The Unseen Avengers Lineup Emerges in Spectacular Fan-Made Poster Post-Infinity War

The Unseen Avengers Lineup Emerges in Spectacular Fan-Made Poster Post-Infinity War

Unveiling the Unseen: The Untold Tale of the Missing Avengers Team in the MCU between Infinity War and Endgame Discover the hidden heroes and their untapped potential in this striking fan poster

Article Overview

The Avengers team active during the Blip never got its time to shine in the MCU.

The shock and impact of Endgame's five-year time jump would have been undermined if a new Avengers team were shown before the Time Heist. Unfortunately, the Marvel Cinematic Universe did not seize the chance to delve into the trials and tribulations experienced by the Avengers throughout that period, and it is doubtful that any forthcoming project will reintroduce this particular iteration of the team.

During the period between Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, a lesser-known Avengers team operated in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Although the MCU did not showcase it, a remarkable piece of Marvel fan art highlights this team. When discussing Marvel's premier hero team, most people tend to recall the original six Avengers from the MCU. While the initial version of the team and the expanded roster seen in the final battle of Avengers: Endgame are well-remembered, there exists another version of the team that never received its moment in the spotlight. Recently, artist @artoftimetravel shared on Instagram their vision of what the Avengers team active during the Blip would have looked like.

Why The MCU Didn't Show The Avengers Team Between Infinity War & Endgame

The assemblage of fan art showcases a powerful lineup consisting of Captain America, Captain Marvel, War Machine, Nebula, Rocket Raccoon, Okoye, and Black Widow. This formidable team represents the version of the Avengers that operated during the significant five-year interval between Thanos' snap and demise, before the pivotal events of Avengers: Endgame transpired. Regrettably, this highly anticipated roster never fully united in Marvel's Avengers movies.

The Unseen Avengers Lineup Emerges in Spectacular Fan-Made Poster Post-Infinity War

The lack of active Avengers team members from the period before Avengers: Endgame's Time Heist, and the decision to only feature holographic conversations and Steve Rogers alongside Natasha Romanoff, can be attributed to several reasons. One such reason pertains to time constraints. Avengers: Endgame, with its extensive runtime of over three hours, had a substantial amount of content to cover. Introducing an entirely new Avengers team engaged in missions would have been overwhelming.

Additionally, if a new Avengers team had been shown defeating enemies before the remaining heroes united for the Time Heist, it would have diminished the impact of the pivotal moment when the Avengers killed Thanos at the beginning of Avengers: Endgame. The abrupt shift to five years later after this event set the stage for the film's main storyline. Introducing the new Avengers team during the 5-year time jump would have lessened the shock and surprise experienced by the audience.

Although Avengers: Endgame did not fully depict the events of the Blip or how the Avengers coped with the challenges during that period, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) could have utilized other projects to delve deeper into that story. Disappointingly, Marvel Studios did not focus much on the Blip after Avengers: Endgame, as fans had anticipated. Consequently, the version of the Avengers without prominent heroes like Iron Man, Thor, and Hulk participating in the Time Heist did not have the opportunity to showcase their abilities. It is doubtful that a future project will feature flashbacks to bring back this particular Avengers team.

Source: @artoftimetravel/Instagram

Editor's P/S

As a hard fan of Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), I have mixed feelings about the unseen Avengers lineup that operated during the Blip. On one hand, I am intrigued by the idea of an Avengers team that had to protect the world without some of its most powerful members. On the other hand, I am disappointed that we never got to see this team in action.

The fan-made poster that showcases this lineup is truly spectacular. It features some of my favorite characters, including Captain America, Captain Marvel, War Machine, Nebula, Rocket Raccoon, Okoye, and Black Widow. This team would have been incredibly powerful and I would have loved to see them take on some of the MCU's biggest threats.

However, I understand why Marvel Studios chose not to focus on this team in the MCU. Avengers: Endgame was already a very long movie and adding in another team of heroes would have made it even longer. Additionally, I think it was important for the movie to focus on the original Avengers team and their journey to defeat Thanos.

Despite my disappointment, I am still grateful for the fan-made poster that showcases this unseen Avengers lineup. It is a great way to see what could have been and it gives me hope that we might one day see this team in action in a future MCU project.