The Untold Story of Queenpins: A Different Perspective

The Untold Story of Queenpins: A Different Perspective

A top list article highlighting the unique aspects of the Queenpins movie and its creative take on a real-life coupon scam.

The Real Characters Behind the Coupon Scam

Queenpins | Official Trailer [HD] | In Theaters September 10 and coming soon to Paramount+

The untold story of Queenpins introduces a different perspective on the characters involved in the real-life coupon scam. While the movie features characters inspired by the true events, it portrays an altered narrative with a fresh perspective. Let's take a closer look at the real characters behind the coupon scam and the intriguing differences in their portrayal in the movie.

Connie and JoJo drinking sodas in a car in Queenpins

Connie and JoJo drinking sodas in a car in Queenpins

The real coupon scam involved three women - Robin Ramirez, Marilyn Johnson, and Amiko 'Amy' Fountain. These women were the masterminds behind the multi-million dollar coupon business. However, Queenpins takes a creative liberty by depicting only two main characters, Connie and JoJo, as the masterminds of the coupon ring. This alteration in the character dynamics presents a unique twist to the original story, offering audiences a fresh and engaging narrative.

Kristen Bell standing in front on products in Queenpins

Kristen Bell standing in front on products in Queenpins

The Unconventional Coupon Acquisition

In Queenpins, the method of obtaining extra coupons takes an unexpected turn, deviating from the real-life events. While the real women had coupons reproduced overseas, the movie portrays Connie and JoJo's journey to Mexico to acquire the coupons they need. This creative reinterpretation of the coupon acquisition adds a thrilling element to the story, showcasing the daring lengths the characters are willing to go to for their illegal business.

Kirby as JoJo in Queenpins

Kirby as JoJo in Queenpins

Furthermore, the movie implies that the characters believe corporations deserve to be scammed, highlighting a different perspective on the ethics of their actions. This unique portrayal adds depth to the characters and challenges the audience's perception of right and wrong.

Connie and JoJo smiling with sleepmasks in Queenpins

Connie and JoJo smiling with sleepmasks in Queenpins

The Evolution of 'Super Savvy Saver'

In the movie, Connie creates an amateur website called to sell coupons, while JoJo promotes the website on her YouTube channel, making it accessible to the public. This differs from the real SavvyShopperSite, which required an invitation for access. The contrast in the accessibility of the websites adds an intriguing layer to the narrative, showcasing the characters' unconventional approach to their coupon-selling business.

Queenpins Kristen Bell and real counterpart

Queenpins Kristen Bell and real counterpart

Additionally, the movie portrays the website's freeze when the provider notices the large sums of money, leading to a restructuring of the business. This plot development adds suspense and tension to the story, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the characters' journey.

Kristen and Kirby look through shades in Queenpins

Kristen and Kirby look through shades in Queenpins

The Unexpected Loyalty and Betrayal

In Queenpins, the loyalty and betrayal among the characters take an unexpected turn compared to the real events. The movie depicts Connie and JoJo sticking together throughout their trial, with Connie taking the blame to protect JoJo. This portrayal of unwavering loyalty adds an emotional depth to the characters' bond, creating a compelling and heartwarming aspect of their relationship.

Coupons in Queenpins-1

Coupons in Queenpins-1

On the other hand, the real-life events involved betrayal, with Johnson and Fountain testifying against the ringleader, Ramirez. The contrast in loyalty and betrayal between the movie and reality offers a thought-provoking exploration of trust and camaraderie, captivating the audience with its unpredictable twists.

Connie and JoJo looking at coupons in Queenpins copy

Connie and JoJo looking at coupons in Queenpins copy

The Unconventional Resolutions

Queenpins presents an unconventional resolution to the characters' legal consequences and financial repercussions. Unlike the real-life counterparts, the movie's characters manage to hold on to some of their profits, offering a surprising and unexpected outcome. This divergence from reality adds an element of intrigue and unpredictability to the story, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

Coupons in Queenpins

Coupons in Queenpins

Furthermore, the movie's portrayal of the companies' response to the losses incurred presents a different perspective on the aftermath of the coupon scam, challenging the audience's expectations and providing a fresh take on the characters' fates.

Earl handing JoJo mail in Queenpins

Earl handing JoJo mail in Queenpins

The New Horizons and Departures

In the final act of Queenpins, the characters embark on a new journey that diverges from the real-life events. The movie portrays Connie and JoJo leaving the country to start a new scam, offering a surprising and open-ended conclusion to their story. This departure from reality adds a sense of adventure and uncertainty to the characters' futures, leaving the audience intrigued and eager for more.

JoJo advertising Savvy Super Saver on YouTube in Queenpins

JoJo advertising Savvy Super Saver on YouTube in Queenpins

The unconventional departure from the real events in the movie's conclusion provides an intriguing and captivating finale, leaving the audience with a sense of curiosity and wonder about the characters' untold adventures.

Connie and JoJo in Queenpins

Connie and JoJo in Queenpins