The Untold Epilogue: The Surprising Fate of the Dursleys After The Deathly Hallows

The Untold Epilogue: The Surprising Fate of the Dursleys After The Deathly Hallows

Discover what happened to the Dursleys after the epic conclusion of The Deathly Hallows Uncover their fate and witness their departure from Number Four, Privet Drive Delve into the intriguing aftermath of the Dursleys' story in the magical world of Harry Potter


Prior to attending Hogwarts, Harry endured a wretched existence plagued by mistreatment inflicted by his aunt, uncle, and cousin. Confined within a cupboard nestled beneath the stairs, he became a target for bullying by Dudley and his henchmen.

In chapter 3 of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the Dursleys are compelled to conceal their whereabouts. Harry, concerned for their well-being amidst the threats posed by Lord Voldemort and the perils of the wizarding realm, anxiously watches over their safety. Following a harrowing encounter with a Dementor, Dudley's bond with Harry undergoes a positive transformation. Although they eventually establish a civil relationship as adults, Harry never crosses path with his aunt and uncle anew. Tragically, Aunt Petunia passes away prior to 2020.

In the first book of the Harry Potter series, titled "The Sorcerer's Stone," Albus Dumbledore leaves a letter for Harry hidden in his blankets outside the home at Number Four, Privet Drive. Several hours later, Petunia discovers Harry on her doorstep when she goes to retrieve the milk bottles, causing her to scream in surprise. Over the following weeks, Harry, who is still a toddler, endures mistreatment from Dudley, the son of Vernon and Petunia. As time goes on, Harry grows older, although he is not well-nourished and his health is not optimal for his age. He faces difficult living conditions with the Dursleys, both at home and at school. Dudley and his friends consistently bully Harry, while Vernon and Petunia belittle and look down on him. Initially, Harry is confined to the cupboard under the stairs, but is eventually moved to the smallest bedroom upstairs after Hogwarts acceptance letters flood Number Four.

Vernon and Petunia show clear favoritism towards Dudley and harbor disdain for Harry and those who resemble him. They rarely discuss Harry's parents with him. According to the story they tell Harry, his parents died in a car crash, resulting in the lightning bolt scar on his forehead. They explicitly forbid him from asking any further questions about his parents, and Vernon is determined to eradicate any trace of magic within him. Harry's life prior to attending Hogwarts is marked by misery, but everything changes for the better the night Rubeus Hagrid, the Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts School, arrives at the Hut-on-the-Rock to collect him. It is during the events of the first Harry Potter movie that Harry finally discovers the truth about his parents: they were killed by Lord Voldemort. Additionally, he learns that he is a wizard and realizes that he has been deceived by his aunt and uncle.

The Dursleys Depart From Number Four, Privet Drive

The Untold Epilogue: The Surprising Fate of the Dursleys After The Deathly Hallows

In chapter 3 of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the Dursleys are compelled to abandon their home and go into hiding due to the imminent threat of Lord Voldemort. Harry is concerned that they could become targets of Voldemort's attack, while Vernon dismisses it as nonsense and suspects that it is merely an attempt to seize their house. However, Harry's concerns are justified as the Dursleys are indeed in peril from not only Lord Voldemort, but also Death Eaters, Dementors, and even Inferi. Moreover, Harry and the elder wizards suspect that the Ministry of Magic has been infiltrated, so the Dursleys cannot rely on government protection as Vernon hopes. Despite explanations and warnings from Kingsley Shacklebolt and Arthur Weasley about the dangers of remaining in their current location at Number Four, Uncle Vernon remains unconvinced and requires further persuasion.

The family is aware that once Harry reaches the age of seventeen, the Bond of Blood charm that Dumbledore had placed on him, and which Petunia had reinforced by allowing him to reside in their home, will be broken. Consequently, Voldemort is highly likely to harm Harry and target those with whom he resides. Once again, Uncle Vernon's irrational arguments necessitate Harry reiterating the importance of their situation.

The Order assures the Dursleys that Voldemort will target them, either to torture them for information or as a means to lure Harry into a rescue mission. Harry explains that Voldemort is responsible for the sinister events reported in the news, including disappearances, accidents, and explosions. Harry emphasizes that the Dark Lord derives pleasure from killing both wizards and Muggles. He reveals that the fogs are caused by the Dementors, and given Dudley's encounter with them in The Order of the Phoenix, the mention of them deeply concerns him. After careful consideration, Dudley, followed by Vernon and Petunia, decide to accompany members of the Order.

The Fate Of The Dursleys

The Untold Epilogue: The Surprising Fate of the Dursleys After The Deathly Hallows

Aunt Petunia avoids making eye contact with Harry, while Vernon manages to bid a brief farewell. After the Dementors' attack, Dudley undergoes a transformation and questions his parents why they are leaving Harry behind. Dudley extends his hand to shake Harry's, while Aunt Petunia exits without even glancing at him. Dudley's final goodbye, accompanied by the words "I don't think you're a waste of space," signifies his desire to mend his relationship with Harry once the turmoil subsides. He even acknowledges that Harry saved his life, to which Harry playfully attributes the Dementors' influence in altering Dudley's demeanor.

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling's statement that Dudley and his cousin maintain cordial relations in adulthood indicates his growing acceptance of his family's connection to the Wizarding World (according to MTV). Dudley and Harry maintain a distant relationship, exchanging greetings on Christmas cards. Dudley goes on to marry and have two non-magical children of his own, who occasionally interact with Harry's children. Although the cousins remain in touch, it appears that Harry never sees his Uncle and Aunt again. In the storyline of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, it is revealed that Petunia passed away for unknown reasons prior to 2020. Aunt Petunia, portrayed by Fiona Shaw in the Harry Potter series, remains an unpopular character in the franchise. The same sentiment extends to her husband, the miserly Uncle Vernon.