The Unveiling: The Cross Guild's Quest to Rediscover the Long-Lost Road Poneglyph

The Unveiling: The Cross Guild's Quest to Rediscover the Long-Lost Road Poneglyph

The Cross Guild's immense resources and influence make them the prime contenders in the race to uncover the final Road Poneglyph, a crucial artifact for unveiling the secrets of Laugh Tale

One Piece enthusiasts have been eagerly speculating about the whereabouts of the last Road Poneglyph, a crucial element in finding Laugh Tale. It is known that the Straw Hats have already found three of the four Poneglyphs.

There is a widely accepted belief that the ultimate Road Poneglyph is located in Elbaf, and this speculation has only grown stronger since Eiichiro Oda confirmed that the Straw Hats will indeed make a visit to this island.

According to this theory, if Kid had beaten Shanks, he might have been the first to uncover the location of the One Piece treasure, putting him ahead in the race to become the Pirate King. However, as the series' protagonist, fans are hoping that Luffy will be the one to claim the title. With his journey to Elbaf, it appears that he may discover the Road Poneglyph there.

Why the Cross Guild has the resources and power to find One Piece before others

A recent theory presents an alternative viewpoint. It does not explicitly predict Buggy's ascension to the title of Pirate King, but rather proposes that he may be among the first to uncover the elusive Poneglyph.

The Unveiling: The Cross Guild's Quest to Rediscover the Long-Lost Road Poneglyph

The Cross Guild as depicted in One Piece (Image via Toei Animation)

A recent One Piece fan theory shared by user Typical Joe @3SkullJoe suggests the potential addition of a new ally to the Cross Guild. Prior to delving into this possibility, the theorist examines the key factors that propelled Roger to become a Pirate King: riches, renown, and influence.

The Cross Guild has already made a name for themselves with their bounty system targeting Navy soldiers, but they still need to show their power by accumulating more wealth.

The most direct way for the Cross Guild to earn money is by collecting the bounties they've set on Navy soldiers. Additionally, a substantial amount of money, including a portion of Whitebeard's fortune, is anticipated to come from Buckingham Stussy placing a bounty on Ryokugyu to rescue Weevil.

The Unveiling: The Cross Guild's Quest to Rediscover the Long-Lost Road Poneglyph

The image shows Mihawk as seen in One Piece (Image via Toei Animation).

It is highly likely that Mihawk will need to personally confront the Admiral in order to demonstrate the power of the Cross Guild.

After their mission is finished, Buckingham Stussy and Weevil will be joining the Cross Guild. Stussy, a former member of the MADS, is also expected to join Judge and Caesar in Neo-MADS.

With Buckingham Stussy's involvement, the Cross Guild could potentially create a connection with Neo-MADS, greatly increasing their strength. In exchange for sponsorship from the Cross Guild, Neo-MADS will provide them with weapons. While the alliance between Buggy and Caesar may seem unimportant, it could put Buggy back in the running for One Piece.

The final Road Poneglyph

The Unveiling: The Cross Guild's Quest to Rediscover the Long-Lost Road Poneglyph

Road Poneglyph as seen in One Piece anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Recently, many important characters in the series have made it clear that they are determined to find the One Piece. Shanks, for example, told Benn Beckman that they should embark on a quest to locate Roger's treasure. Blackbeard has acquired Law's Road Poneglyph transcript, indicating his enthusiastic preparation, and Buggy has also revealed his ambition to become the Pirate King.

According to user @3SkullJoe, there is a simple method for Buggy to obtain the Road Poneglyphs, including the one that has not yet been discovered.

Buggy has a direct route to the Road Poneglyphs, one of which remains undiscovered. Buggy's existing connections with Momonosuke and Hiyori could be used to his advantage. This could potentially lead to him being received as an honored guest in Wano, allowing him access to the Road Poneglyph. Additionally, Buggy had previously visited Zou while in service to Roger and had established a bond with the Mink tribe.

With the Big Mom Pirates now in disarray, infiltrating Whole Cake Island to find the third Road Poneglyph should be relatively easy.

The Unveiling: The Cross Guild's Quest to Rediscover the Long-Lost Road Poneglyph

Shanks and Buggy when they were youngsters as seen in One Piece anime (Image via Toei Animation)

The One Piece theorist speculates that Whole Cake Island could soon turn into a battlefield. The Cross Guild, led by Buggy, and the Navy, led by Akain, along with Law and Kid, are vying for the Road Poneglyph transcripts to fulfill their dreams. Akain also wants to convert the island into a Navy territory due to its strategic positioning. The final Poneglyph is believed to be with the Man Marked by Flames, whose identity remains a mystery, with theories suggesting it could be Saul or Dragon.

The theorist predicts a forthcoming competition to locate the elusive mystery man. The Cross Guild will have to contend with Blackbeard, Kid, Law, and others in this pursuit. With their manpower and potential technological advantage through teaming up with Neo-MADS, they stand a strong chance of coming out on top.

Editor's P/S

As a One Piece enthusiast, I am thrilled about the ongoing quest to uncover the final Road Poneglyph and the secrets of Laugh Tale. The Cross Guild's involvement adds an exciting new dimension to the race, and I can't wait to see how their immense resources and influence will impact the story. The theory that Buggy may be the one to discover the elusive Poneglyph is particularly intriguing, and I appreciate the well-reasoned analysis provided by user @3SkullJoe.

I am also eagerly anticipating the Straw Hats' journey to Elbaf and the possibility of them finding the final Road Poneglyph there. The series has been building up to this moment for a long time, and I believe that Luffy will ultimately be the one to claim the title of Pirate King. However, I am open to the idea that Buggy may surprise us all and emerge as a formidable contender. The Cross Guild's potential alliance with Neo-MADS and their connections with key characters like Momonosuke and Hiyori certainly give them a unique advantage in the race for the One Piece.