The Unholy Union: Unveiling the Most Cursed Miltank Fusions in Pokemon Infinite Fusion

Discover the bizarre world of Pokemon Infinite Fusion's cursed Miltank fusions! This fan-made game showcases mind-boggling combinations featuring Miltank and iconic Pokemon like Machamp, Dodrio, Giratina, and Dugtrio Prepare to be amazed and bewildered by these outlandish creations!
Pokemon Infinite Fusion allows players to create over 170,000 different Pokemon by fusing existing ones together, including some bizarre Miltank designs.
Miltank and Machamp fusions sport a lively expression, a noticeable blend of udder and chest, and multiple arms holding bottles of milk. However, this disconcerting appearance has made it unappealing to certain players.
When Miltank is fused with Pokemon such as Dodrio and Giratina, it results in one-of-a-kind and unsettling combinations. These fusions possess peculiar characteristics like udders squirting milk and wings formed by splashes of milk.
There are currently over 1000 official Pokemon, an impressive number on its own. However, the fan-made game Pokemon Infinite Fusion takes it to another level by allowing players to fuse existing Pokemon together, resulting in over 170,000 different Pokemon. This number continues to increase as more fusions and fan-designed sprites are incorporated into Infinite Fusion. Amongst these fusions, Miltank has gained significant attention due to its cow-like appearance, resulting in some truly bizarre designs.
Miltank is a Normal-type Pokemon that was introduced in the Gold and Silver games. Its design is based on cows and is often considered as a counterpart to Generation 1's bull-like Tauros. This Pokemon became notorious because of Whitney, a Gym leader who owned a Miltank that many players found incredibly difficult to defeat. In Pokemon Infinite Fusion, Miltank's human-like pink skin color, noticeable udder, and large eyes have inspired numerous fusions that fans find both hilarious and awkward.
Miltank And Machamp
Miltank And Dodrio
Miltank's adorable appearance contrasts strangely with the powerful design of Machamp, a Generation 1 Fighting-type Pokemon that resembles a wrestler or bodybuilder. Machamp, the final evolution of Machop, already possesses a humanoid form, which becomes even more uncanny when combined with its human-like skin tone. The fusion of Miltank and Machamp also features a cheerful expression, an exposed udder-chest combination, and milk bottles held within its multiple arms. While this fusion boasts impressive strength, with a high Attack stat, some players of the Infinite Fusion game find it too unsettling to utilize.
The combination of a Dodrio body with three Miltank heads could have been incredibly adorable. However, Pokemon Infinite Fusion took a different approach. Instead of three smiling Miltank faces, two of Dodrio's heads feature smiling Miltank visages while the third is replaced by an udder. This udder constantly squirts milk at the other two heads, resulting in a frustrated-looking Pokemon that constantly receives an unwanted bath. While the utilization of Miltank's milk is certainly unique, the final product, a Normal/Flying-type Pokemon, is rather unsettling to look at without feeling even slightly unsettled.
Miltank And Giratina
Miltank And Dugtrio
Giratina, a Pokemon associated with the "cursed" label due to its representation of antimatter, its eerie residency in the Reverse World, and its tendency for causing widespread destruction upon its arrival. However, when fused with Miltank, this formidable Legendary Pokemon adopts a somewhat less intimidating, yet peculiar appearance. The resulting fusion sports a vibrant pink hue, wings that resemble splashes of milk, and a chest adorned with a star-shaped pattern consisting of five udders. Given these characteristics, it is unlikely that Volo, in Pokemon Legends Arceus, would be particularly keen on harnessing the power of this Giratina variant.
Dugtrio from Generation 1 is a unique Pokemon with three "heads" protruding from the ground. The fusion between Miltank and Dugtrio in Infinite Fusion takes this concept to an unprecedented level, featuring five heads in total. Interestingly, only one head replaces Miltank's actual head, while the remaining four are transformed into miniature head-udders emerging from its lower body. This mesmerizing sight of multiple expressionless Dugtrio faces would undeniably intimidate any opposing Pokemon throughout the entire battle. As a Normal/Ground type fusion, it possesses a formidable combination with minimal vulnerabilities. However, its appearance can undoubtedly be referred to as "cursed."
More disturbing Miltank fusions are expected to be featured in Pokemon Infinite Fusion as artists contribute new sprites and designs. It is possible that Nintendo, the developer, may take notice and introduce a Miltank evolution, regional form, or pre-evolution in a future main series Pokemon game. With no new Miltank variations introduced in the past seven generations of games, there remains ample opportunity to create truly cursed content. Pokemon Infinite Fusion is available for PC download and play.