Top 10 Mind-Blowing Games with Morality Systems

Top 10 Mind-Blowing Games with Morality Systems

Discover 10 games with morality systems that challenge players' choices and alter the outcome of the game From the beloved Undertale to the epic Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, these games will make you question your decisions and explore the consequences of your actions

Many video games tend to overlook the ethical consequences of a protagonist's actions, regardless of how questionable or dark they may be. Yet, some games take note of the player's choices and weave their consequences into the story's narrative. In certain RPGs with moral choices, these decisions can even impact the character's physical appearance, from scars and horns to a glowing halo. Whether players aim to embrace their inner villain or strive to save every virtual life possible, these games offer an unparalleled and captivating experience for those who relish in making their own path.

10 Undertale

Top 10 Mind-Blowing Games with Morality Systems

Undertale's unique aspect is its subtle approach to moral choices. The game offers encounters where players can choose to "FIGHT" or "ACT" their way out, without explicitly stating the moral implications. Those who opt to fight will be led down a dark and unsettling storyline, while those who choose peaceful means will be rewarded with a more positive outcome. With multiple endings available, players must work hard to persuade certain characters to be saved.

9 Disco Elysium

Top 10 Mind-Blowing Games with Morality Systems

In Disco Elysium, players are immersed in a complex and multifaceted world, tasked with unraveling its many mysteries by any means necessary. The game presents challenging and ambiguous choices, constantly questioning the player's morality. Although there is no formal karma system to track the player's decisions, the character can experience growth or decline in various ways.

Ultimately, it is the player's decision on how to progress through the narrative, and whether or not the protagonist is able to improve their life or spiral further into chaos.

8 Dishonored

Top 10 Mind-Blowing Games with Morality Systems

The storyline of Dishonored is distinctly dark, as reflected in every aspect of the game - the city's gloomy appearance, the NPCs and the powers. The player's choices have a direct impact on the plot and the environment, with a darker approach leading to a proliferation of rats, aggressive guards, and even townspeople turning on the protagonist, Corvo. As the game revolves around a series of assassinations, being virtuous is a challenging task, requiring players to exercise caution and ingenuity to prevent the city from descending into chaos.

7 Red Dead Redemption Series

Top 10 Mind-Blowing Games with Morality Systems

The Honor system in Red Dead Redemption keeps track of the player's actions and influences how NPCs perceive them, as well as their access to certain content and story developments. Players with a good reputation will receive higher pay and special benefits, while those with a bad reputation will be feared and less likely to be reported by witnesses. In the sequel, the game's ending is determined by the honor level of the protagonist, and there are also unique dialogues and story paths for players with different levels of honor.

6 Fallout Series

Top 10 Mind-Blowing Games with Morality Systems

In previous Fallout games, players were subject to a complex Karma system that determined how the wasteland residents interacted with them based on their choices and behavior. By doing good deeds, such as donating caps to a church in need, players could boost their Karma and receive rewards. However, negative actions like cannibalism or theft would result in a policing faction tracking the player down. This system was effective in creating consequences for players' actions, whether positive or not.

5 Pillars Of Eternity

Top 10 Mind-Blowing Games with Morality Systems

In Pillars of Eternity, morality is not limited to the binary choices of "good" or "evil." Instead, the game offers a vast spectrum of options for characters to explore, based on the decisions they make in dialogue and quests. As a result, players can take on different Dispositions, ranging from a witty and sarcastic Clever character to a pure and honest beacon of hope. This complex approach to morality allows for a multitude of playstyles and rewards players for exploring the nuances of their character's personality.

4 Fable Series

Top 10 Mind-Blowing Games with Morality Systems

Fable was a pioneer in offering players the option to pick a moral stance, setting the stage for numerous noteworthy games that followed suit. Though the ethical dilemmas presented in the game are often straightforward, leaving little room for neutral characters. The game visually represents the player's moral alignment through physical changes in the character's appearance - such as long horns for evil characters and a halo with butterflies for good ones. Despite its simplicity, this system enhances the gravity of the player's choices and effectively mirrors their journey through the game.

3 Knights Of The Old Republic

Top 10 Mind-Blowing Games with Morality Systems

Bioware has always been known for creating RPGs that prioritize the importance of choices. This is particularly evident in their early days, when they made great strides in implementing a morality system for KOTOR that goes beyond the simplistic dichotomy of good vs. evil. Instead, the game emphasizes the various shades of grey that exist in between. Players are presented with morally ambiguous scenarios that challenge their sense of right and wrong, and the choices they make have far-reaching consequences throughout the game. They can either choose to follow the noble path of the Jedi, upholding the principles of selflessness, compassion, and justice, or they can give in to the seductive and tempting allure of the dark side, embracing aggression, selfishness, and other vices.

2 Mass Effect Series

Top 10 Mind-Blowing Games with Morality Systems

Mass Effect is a game that offers complex moral dilemmas and challenges the player to make difficult choices. These choices are reflected in the game's mechanics, with Paragon and Renegade points awarded based on Shepard's moral decisions. Remaining neutral can limit the player's options and make it harder to persuade others in dialogue. Additionally, Shepard's appearance changes over time, with Renegade choices leading to harsher scars and marks on their face, while Paragon choices can help heal those wounds.

1 Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous

Top 10 Mind-Blowing Games with Morality Systems

The game Wrath of the Righteous offers a plethora of moral perspectives, ranging from pure Lawful Good to immensely dark Chaotic Evil. Each of the game's various Mythic Paths is heavily influenced by the player's alignment, resulting in a unique and distinct story for each path. The game's remarkable diversity of playstyles significantly impacts the overall gaming experience. Whether players choose to embody a chaotic-good Azata who enjoys mischief and aiding others, or a powerful Lich who seeks to create an army of the undead, the game provides an abundance of choices to satisfy any player's alignment preference.