The Unlikely Bond of Hunham and Tully in The Holdovers

The Unlikely Bond of Hunham and Tully in The Holdovers

Exploring the transformation of an adversarial relationship into an unexpected bond.

The Evolution of Hunham and Tully's Relationship

The Holdovers, directed by Alexander Payne and written by David Hemingson, tells the story of an unexpected and transformative bond between Professor Paul Hunham and Angus Tully. At the start of the movie, Hunham lies to Dr. Woodrup and Tully's parents to prevent Tully from being sent to a military academy, despite their initial adversarial relationship. This sets the stage for the evolution of their relationship over the Christmas holiday, which ultimately changes both of them forever.

The Holdovers Paul Hunham Giamatti

The Holdovers Paul Hunham Giamatti

Angus Tully, played by Dominic Sessa, initially plans to spend his Christmas vacation on the beach at St. Kitts, but is left at Barton boarding school for winter break by his mother and step-father. This leads to him being stuck with the widely disliked Professor Paul Hunham, portrayed by Paul Giamatti, for Christmas break. Despite the volatile situation, the two form an unlikely bond that defies their initial expectations and challenges their perspectives on life and privilege.

The Holdovers Angus Tully Dominic Sessa Phone

The Holdovers Angus Tully Dominic Sessa Phone

The pivotal moment in their relationship occurs when Hunham takes the fall for Tully, sacrificing his own job to protect Tully from suspension and being sent to a military academy. This act of selflessness marks a significant turning point in their relationship, showcasing the depth of their bond and the impact they have on each other's lives.

The Holdovers Angus Tully Dominic Sessa Museum

The Holdovers Angus Tully Dominic Sessa Museum

The Transformation of Professor Hunham

The character of Professor Paul Hunham undergoes a profound transformation throughout the course of The Holdovers. Initially known for his strict and uncompromising approach as a teacher at Barton, Hunham's interactions with Angus Tully challenge his deeply held principles and beliefs.

The Holdovers Paul Hunham Giamatti Classroom Chalkboard

The Holdovers Paul Hunham Giamatti Classroom Chalkboard

As a former Barton student, Hunham values the integrity of the institution and maintains famously harsh grading standards. However, his actions towards Tully, particularly in lying to protect him, reflect a departure from his usual ethical stance. This transformation is highlighted by Hunham's willingness to sacrifice his career for Tully's future, defying the expectations of both the audience and the characters within the story.

The Holdovers Angus Tully Dominic Sessa Paul Hunham Giamatti Liqour Store

The Holdovers Angus Tully Dominic Sessa Paul Hunham Giamatti Liqour Store

Furthermore, Hunham's journey is characterized by personal growth and empathy, as he comes to recognize the struggles and potential of Tully. The discovery of Tully's prescription for librium, a medication used for depression which Hunham also takes, serves as a catalyst for Hunham to understand Tully's behavior as a reflection of his difficult family situation. This realization leads Hunham to empathize with Tully and ultimately take a drastic step to secure his future.

The Holdovers Angus Tully Dominic Sessa Mary Lamb DaVine Joy Randolph Paul Hunham Giamatti Christmas Party

The Holdovers Angus Tully Dominic Sessa Mary Lamb DaVine Joy Randolph Paul Hunham Giamatti Christmas Party

The Significance of Mary Lamb's Story

While The Holdovers primarily focuses on the relationship between Hunham and Tully, the presence of Mary Lamb, portrayed by Da'Vine Joy Randolph, holds significant importance in establishing the broader context and stakes at play for Angus Tully's future.

The Holdovers Mary Lamb DaVine Joy Randolph Kitchen

The Holdovers Mary Lamb DaVine Joy Randolph Kitchen

Mary's son, Curtis, was a former Barton student who faced challenges due to his background and financial constraints. His tragic fate in Vietnam serves as a poignant reminder of the larger societal issues that impact the lives of the characters. The connection between Mary, Curtis, and Tully adds depth to the narrative, emphasizing the impact of privilege, opportunity, and sacrifice within the story.

The Holdovers Paum Hunham Giamatti Mary Lamb DaVine Joy Randolph Angus Tully Dominic Sessa Cherries Jubilee Fire

The Holdovers Paum Hunham Giamatti Mary Lamb DaVine Joy Randolph Angus Tully Dominic Sessa Cherries Jubilee Fire

The presence of Mary Lamb's story underscores the overarching themes of privilege, opportunity, and sacrifice, shedding light on the complex dynamics that shape the characters' choices and relationships in The Holdovers.

The Holdovers Curtis Lamb

The Holdovers Curtis Lamb