The Unresolved Mystery of Doctor Who's Mrs. Flood

The Unresolved Mystery of Doctor Who's Mrs. Flood

Exploring the lingering fan theory and the departure of Millie Gibson

The Mysterious Mrs. Flood Theory

Doctor Who fans have long been captivated by the enigmatic character of Mrs. Flood, and the recent departure of Millie Gibson has cast a shadow of uncertainty over the resolution of a compelling fan theory. The 2023 Christmas special, 'The Church on Ruby Road,' tantalized viewers with a glimpse into the future of the series, introducing Ncuti Gatwa's Fifteenth Doctor and the intriguing new companion, Ruby Sunday, portrayed by Millie Gibson. Amidst the excitement, the episode left us with lingering questions about the identity of Ruby's mother, Mrs. Flood's mysterious backstory, and the potential return of the enigmatic Goblins in upcoming episodes.

Anita Dobson looking suspicious as Mrs. Flood in the Doctor Who 2023 Christmas special

Anita Dobson looking suspicious as Mrs. Flood in the Doctor Who 2023 Christmas special

Speculation among fans sparked the intriguing theory that Mrs. Flood could be an older version of Ruby Sunday from the future. This speculation is rooted in Mrs. Flood's uncanny knowledge of the TARDIS, her close proximity to Ruby's family, and her altered demeanor following the Goblins' abduction of baby Ruby from the past. However, with the recent announcement of Millie Gibson's departure before Doctor Who season 15, the likelihood of this theory being addressed directly by the writers has diminished significantly.

This collage shows Donna Noble, Martha Jones, and Ruby Sunday from Doctor Who.

This collage shows Donna Noble, Martha Jones, and Ruby Sunday from Doctor Who.

The Unlikelihood of Resolution

The departure of Millie Gibson has raised doubts about the possibility of the Mrs. Flood theory being resolved. Doctor Who has a history of playing the long game, often laying the groundwork for storylines long before their fruition. For instance, the iconic 'Bad Wolf' motif was introduced in Doctor Who season 1 but didn't reach its full payoff until the 50th-anniversary special. Similarly, the ominous phrase 'silence will fall' was woven into the Eleventh Doctor's narrative but didn't culminate until the 2013 Christmas special.

Addressing the Mrs. Flood tease in a single season would deviate from the show's established storytelling approach, appearing abrupt and out of sync with the sci-fi series' intricate narrative style. It would be incongruous to confirm Mrs. Flood as an older Ruby after the departure of the companion, Ruby Sunday, from the show. The significant narrative focus on Ruby Sunday, coupled with Millie Gibson's exit, presents a narrative challenge. Furthermore, reintroducing Mrs. Flood without Ruby's presence would seem illogical, given their close neighborly relationship and amicable rapport. As a result, the identity of Mrs. Flood is likely to remain shrouded in mystery, leaving fans with an unresolved enigma.

Fleeting Companionship in Doctor Who

The departure of Millie Gibson's character, Ruby Sunday, after a single season is not unprecedented in the world of Doctor Who. Previous companions, such as Martha and Donna during RTD's era, also bid farewell after a single season. While creative direction and filming schedules may have influenced their departures, the departure of Ruby Sunday mirrors this pattern. However, the departure of companions like Martha and Donna didn't mark the end of their involvement in the Doctor's adventures. Both characters made subsequent appearances, offering hope that Millie Gibson's Ruby might reappear in the future, albeit sporadically, to continue her journey alongside the Doctor.

The departure of a companion after a single season does not necessarily signal the end of their story within the Doctor Who universe. Fans can take solace in the possibility of future appearances by Ruby Sunday, echoing the episodic returns of Martha and Donna. This prospect adds a layer of intrigue to the unresolved narrative threads left behind by Ruby's departure, leaving the door open for potential future encounters and the continuation of her enthralling journey in the vast and wondrous world of Doctor Who.