The Walking Dead's Latest Zombie Variants Render Iconic Guts Trick Useless

The Walking Dead's Latest Zombie Variants Render Iconic Guts Trick Useless

Daryl Dixon's iconic zombie guts trick rendered useless by new Walking Dead variants known as burners, making the show's zombie outbreak more perilous than ever before


Burners in Daryl Dixon's The Walking Dead spinoff pose a new threat as the iconic zombie guts trick no longer works on them due to their physical properties.

Daryl and his companions face a daunting task of navigating through hordes of zombies due to the presence of burners. The risk of physical contact with these burners, who can inflict severe injury with a mere touch, requires them to quickly strategize their next moves when confronted with this dangerous group.

In addition to the danger posed by physical contact, the acidic nature of burners' blood proves to be fatal if it comes into contact with the skin. This eliminates the possibility of utilizing their blood for camouflage, thus further complicating Daryl and the other characters' plans for escape.

Daryl Dixon, a character from The Walking Dead, has introduced new burner variants that render the iconic zombie guts trick ineffective. Throughout this beloved franchise, characters have used zombie blood and organs to mask their scent and deceive the walking corpses. In the show's first season, Rick and Glenn even opened up a zombie to collect its blood for camouflage, allowing them to blend in with the dead. This technique has helped characters evade hordes of zombies and slip past human enemies undetected. However, in Daryl Dixon's spinoff, a new variant of zombies called burners has emerged, posing a threat to this foolproof trick. These burners possess physical properties that can cause severe damage, even when characters are covered in protective gear. Consequently, the zombie gut trick may no longer guarantee a means of escaping perilous situations in the presence of burners.

Daryl Dixon Can't Use The Walking Dead's Zombie Guts Trick With Burners

Although the blood and guts trick proved to be successful in maneuvering through zombie hordes, Daryl Dixon's iconic camouflage method is no longer effective against the burners. These burners have the ability to harm characters with a mere touch, making it nearly impossible to bypass them without some form of physical interaction. Knowing the consequences all too well, Daryl experienced first-hand the severity of their touch when one grabbed him, causing a severe burn on his arm that required cauterization from Isabelle. If a larger group of burners were to emerge again, it would be imperative for Daryl and his fellow companions to swiftly strategize their next moves.

Avoiding direct contact with burners is not a viable option for the zombie guts trick due to its inherent danger. Utilizing their blood is also not a feasible solution as it is highly acidic. A single drop of burner's blood on the skin can be extremely fatal if the wound is not thoroughly cleaned and properly treated. This hazardous nature of their blood is exemplified in the Daryl Dixon premiere, where the titular character stabbed a zombie in the head, resulting in their blood sizzling and burning upon contact with the ground. Consequently, Daryl and other characters cannot rely on burners to coat themselves in blood and guts for the purpose of escape.

Burners Make The Walking Dead's Zombie Outbreak Dangerous Again

The Walking Dead's Latest Zombie Variants Render Iconic Guts Trick Useless

Burners, a new breed of Walking Dead variants, present a heightened threat to Daryl and his newfound allies, Laurent, Isabelle, and Sylvie. Unlike the familiar sluggish and clumsy regular zombies seen in the main show, burners defy this stereotype. While the average zombie may still pose a limited danger with their grabbing attempts, escaping unharmed is not as assured when it comes to burners. When Daryl was ensnared by a burner, it became apparent that this variant possessed greater strength, with its contaminated flesh scorching Daryl as he desperately struggled to free his arm. Moreover, engaging these zombies in close-quarters combat also increases the risk of their blood splattering onto one's face and other exposed body parts, a potentially lethal injury that could result in death.

The outbreak was always perilous, yet the characters became acquainted with the zombies' behavior, including their vulnerabilities and strengths. However, the introduction of additional zombie variants will render this knowledge useless as individuals like Daryl lack familiarity with them, thereby heightening their risk of infection. The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon producers are evidently reintroducing danger to the zombie epidemic through these new variations, consequently eliminating the possibility of relying on the iconic survival tactic of using zombie guts.