The Untold Secrets of Charlayne Woodard: Exploring Varra's Marriage to Nick Fury, Skrull Infiltration, and the Intriguing World of Secret Invasion

The Untold Secrets of Charlayne Woodard: Exploring Varra's Marriage to Nick Fury, Skrull Infiltration, and the Intriguing World of Secret Invasion

Charlayne Woodard delves into the intricacies of Secret Invasion, discussing Varra's marriage to Nick Fury and her unique status among the Skrulls Explore the depths of this thrilling storyline with Woodard's insightful commentary

Secret Invasion is intensifying as shocking revelations about Fury's past emerge and prominent MCU characters are revealed to be Skrulls. In order to thwart the Skrulls' plans to conquer Earth, Fury and Talos have joined forces to uncover their larger scheme. Recently, it was uncovered that Fury had been covertly married to a Skrull and had relied on a network of Skrulls to gather valuable intelligence, aiding his rise within S.H.I.E.L.D.

As if things couldn't get any more unbelievable, an even greater bombshell dropped when it was disclosed that James "Rhodey" Rhodes is, in fact, a Skrull. In a dramatic turn of events during episode four, Talos reverted to his Skrull form after sustaining severe injuries inflicted by Gravik during an attack on the President of the United States. Forced to abandon his comrade to ensure the President's safety, Fury now faces higher stakes than ever before with only two episodes remaining.

Charlayne Woodard on Secret Invasion

: Charlayne Woodard Opens Up About Portraying Fury's Wife in Secret Invasion Starring Nick Fury

The Untold Secrets of Charlayne Woodard: Exploring Varra's Marriage to Nick Fury, Skrull Infiltration, and the Intriguing World of Secret Invasion

Screen Rant: Secret Invasion has been an incredible experience for me! The mere fact that my character holds a key role in Nick Fury's narrative is absolutely mind-blowing. When I first discovered that I would be portraying Nick Fury's wife, the excitement and significance of the opportunity overwhelmed me.

Charlayne Woodard: To begin, my first step was conducting thorough research on Nick Fury, immersing myself in all the films portraying him by Samuel. It dawned on me then that I was not merely the wife but rather the wife of an esteemed figure—an icon. Fortunately, as the wife unseen by the public eye, I am granted the freedom to shape her character as I please. Fortuitously, the writer has crafted remarkable scenes for us, portraying a relationship that teems with complexity.

Now, could you elaborate on the process of creating a character who, similar to Fury, guards a myriad of secrets?

I find this character to be incredibly unique for television. In theater, I have often had the opportunity to portray characters with a complete story arc, with a beginning, middle, and end. However, it is rare to find such a well-developed character on TV. As an actor, I am used to being typecast in one-dimensional roles, such as a lawyer or a specific archetype. But this character is so much more than that. She serves as a source of comfort and stability for the protagonist, always ready to offer guidance and keep him grounded. She is not afraid of him, which is refreshing. On the other hand, I felt that he, despite his immense strength and courage, was often tiptoeing around her. Falling in love with one's boss is already a significant challenge, but marrying them and then feeling betrayed by them adds another layer of complexity to their relationship. It was a multi-faceted and intricate role, exactly the type I constantly seek out in theater, where I am fortunate enough to find such opportunities.

Content This portrayal of Nick Fury showcases a different aspect of his character, allowing for a more in-depth exploration. Could you discuss the development of the chemistry between you and Samuel L. Jackson, both in the past through flashbacks and in the present? It's noticeable that he seems somewhat cautious around your character.

Charlayne Woodard: Absolutely, but you know what? I didn't have to work on building that relationship because we already have one. I am friends with Sam and his wife LaTanya, so it felt natural to sit across from him at the table or to offer him a cup of coffee.

What aspect of working with Priscilla excited you the most? You mentioned her complex personality, which she definitely possesses. And her unique connection with Nick Fury is unlike anything we have witnessed before. When you first learned that you would be portraying this character from start to finish, what aspect of the role excited you the most?

Charlayne Woodard: The most exciting part for me was that Priscilla has never been seen before, and I had the opportunity to bring her to life entirely on my own. Additionally, I truly admire the journey the character takes. She serves as his sanctuary; she is his refuge. He turns to me when he needs a reprieve. However, in this instance, he doesn't find the solace he was seeking. He has betrayed me, and he has been absent for three years. So, I relished the opportunity to confront him about his actions and address other matters with him. She stands up to him. She stands up to the revered symbol he represents.

And that's completely accurate. I must say, he plays a crucial role in being the mastermind behind the MCU in many aspects.

Charlayne Woodard: That's what really captivated me, the fact that she wasn't just portrayed as... They didn't stereotype her as the obedient wife who stays at home and ensures that a delicious meal awaits him when he arrives. What truly resonated with me was the fact that they depicted her as his equal, a true partner in every sense.

The Untold Secrets of Charlayne Woodard: Exploring Varra's Marriage to Nick Fury, Skrull Infiltration, and the Intriguing World of Secret Invasion

Ali Selim is a brilliant director. The pacing of this show is incredible, and no character feels safe to me. What did his directing style add to Secret Invasion?

Charlayne Woodard: Ali is incredibly present and exudes a sense of serenity. As soon as I step onto the set, he greets me with a cheerful "Good morning, Charlayne," even after having just completed a strenuous 10-mile run and showered. In an instant, I feel reassured that everything is going smoothly.

When Sam arrives, brimming with enthusiasm and ready to dive into our scenes, I can't help but think, "Now I have all the resources I need." And Ali, he's just incredible. We go through our scenes multiple times, getting everything right, and then he kindly asks, "Is that satisfactory for you? Are we ready to move on?" I absolutely adore that about him.

He was genuinely sincere, never rushing or demanding, even in the most intense moments. It was a sense of tranquility, even during high-pressure scenes.

Indeed, it is quite remarkable, particularly for a streaming show in the style of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Through Fury's success, we have gained valuable insights into the hidden Skrull network. It begs the question of how genuine their relationship was or if they were merely leveraging each other.

Charlayne Woodard: Priscilla and I have realized that we were taken advantage of. However, it seems that the individual responsible doesn't perceive it that way. The truth remains that we were deceived and he failed to fulfill his promises. This realization acts as an intense force, like a volcano, simmering beneath the surface, highlighting our sense of betrayal. And now we're left wondering, where are the explanations?

I especially admire the scene in which Priscilla discusses adopting an alternate identity through questioning. Could you shed some light on your approach to that particular scene and how it distinguishes her from other Skrulls?

Charlayne Woodard: I really appreciate that. She didn't just quickly take possession of something. Initially, she patiently waited for the woman's passing. That's what impresses me about Priscilla. She genuinely cares, as evidenced by her inquiries at the hospital. And when she discovers the end is near, she steps in and fulfills the woman's remaining wishes; giving her a sea burial, looking after her parents, and then continuing with her own life. This resonates with me. It showcases her compassionate nature. It's what sets her apart from the ordinary Skrull.

She wonders if Fury would have accepted her without any changes. Do you think he would have?

Charlayne Woodard: That's a devastating blow right there, when he pulls that off. And that's how it has left me. And at that moment, I'm completely bewildered. I can't help but think I should have fired at him. Because suddenly, this incredible, vulnerable man who delivered that beautiful speech before he grabbed the weapon has reverted back to Mr. Cool, incapable of revealing himself to me any longer. Just like marriage.

About Secret Invasion

The Untold Secrets of Charlayne Woodard: Exploring Varra's Marriage to Nick Fury, Skrull Infiltration, and the Intriguing World of Secret Invasion

Amidst a world recovering from the aftermath of the Blip, Nick Fury unveils a shocking Skrull conspiracy. These shape-shifting beings have insidiously wormed their way into influential positions across the globe. Banding together with steadfast comrades like Maria Hill and Talos, Fury embarks on a mission to thwart this clandestine invasion. However, in this perilous era, the crucial question of who can be trusted looms large, as the threat of a hidden Skrull presence hangs over everyone.

Check out our other Secret Invasion interviews here:

Samuel L. Jackson & Olivia Colman

Kingsley Ben-Adir

Ali Selim

Dermot Mulroney

New episodes of Secret Invasion air Wednesdays on Disney+.