The Unveiling of Aveum's Immortals: The Ultimate Subversion of the Chosen One Archetype

The Unveiling of Aveum's Immortals: The Ultimate Subversion of the Chosen One Archetype

Immortals of Aveum masterfully deviates from the clichéd Chosen One archetype, offering a refreshing twist where Jak's heroism is unexpectedly thrust upon him The imperfect protagonist's journey is the captivating essence that truly resonates with players


Immortals of Aveum breaks away from fantasy and FPS tropes by avoiding the archetypical Chosen One character trope.

Jak, the protagonist, is a relatable and refreshing character as he navigates the challenges of an extraordinary situation while remaining an ordinary person with a desire to do good. Through Jak's character growth and unwavering determination to do what is right for Aveum, the narrative gains depth and resonance, resulting in Immortals of Aveum standing out as a captivating and one-of-a-kind gaming experience.

In Immortals of Aveum, Ascendant Studios ventures beyond the cliché fantasy tropes, offering a shooter game filled with magic and mythical creatures. While the game does include familiar elements such as crumbling castles and airborne dragons, it keeps its protagonist, Jak, from conforming to the typical Chosen One archetype seen in so many stories. Jak possesses Triarch Magnus powers which make him a formidable opponent against Sandrakk and his forces. Rather than portraying Jak as the prophesied hero meant to bring victory to the magical warriors, Ascendant Studios presents players with a refreshingly relatable character. This decision breathes new life into the game's narrative, combining the familiarity of fantasy and FPS genres while giving significance to Jak's actions that go beyond his destined role.

Rather Than Being His Birthright, Immortals of Aveum’s Jak Has Heroism Thrust Upon Him

The Unveiling of Aveum's Immortals: The Ultimate Subversion of the Chosen One Archetype

In the opening mission of Immortals of Aveum, it is revealed that Jak is an Unforeseen, someone who has unexpectedly been bestowed with extraordinary magical abilities. Initially, it seems like Jak will follow the typical mold of a Chosen One protagonist that gamers are accustomed to. However, as Jak wrestles with his newfound powers, it becomes evident that there is nothing inherently remarkable about him, even considering his status as an Unforeseen. It is the fact that Jak is an ordinary person who is attempting to do good in exceptional circumstances that makes his character feel invigorating.

The fantasy and FPS genres that have influenced Immortals of Aveum are saturated with protagonists who are destined to save the world. From The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's Dragonborn to Doom Eternal's formidable Doomslayer, players frequently assume the role of a character specifically designed to prevent the apocalypse. In contrast, Jak stands out as a character who often achieves his greatest victories through sheer determination or, occasionally, sheer luck. This emphasis on Jak's unwavering resolve, rather than an inevitable fate, driving the events of the story gives his actions a deeper significance in the narrative.

Immortals of Aveum’s Imperfect Protagonist Is What Sells the Story

The Unveiling of Aveum's Immortals: The Ultimate Subversion of the Chosen One Archetype

Watching Jak evolve throughout the story of Immortals of Aveum adds a relatable quality to him that distinguishes him from the average video game protagonist, even if his clever dialogue may not resonate with everyone. Despite facing challenges and making numerous mistakes, Jak emerges victorious against the threats to Aveum, as expected in any video game. However, it is his determination to do what is right for Aveum, despite facing opposition from all directions, that showcases his resilience.

Examining Jak's transformation from a reckless street kid solely focused on his own world to a heroic figure devoted to restoring balance in Aveum reveals a depth of character development uncommon in first-person shooter games, especially considering Immortals of Aveum's relatively brief duration. By presenting Jak as an imperfect protagonist, Ascendant Studios breaks free from the conventional Chosen One stereotype and presents a character who feels genuinely human. When combined with the intricately developed supporting cast, Immortals of Aveum delivers a narrative that feels refreshingly innovative despite drawing inspiration from the gaming industry's past.

Ascendant Studios made the correct decision in deviating from the Chosen One stereotype with Jak, resulting in Immortals of Aveum becoming a superior game. While the spellcasting shooter occasionally incorporates familiar elements from fantasy and FPS games, it is fortunate that its protagonist is unremarkably average. Immortals of Aveum can be currently purchased on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.