

To create a truly immersive and engaging story, Jurassic World 4 must prioritize the development of multi-dimensional characters. Each character should have their own unique motivations, flaws, and arcs that propel the narrative forward. By avoiding one-dimensional portrayals, the film can create more relatable and compelling characters that resonate with the audience. These characters should undergo personal growth, face internal conflicts, and make difficult choices, adding layers of complexity to the overall story. By investing in the development of its characters, Jurassic World 4 can create a more emotionally resonant and memorable experience.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson looking serious in Godzilla 2014

Aaron Taylor-Johnson looking serious in Godzilla 2014

9. Elevate the Visual Spectacle

Visual effects can transport viewers to breathtaking worlds. Take cues from the mesmerizing visuals of 'The Creator' and push the boundaries of VFX in Jurassic World 4. Create a visually stunning landscape that immerses audiences in the prehistoric wonder of dinosaurs.

Jurassic World 4 has the opportunity to push the boundaries of visual effects and create a visually stunning cinematic experience. By drawing inspiration from films like 'The Creator,' the film can utilize state-of-the-art visual effects to bring the prehistoric world to life. From lush landscapes to epic action sequences, the film should strive for visual excellence, transporting viewers to a breathtaking world filled with awe-inspiring dinosaurs. By immersing the audience in a visually stunning environment, Jurassic World 4 can create a sense of wonder and captivate viewers from start to finish.

A character on a mountain in The Creator

A character on a mountain in The Creator

10. Deliver Fan-Service Moments

Fan service can be a powerful tool when executed tastefully. Just as 'Rogue One' delighted fans with memorable scenes, Jurassic World 4 should cater to the audience's desires. Introduce iconic moments that pay homage to the franchise's roots, leaving fans exhilarated and eager for more.

Jurassic World 4 should recognize the importance of its dedicated fan base and deliver moments that pay homage to the franchise's rich history. By incorporating iconic scenes, references, or Easter eggs, the film can create a sense of nostalgia and excitement for long-time fans. Whether it's a familiar location, a familiar dinosaur, or a subtle nod to a previous film, these fan-service moments can generate a sense of delight and satisfaction. However, it's crucial to strike a balance and ensure that these moments seamlessly integrate into the overall narrative, enhancing the story rather than feeling forced or gimmicky.

Darth Vader holding his lightsaber in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Darth Vader holding his lightsaber in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story