The Unveiling of Eren's Cryptic Request to Zeke in Attack on Titan

The Unveiling of Eren's Cryptic Request to Zeke in Attack on Titan

Discover the intriguing reasons behind Eren's plea to Zeke to wait in Attack on Titan Delve into the contrasting personalities of the two characters and unravel the significance of their intricate relationship

The relationship between Zeke and Eren in Attack on Titan was a strong aspect of the series, highlighting their contrasting views despite their shared goals. While working together at times, there was confusion among fans as to why Eren instructed Zeke to wait during the plan involving the transformation of Eldians into Titans. This lack of explanation left many wondering. However, considering Eren's character development and his opposition to Zeke's plan, it can be understood that he needed Zeke's abilities despite being against the plan entirely.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the Attack on Titan series.

Explaining why Eren tells Zeke to wait in the Attack on Titan series

The Unveiling of Eren's Cryptic Request to Zeke in Attack on Titan

Eren and Zeke (Image via MAPPA).

One of the factors that led Eren to initially align with Zeke was the latter's possession of the powers of the Founding Titan. This was crucial to Eren's plan of eradicating a large portion of humanity. However, despite being seemingly united in their cause, Zeke had a distinct objective: transforming the majority of society, particularly the Eldians, into mindless Titans in search of "salvation".

During a pivotal moment, Eren engages in a battle while transformed into his Titan form, with Zeke preparing to transform the individuals who consumed the spinal fluid into Titans. Eren interrupts Zeke, urging him to delay his actions. This diversion prevents Zeke from unleashing a scream that would have turned the fluid drinkers into Titans. Many fans expressed confusion over Eren's plea to delay Zeke.

The reasoning behind Eren's request is rather straightforward. Throughout the entire Attack on Titan series, Eren prioritizes the freedom of his people, even if it means resorting to extreme measures. However, he still possesses certain boundaries, one of which encompasses Zeke's sinister scheme for euthanization. This plan would have deprived the Eldians of any semblance of free will in their own lives, prompting Eren's objection.

The differences between Eren and Zeke

The Unveiling of Eren's Cryptic Request to Zeke in Attack on Titan

The comparison of Zeke and Eren's perspectives on the world and their respective ideologies is a captivating aspect of the Attack on Titan series. Although their plans may appear similar on the surface, they draw a distinct line in their beliefs, adding depth to the ongoing debate surrounding their characters.

Zeke, in many respects, embodies a nihilistic viewpoint, having abandoned all hope and importance attached to life. On the other hand, Eren continues to find value and significance in his closest companions. It is important to note that this contrasting mindset does not, in any way, justify their actions throughout the series. However, it emphasizes the fundamental divide between them, as underscored by Eren's repeated mention of his inability to support Zeke's original plan.

Final thoughts

Eren and Zeke, the key figures in the Attack on Titan series, possess a distinct significance, intensifying the allure of their contrasting traits. This disparity becomes especially prominent when Eren instructs Zeke to exercise patience, highlighting the evident divergences in their moral approaches towards the Eldians.

Editor's P/S

Eren's plea to Zeke to wait in Attack on Titan was a pivotal moment in the series, leaving many fans confused. However, considering Eren's character development and his opposition to Zeke's plan, it can be understood that he needed Zeke's abilities despite being against the plan entirely. Eren's request was a strategic move to prevent Zeke from unleashing his sinister scheme for euthanization, which would have deprived the Eldians of any semblance of free will in their own lives.

The comparison of Zeke and Eren's perspectives on the world and their respective ideologies is a captivating aspect of the Attack on Titan series. Although their plans may appear similar on the surface, they draw a distinct line in their beliefs, adding depth to the ongoing debate surrounding their characters. Eren's plea to Zeke to wait was a powerful moment that highlighted the fundamental divide between the two characters and their contrasting moral approaches towards the Eldians.