The Walking Dead: A Major Twist in Rick's Hand Loss Revealed in The Ones Who Live

The Walking Dead: A Major Twist in Rick's Hand Loss Revealed in The Ones Who Live

Discover the significant alteration in Rick Grimes' hand injury in The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live, aside from the usual turn of events. Unravel the surprising twist in this pivotal moment of the series.

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live episode 1 contains spoilers.

The loss of Rick Grimes' hand in The Walking Dead comics was a significant moment that has now been adapted in the spinoff series with Michonne on AMC. This change brings a key development from the source material to the small screen.

In the comics, Rick lost his hand to the Governor, which took place early in The Walking Dead series. However, in the TV adaptation, Rick kept his hand throughout all his adventures based on the comics. Despite the franchise moving past this period of Rick's life, The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live still adapted this event. The timing and circumstances of the hand incident differ significantly between the two versions. Interestingly, these changes are minor compared to another detail altered in the show.

The Governor chopped off Rick's hand as revenge for refusing to disclose the location of his group's headquarters - the prison - in The Walking Dead #28.

Rick Grimes Loses His LEFT Hand In The Ones Who Live

Rick Grimes leaning against a brick wall in The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live - Rick Grimes Loses His LEFT Hand In The Ones Who Live

Rick Grimes leaning against a brick wall in The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live - Rick Grimes Loses His LEFT Hand In The Ones Who Live

The biggest difference between the comics and the show in terms of Rick Grimes' journey in The Walking Dead is the fact that in the comics, he lost his right hand. In The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live, Rick was one of the prisoners taken by the Civic Republic Military during an operation in the woods. The CRM ensured the prisoners stayed in control by chaining them, using the chains as leashes. Rick saw this as an opportunity to escape, so he cut off his left hand, the one connected to the chain.

Both instances were life-changing experiences. However, the impact of losing a hand differed significantly for the two characters in The Walking Dead. In the comics, Rick had to relearn how to do many everyday tasks, including shooting. He was known for his sharpshooting skills, but those skills were mainly due to his practice with his right hand. Losing his dominant hand, which he used for most tasks, made it challenging for Rick to adapt to his new reality.

Why Rick Losing His Left Hand is a Major Adjustment

Of course, losing his left hand is a big change for Rick. In a recent episode, he struggled to kill a walker because he usually used a weapon with both hands. This challenge shows the difficulties he faces. However, it's important to remember that it's not as difficult as losing his right hand. Rick will have to adjust to new ways of doing things with one hand, but he won't have to completely relearn everything.

Rick with no hand in The Walking Dead Ones Who Live - Why The Walking Dead Changed Which Hand Rick Loses

Rick with no hand in The Walking Dead Ones Who Live - Why The Walking Dead Changed Which Hand Rick Loses

The choice to have Rick lose his left hand was a smart one for the show. Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman realized that this decision added a new creative challenge, making scenes unique and approached in a different way than if Rick had both hands. To avoid this challenge in the main series, Kirkman decided to skip over Rick's hand amputation scene.

By removing his left hand, Rick and Michonne's spinoff can maintain this significant event while reducing its impact on the show. This change likely makes it easier for Andrew Lincoln and the production team to film his scenes. Additionally, despite recently losing his hand, Rick remains a formidable force in the action scenes he is involved in. This was evident in his intense fight with Okafor in The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live episode 1. While the loss has affected him, it has not diminished his fighting capabilities, allowing him to continue shooting effectively.

Moreover, the decision to have Rick lose his hand in the spinoff makes sense from a storytelling perspective. Unlike in the comics, where the loss was involuntary, Rick's choice to have his hand cut off in The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live shows a level of agency and foresight. By planning ahead and weighing the potential consequences, Rick likely believed he could still navigate the zombie apocalypse without his left hand if needed. This narrative shift gives Rick a sense of control over a life-altering event that the comic character did not have.

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live releases new episodes on Sundays on AMC.

Editor's P/S:

The adaptation of Rick Grimes' hand loss from the comic books to the spin-off series, "The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live," is a significant and intriguing change. The choice to have Rick lose his left hand rather than his right hand, as depicted in the comics, adds a fresh perspective to the character's journey. It presents new challenges for Rick, forcing him to adapt to a different reality while maintaining his formidable presence in the face of danger.

While the impact of losing his left hand is less severe than if he had lost his dominant right hand, it still serves as a powerful narrative device. It demonstrates Rick's agency and foresight, as he willingly sacrifices his hand to escape captivity. This shift in the storytelling gives Rick a greater sense of control over his destiny, adding depth to his characterization and enhancing the overall narrative of the spin-off series.