Through My Window 3: Deciphering the Conclusion of Your Gaze

Through My Window 3: Deciphering the Conclusion of Your Gaze

Unveiling the culmination of Ares and Raquel's bond. How does their compelling relationship come to a close?

Raquel (Clara Galle) and Ares (Julio Peña) had a tumultuous relationship in the Through My Window trilogy, filled with passionate romance and heartbreaking breakups. Throughout the series, they were the main couple, with their ups and downs captivating viewers. In the final installment, Through My Window 3: Looking at You, they had to make a crucial decision about the future of their relationship.

Looking at You, as the concluding chapter of the Netflix original trilogy, had the task of resolving all the remaining storylines. Following the events of Through My Window: Across the Sea and the tragic death of Yoshi, the characters found themselves in challenging situations. Raquel and Ares had moved on to new relationships, but the love they once shared still lingered. Despite the obstacles faced by the rest of the cast, everything eventually fell into place for a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy.

Ares And Raquel End Up Together

They Move In Together Five Years Later

Clara Galle as Raquel Mendoza and Julio Peña as Ares Hidalgo in Through My Window 3: Looking at You - They Move In Together Five Years Later - Ares And Raquel End Up Together

Clara Galle as Raquel Mendoza and Julio Peña as Ares Hidalgo in Through My Window 3: Looking at You - They Move In Together Five Years Later - Ares And Raquel End Up Together

After Ares is discharged from the hospital and Raquel gives a speech at her book signing, the movie fast-forwards five years. It depicts Ares and Raquel moving into a new apartment together, with the assistance of Artemis, Apolo, and their daughter Hera. The new living space symbolizes Ares and Raquel finally being together, no longer separated by a window. Poetically, the trilogy concludes just as it began, with Raquel's Wi-Fi. Despite the ultimately happy ending of Looking at You, the journey to get there was filled with darkness and danger.

Through My Window 3: Looking at You is available to stream on Netflix.

Why Did Anna Spike Raquel's Drink?

Anna Blamed Raquel For Yoshi's Death

Anna (Carla Tous) holding Raquel's phone and her own antidepressant pills in Through My Window 3: Looking at You - Anna Blamed Raquel For Yoshi's Death - Why Did Anna Spike Raquel's Drink?

Anna (Carla Tous) holding Raquel's phone and her own antidepressant pills in Through My Window 3: Looking at You - Anna Blamed Raquel For Yoshi's Death - Why Did Anna Spike Raquel's Drink?

Yoshi's death had a significant impact on the trilogy, especially on Anna. She had a close relationship with Yoshi in Across the Sea and was struggling with depression in Looking at You, relying on anti-depressants. These medications played a crucial role in the movie when Anna used them to spike Raquel's drink. Despite Gregory's warning about mixing the pills with alcohol, Anna went ahead and did it, risking Raquel's life. She immediately regretted her actions, but Raquel unknowingly consumed the spiked drink at a party.

Anna had multiple reasons for poisoning Raquel, although she felt remorse afterwards. Yoshi had revealed his unrequited love for Raquel in Across the Sea, which led him to reject Anna's advances. Feeling jealous and blaming Raquel for Yoshi's death, Anna sought revenge. She also believed that Raquel's relationship with Ares was causing harm to those around her, fueling her anger. Surprisingly, Raquel forgave Anna after she apologized, showing unexpected understanding.

Why Did Ares Almost Die While Saving Raquel?

He Had A Deadly Chlorine Allergy

Raquel (Clara Galle) and Ares (Julio Pena) both lying unconscious next to the pool at the ending of Through My Window 3: Looking at You - He Had A Deadly Chlorine Allergy - Why Did Ares Almost Die While Saving Raquel?

Raquel (Clara Galle) and Ares (Julio Pena) both lying unconscious next to the pool at the ending of Through My Window 3: Looking at You - He Had A Deadly Chlorine Allergy - Why Did Ares Almost Die While Saving Raquel?

After Raquel didn't show up at the cemetery as planned, Ares thought he had missed his chance to see her. So, he decided to board the plane with Vera. It was only when he called Raquel and heard her struggling to breathe that he realized why she hadn't been there. When Ares reached her house, Raquel accidentally fell into the pool, and he had to jump in to rescue her. Unfortunately, Ares had a severe allergy to chlorine, and the pool water almost proved fatal. Thankfully, he survived, but he ended up in a coma for several days before finally waking up in the hospital.

Raquel Paid Tribute To Yoshi

She Left A Copy Of Her Book At The Site Of His Crash

Raquel (Clara Galle) kneeling in front of Yoshi's vigil at the site of his crash in Through My Window 3: Looking at You - She Left A Copy Of Her Book At The Site Of His Crash - Raquel Paid Tribute To Yoshi

Raquel (Clara Galle) kneeling in front of Yoshi's vigil at the site of his crash in Through My Window 3: Looking at You - She Left A Copy Of Her Book At The Site Of His Crash - Raquel Paid Tribute To Yoshi

In "Across the Sea," it was disclosed that Yoshi had secretly sent Raquel's book to a publisher. Thanks to him, her book got published, and she achieved success as an author. In the end of "Looking at You," Raquel and her friends visited the lighthouse where Yoshi had his accident to honor him. Raquel left a copy of her book at the vigil and dedicated it to him, creating a heartfelt moment in the film that paid tribute to a beloved character.

Through My Window 3: Looking At You's True Meaning Explained

It Was A Story About Acceptance And Choosing To Be Together

Raquel (Clara Galle) and Ares (Julio Pena) embrace on the balcony of their new apartment at the end of Through My Window 3: Looking at You - It Was A Story About Acceptance And Choosing To Be Together - Through My Window 3: Looking At You's True Meaning Explained

Raquel (Clara Galle) and Ares (Julio Pena) embrace on the balcony of their new apartment at the end of Through My Window 3: Looking at You - It Was A Story About Acceptance And Choosing To Be Together - Through My Window 3: Looking At You's True Meaning Explained

The movie "Through My Window 3: Looking at You" may seem like a simple love story at first, but it actually has some unexpected twists and dark moments. Despite its basic plot, the film delivers heartfelt messages. The main theme of "Looking at You" is that true love involves choosing to be with someone regardless of others' opinions. Throughout the movie, Ares had feelings for Raquel but stayed with Vera for the sake of his family's business. In the end, they ended up together because they made the decision to be with each other.

The message conveyed by Looking at You was that acceptance is an essential part of love. While the movie mainly focused on Ares and Raquel, the side characters played a significant role in highlighting the theme of acceptance. In the final scenes, Sofia, the mother of the Hidalgos, showed acceptance by giving Claudia hoop earrings, despite her previous criticism. The families also learned the importance of acceptance, as Alpha3 and Ergamex were able to finalize their business deal without letting Ares and Vera's relationship affect it.

The Through My Window trilogy may have received poor reviews for each installment and faced various challenges, but Looking at You still managed to tell a heartfelt story. Setting itself apart from other teen romances with its dark subject matter and unexpected twists, Through My Window 3: Looking at You may not be an award-winning film, but its satisfying conclusion wrapped up the trilogy nicely.

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