The Walking Dead: Unveiling the Ultimate Solution to an Epic Zombie Plot Hole

The Walking Dead: Unveiling the Ultimate Solution to an Epic Zombie Plot Hole

TWD's Future: Avoiding a Massive Zombie Plot Hole Without Explaining Variants The Walking Dead's Oldest Question Replaced by the Zombie Variant Mystery Why Explaining Variants Would Be Awkward


The Walking Dead should not explain the existence of zombie variants to avoid a plot hole and maintain the mystery surrounding them.

The lack of different types of zombies in spinoff series like Dead City is peculiar, suggesting uncertainty about their significance in the Walking Dead universe.

Not disclosing the origins of zombie variations is the optimal method to maintain the show's immersion and safeguard the integrity of its storytelling.

After nearly 13 years of airing The Walking Dead on television, the explanation for zombie variants remains elusive and it is best for it to remain that way in order to avoid any plot inconsistencies. While zombie variants were introduced in the first season of The Walking Dead, they were not addressed again until the final season of the main show. It is likely that these variants were not initially planned, but their inclusion in the show was accidental due to their unique behavior deviating from that of traditional zombies. This raises questions about why there was a significant gap in encountering these types of walkers and adds to the mystery of their origins.

Even after their official introduction, it remains uncertain how prominent zombie variants will be in The Walking Dead universe, especially considering their apparent absence in the Dead City spinoff. It is rather peculiar that they played a significant role in the final season of the main show, yet were absent in the spinoff featuring Maggie and Negan. However, it appears that they will be featured in the spinoff centered around Daryl Dixon, although whether their origin will be explained or not remains uncertain. Regardless of their future prominence, the reason for the existence of these new zombies should remain shrouded in mystery. While the spinoff shows can provide answers to many of The Walking Dead's unanswered questions, the origins of the zombie variants should not be one of them.

The Walking Dead Can't Explain Variant Zombies - So Shouldn't

The Walking Dead: Unveiling the Ultimate Solution to an Epic Zombie Plot Hole

While zombie variants enhance The Walking Dead, their existence lacks a valid explanation and should thus remain unexplained. The post-credits scene in World Beyond alludes to the variants being the result of science experiments in France, which sounds intriguing in theory but fails to make sense in practice. Although the exact duration of Rick Grimes' coma is unknown, the outbreak is still relatively recent when he awakens and the series begins. In the very first episode, Rick encounters the animated corpse of Morgan's wife, who likely falls into the variant category. Her presence and familiarity with Morgan's house contradict any connections to France during the outbreak's initial stages. Even considering the variants that appear in Season 11, the notion of a France connection seems improbable based on this logic. While it's plausible for Daryl to travel from America to France, the reverse journey for a zombie seems highly unlikely. Perhaps disclosing that these experiments occurred on people before they turned could somewhat justify their existence, but the idea of numerous individuals traveling from France to the US remains farfetched. To fully appreciate the variants, it is best to leave their origins unexplained, as contemplating their existence detracts from the show's immersion.

The Zombie Variant Mystery Can Replace Walking Dead's Oldest Question

The Walking Dead: Unveiling the Ultimate Solution to an Epic Zombie Plot Hole

The zombie variant mystery is a recent topic of conversation that has the potential to overshadow the franchise's longstanding question. Variants have only recently come into focus in season 11, sparking curiosity and allowing the community to develop their own theories. Even after the series finale of The Walking Dead, there are still numerous unsolved mysteries, with the origin of the zombie virus being the most significant. World Beyond hinted at France as the source, making the spinoff featuring Daryl Dixon an excellent opportunity to delve deeper into this aspect. It is more plausible that the French survivors would have insight into the virus's beginnings rather than the creation of variants.

If the show decides to reveal the origins of the virus and the outbreak, it will require a new mystery to captivate viewers. The existence of walker variants can be the next unaddressed topic. Many viewers have already questioned their presence in season 11, and it would be in the best interest of The Walking Dead to acknowledge this while also refraining from providing explicit answers. Admittedly, this approach carries the risk of frustrating fans by answering one significant mystery only to introduce another. However, explaining the virus is a more attainable goal, as the writers have already hinted at their understanding of it, whereas the logic behind variants seems less cohesive.

Walking Dead Explaining Variants Would Be Awkward

The Walking Dead: Unveiling the Ultimate Solution to an Epic Zombie Plot Hole

Explaining variants in The Walking Dead universe would create more confusion and questions. While the virus could be explained by encountering survivors in France, understanding variants would require an expert scientist, similar to Jenner from season 1. However, this would lead to convenient plot devices and boring exposition. The show has already demonstrated the inclusion of different types of zombies without much explanation. The introduction of variants in the final season added interest and the mutated zombie in Dead City was visually appealing, even if the explanation behind it was unclear. Rather than attempting to explain the origins of variant zombies, leaving it as a mystery would be more engaging and prevent potential plot holes in the franchise.