The Untold Power of One Punch Man's King: Revealed!

The Untold Power of One Punch Man's King: Revealed!

Discover the enigmatic character of King in the action-packed world of One Punch Man While others possess god-like powers, King's inability to harm even a fly makes him an intriguing anomaly Unveil the truth behind his mysterious story and unlock the secrets of his true power


King, the strongest man in the world, is a member of the S-Class in One Punch Man, despite having no powers or strength whatsoever.

King possesses the King Engine, a renowned power that emits an aura capable of instilling overwhelming fear in his adversaries, ultimately leading them to their demise purely from terror.

Although his preference is to maintain solitude, King stands as a highly esteemed and beloved figure among the Hero Association. Many hold the belief that he is blessed with unmatched fortune and is under the safeguard of Saitama.

In the One Punch Man universe, the S-Class occupies the highest tier of power. With only 17 members, the immense strength required to be part of this class is indisputable, as the S-Class serves as humanity's foremost line of defense against threats. However, within the S-Class, there is a solitary figure known as 'the strongest man in the world' - King.

At the culmination of the Monster Association arc, King comfortably holds the 5th rank in the S-Class. While this already appears to be an unimaginable display of power, it should be emphasized that King possesses no supernatural abilities whatsoever. In fact, he lacks strength entirely. King is a character whose existence is entirely defined by his exceptional luck, consistently extricating himself from perilous situations and consequently garnering praise and admiration from the masses. Despite his distaste for such attention and his desire to be left alone to indulge in his video games, this peculiar fate persistently trails him.

What is King's Story?

The Untold Power of One Punch Man's King: Revealed!

Not much is known about King's backstory, aside from his personality and speculation surrounding his true power. All we know is that King used to be an ordinary person going about his day until he was unexpectedly attacked by a monster, resulting in his iconic 3 scars. As he was on the verge of death, he was saved by a hero who was not even registered in the Hero Registry at that time. It was later revealed that the hero who saved him was Saitama, although King only discovered this years later.

Following this incident, King somehow acquired his infamous 'King Engine' at an unspecified point in the story. This Engine functions as a powerful aura that surrounds King, causing his heart to emit a loud, booming sound. This sound instills intense fear in King's enemies, often leading them to their demise simply due to the overwhelming terror they experience. Interestingly, King himself is unaware of the true nature of the King Engine. It is merely an aura that appeared out of nowhere, accompanied by the mysterious sound of his heart. He is clueless as to why it grants him these abilities, only knowing that the sound grows louder and more imposing as his own fear intensifies. Consequently, this amplifies the fear felt by most monsters towards him.

What do Others Think of King?

King, a 29-year-old man, is currently unemployed and desires nothing more than solitude to indulge in his passion for video games. He classifies himself as an Otaku, embodying the epitome of timidity as he consistently opts to evade any form of confrontation, irrespective of the opponent's inferior strength. Amongst his acquaintances, Saitama proves to be his sole confidant, engaging in gaming sessions together and possessing knowledge of King's clandestine reality. While King yearns for isolation, adversity continually manages to locate him.

The Untold Power of One Punch Man's King: Revealed!

With the exception of S-Class, Rank 1 hero "Blast," there is no other member of the Hero Association who garners as much respect as King. Despite his reluctance, he has become one of the most revered heroes within the association. King is known for his efficient and prompt approach to completing missions, earning him the reputation of never wasting any time. This was attested by Tatsumaki, and even S-Class, Rank 11 hero "Superalloy Darkshine" emphasized that there are only three individuals one should never provoke: himself, Tatsumaki, and King.

Even in non-combat situations, characters are astonished by the legendary status of King, causing them to attribute great strength to him in everything he says, despite his attempts to convey the truth. In Chapter 193 of One Punch Man, King visits multiple martial arts schools and humbly admits his weakness, expressing a desire to become stronger. However, the schools dismiss his humility, insisting that he is already too powerful for their training.

King faces numerous enemies, including monsters of all levels. Fortunately, the King Engine has a significant impact on most monsters below the Demon Level. In Chapter 107 of the manga, there is an encounter with a monster posing as a child. Notably, when the imposter hears the sound of the King Engine, he becomes overwhelmed with fear, leading to hyperventilation and ultimately causing his demise.

King's True Power

The Untold Power of One Punch Man's King: Revealed!

However, counter to popular belief, King may not actually be powerless, as many fans have begun to realize. In fact, it is believed that King possesses the most overpowered abilities of them all: luck and Saitama's strength. Although seemingly improbable, this theory gains credibility when we consider the fact that throughout all instances of potential danger, King always manages to come out unscathed.

A prominent example of his luck coming into play is during the Monster Association arc, where he finds himself facing off against two incredibly dangerous adversaries: Platinum Sperm and Evil Natural Water. These menacing foes, who are classified as threats beyond the Dragon Level and capable of endangering the entire world, show no fear in the presence of King. Despite their intentions to kill him as soon as he makes a move, King remains unfazed, relying on his King Engine, while Child Emperor names his attack the 'Ultimate Hellfire Burst Wave Motion Canon'.

As King executes his move, Garou swiftly blitzes both enemies, causing them to be sent flying in less than a second. This renders him virtually invisible and attributes this remarkable feat to King's immense power.

Many consider him the strongest character in the entire One Punch Man universe due to the fact that Saitama unknowingly acts as a guardian angel for him, always appearing to save King in one way or another. This is evident throughout the anime, such as in One Punch Man season 2, episode 12 titled "The Wiping of the Disciple's Butt". In this episode, King lures Elder Centipede towards him, only for Saitama to obliterate it effortlessly with a single punch.

Although this power attribution to King is unofficial and solely bestowed by the fans, it is not hard to understand why numerous fans subscribe to this belief. King appears to possess astonishingly fortuitous circumstances that consistently transform dire situations in his favor, potentially surpassing even Saitama in terms of power.