The Untold Secrets: 10 Mind-Blowing Stories Cobra Kai Neglected to Mention!

The Untold Secrets: 10 Mind-Blowing Stories Cobra Kai Neglected to Mention!

Discover the untold tales of Cobra Kai that were left in the shadows Uncover Miguel's battle with asthma, Johnny's mysterious Applebee's incident, the aftermath of the school showdown, and more Dive into the forgotten storylines that shaped the world of Cobra Kai


Cobra Kai forgot about Miguel's asthma and never acknowledged it after season 1, leaving viewers wondering how his condition was magically cured.

The show failed to mention Johnny's peculiar exclusion from Applebee's, leaving viewers intrigued by the embarrassing event that resulted in his permanent ban.

Cobra Kai diminished the severity of Miguel's back injury from season 2, as he made a miraculous recovery and continued to participate in karate tournaments without facing any repercussions or restrictions.

Throughout its five-season runtime, Cobra Kai has been successful, but it seems to have overlooked many important storylines along the way. By cleverly reversing the character beats from the original Karate Kid movie, Cobra Kai began with Johnny Lawrence as the protagonist and Daniel LaRusso as his bully. As the rivalry between them reignited in seasons 1 and 2 and new conflicts were introduced, Cobra Kai expanded its lore by reintroducing legacy Karate Kid characters such as Chozen, Kreese, and Silver.

Cobra Kai has excelled in delivering captivating narratives of karate rivalries, romance, redemption, and coming-of-age drama. Pleasing both longtime fans of the franchise, who have followed Daniel's journey since his training with Mr. Miyagi in the first Karate Kid, and attracting new viewers with its contemporary take on the original films' foundations. However, despite its commendable run, Cobra Kai has been unable to avoid certain plot holes that reveal the show's oversight of important storylines.

10 Miguel's Asthma

The Untold Secrets: 10 Mind-Blowing Stories Cobra Kai Neglected to Mention!

Cobra Kai season 1 established that

9 Johnny's Mysterious Applebee's Incident

had severe asthma and relied on an inhaler for control. However, during one of the training sessions with Johnny, he forcefully seized the inhaler from Miguel's hand and shattered it against the dojo wall. Surprisingly, Miguel has not used his inhaler in Cobra Kai ever since, suggesting that Johnny somehow miraculously cured his medical condition. Although it is conceivable that the rigorous training in Cobra Kai helped strengthen Miguel's lung capacity and alleviate the severity of his asthma, the show conveniently disregarded any further mention or acknowledgment of Miguel's ailment following that particular incident in season 1.

The Untold Secrets: 10 Mind-Blowing Stories Cobra Kai Neglected to Mention!

Johnny's past in Cobra Kai suggests he had a humiliating incident at Applebee's, leading to his permanent ban from the chain. The show has yet to explicitly state the exact reason for Johnny's expulsion, but Cobra Kai creator Jon Hurwitz recently shared some details about his backstory. According to Hurwitz (via Cheatsheet), Johnny got carried away during Applebee's happy hour, consuming numerous drinks. As a result, he ended up causing a commotion by impetuously devouring scorching hot potato soup at the eatery. However, when confronted by a couple requesting a vegan menu, Johnny impulsively attempted to play the hero, ultimately sealing his fate with a lifetime prohibition from dining at Applebee's.

8 Miguel's Cobra Kai Season 2 Injury

Unfortunately, the completion of the story by the Cobra Kai creator was halted by co-creator Hayden Schlossberg, who hinted at the possibility of finally unveiling the reason behind Johnny Lawrence's ban in the sixth season. Although it remains uncertain if Schlossberg was merely jesting about exploring Johnny Applebee's incident in Cobra Kai's final season, it is hopeful that Cobra Kai season 6 will provide fresh perspectives on Johnny's downward spiral prior to his transformation and subsequent improvement in life.

The Untold Secrets: 10 Mind-Blowing Stories Cobra Kai Neglected to Mention!

Miguel's back injury from Cobra Kai season 2 has been largely neglected, with Cobra Kai seeming to forget the severe damage done to his spine. To provide context, after the climactic showdown in season 2, Miguel falls into a coma and regains consciousness unable to move his legs. Despite the gravity of his injury, Miguel somehow recovers astonishingly quickly, which tests the boundaries of believability but remains within the realm of possibility. Nevertheless, the decision for Miguel to continue participating in karate tournaments and subjecting himself to rigorous training appears illogical and contradictory.

7 The Aftermath Of Cobra Kai Season 2's School Showdown

The Untold Secrets: 10 Mind-Blowing Stories Cobra Kai Neglected to Mention!

Cobra Kai season 3 established that all students involved in season 2's climactic showdown were suspended. However, given the extent of the damage to school property, the severe injuries suffered by several students, the presence of an adult like Stingray assaulting minors, and the near-death experience of Miguel, it seems that the consequences should have been much more severe. In the real world, an incident of this magnitude would have made national headlines, leading to expulsions for the students involved. Additionally, individuals like Tory, who utilized weapons during the altercation, would have faced serious legal charges. It appears that Cobra Kai either overlooked or purposely disregarded the immense damage and repercussions caused by the showdown.

6 Johnny And Miguel Were The Main Characters In Seasons 1 And 2

The Untold Secrets: 10 Mind-Blowing Stories Cobra Kai Neglected to Mention!

Just like the Karate Kid movies centered around the student-sensei relationship between Daniel and Mr. Miyagi, Cobra Kai initially focused on Johnny Lawrence's role as both a sensei and a father figure to Miguel. However, as the show progressed beyond season 2, it seems that Cobra Kai lost sight of Johnny and Miguel as the main protagonists and started giving more attention to the storylines of other characters. Although there have been some developments in Johnny and Miguel's journeys since season 2, their narratives have progressed at a slower pace compared to their initial storyline in Cobra Kai.

5 Daniel And Johnny's Karate Kid Ending

The Untold Secrets: 10 Mind-Blowing Stories Cobra Kai Neglected to Mention!

4 Johnny's Financial Status Before Starting Cobra Kai

: Despite starting off on the wrong foot in the first Karate Kid movie, Daniel and Johnny's relationship took a surprising turn when Daniel emerged as the champion of the All-Valley tournament. Johnny, displaying unexpected benevolence, graciously handed him the trophy and declared a truce by acknowledging, "You're alright, Larusso." This act of goodwill strongly implied that Johnny would not hold his defeat against Daniel LaRusso. However, in the early seasons of Cobra Kai, it becomes evident that Johnny's loss slowly consumed him from within. Although it is conceivable that the trauma inflicted by Kreese's abuse played a role in his despise towards Daniel, despite Daniel's display of good sportsmanship during the concluding moments of Karate Kid, it does not logically align with the narrative for Johnny to harbor such deep-seated animosity and resentment for an extended period.

The Untold Secrets: 10 Mind-Blowing Stories Cobra Kai Neglected to Mention!

In Cobra Kai season 1, Johnny's life took a nosedive and he was barely staying afloat until Miguel came along and motivated him to start a dojo. The popularity of the Cobra Kai dojo gave Johnny a glimmer of hope, leading us to assume that his financial situation was improving. However, Johnny ultimately lost the dojo to Kreese and Silver, and subsequent seasons of Cobra Kai depicted his ongoing struggle to find stable employment. Despite the absence of a regular paycheck, Johnny is now faced with the prospect of raising a child with Carmen. It raises the question: has Cobra Kai overlooked Johnny's financial woes?

3 Daniel LaRusso's Car Sales Business

The Untold Secrets: 10 Mind-Blowing Stories Cobra Kai Neglected to Mention!

Daniel LaRusso, a prosperous car sales business owner, appears to be part of The Valley's elite residents. Despite this, his primary focus lies in pursuing childhood rivalries and instructing students at Miyagi Do karate. One can't help but wonder how he manages to maintain a balance between these endeavors and his professional obligations. While earlier episodes of Cobra Kai season 1 depicted Daniel working alongside his employees, recent developments suggest that he rarely sets foot in his car showroom anymore.

2 Aisha's Self-Discovery As A Cobra Kai Student

The Untold Secrets: 10 Mind-Blowing Stories Cobra Kai Neglected to Mention!

Aisha informs Sam in Cobra Kai season 4 that, despite giving up karate altogether, she still incorporates Lawrence's Cobra Kai lessons in a thoughtful manner. She recounts an incident at her new school where, instead of allowing herself to be bullied, she decides to "strike first" by introducing herself to the girl before any confrontation begins. This not only prevents history from repeating itself but also showcases Aisha's ability to apply Johnny Lawrence's Cobra Kai methods in a non-violent manner. However, it appears that Cobra Kai is now vehemently set on provoking the titular dojo and has seemingly overlooked the potential benefits its teachings can have for students like Aisha.

1 Cobra Kai Was Banned From The All-Valley Because Of Kreese

The Untold Secrets: 10 Mind-Blowing Stories Cobra Kai Neglected to Mention!

After observing the unethical practices of Kreese, Silver, and Barnes during the All Valley Tournament in Karate Kid III, the tournament committee prohibited Cobra Kai from future participation. However, in the first season of Cobra Kai, Johnny Lawrence successfully appealed at an executive meeting of the All Valley Karate Tournament to have the ban lifted. This development in Cobra Kai season 1 was logical since Lawrence was not involved in the initial ban and provided the committee with a compelling reason to trust him.

Nevertheless, it is perplexing that the tournament authorities did not question Kreese and Silver, who were responsible for the malpractices that led to the lifetime ban on the dojo. Their reappearance as senseis for Cobra Kai in the 2019 All Valley should have raised concerns. Perhaps Silver utilized his power and influence to bribe his way in. Nevertheless, the fact that Cobra Kai fails to acknowledge this oversight suggests that it has forgotten the true reason behind the titular dojo's All Valley ban.