The Unforgettable Truths Behind Buffy's Character in Buffy The Vampire Slayer

The Unforgettable Truths Behind Buffy's Character in Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy's character in Buffy The Vampire Slayer is complex and multi-dimensional, with both strengths and flaws This article highlights some of the challenges she faces, the impact on her relationships, and inconsistencies in her powers, making her a relatable and intriguing protagonist


Despite being a beloved heroine, Buffy Summers is flawed and often acts rashly, putting herself and others in danger.

Despite having a supportive network of friends and allies, Buffy often indulges in self-pity, feeling sorry for herself. Additionally, she makes questionable romantic choices with individuals like Angel and Spike, often failing to express gratitude towards her friends who assist her in her battles against evil.

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Buffy Summers, the central character in the popular TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, is a beloved fictional heroine known for her flaws as well as her admirable qualities. Portrayed by Sarah Michelle Gellar from 1997 to 2003, Buffy serves as a role model for people of all backgrounds, leading to frequent calls for a reboot of the show. However, it's important to recognize that she is far from perfect.

Despite her imperfections, Buffy has repeatedly saved the world, even sacrificing her life on multiple occasions. Alongside her group of misfit friends, she fights bravely against evil forces. By challenging the typical portrayal of damsels in distress in horror movies, Buffy sets herself apart as a strong and independent character. Nevertheless, she is not exempt from criticism. In fact, as one of the greatest TV shows of all time, there are plenty of aspects to question about this cheerleader-turned-superheroine.

10 Buffy Summers Often Acts Rashly

The Unforgettable Truths Behind Buffy's Character in Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Against her friends' better judgment, Buffy frequently throws caution to the wind and impulsively plunges herself into situations that often lead to unfortunate consequences. This tendency can be observed in various aspects of her life, including her romantic relationships and, most notably, her role as a slayer. A prime example of this is showcased in season 7's "Dirty Girls." Upon learning that a newcomer named Caleb possessed something that belonged to her, Buffy immediately embarked on a mission to his vineyard, with her friends and the potential slayers in tow. She undertook this risky venture without any knowledge regarding Caleb's true intentions or what exactly he possessed ("It could be a stapler"), thereby resulting in the injury or loss of several potential slayers and Xander's debilitating eye injury.

9 Buffy Puts Her Friends In Harm's Way

The Unforgettable Truths Behind Buffy's Character in Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Although briefly mentioned earlier, the inherent nature of Buffy's duties as the slayer makes it highly irresponsible for her to involve ordinary humans in her battle. As soon as Xander and Willow stumbled upon her secret life of combating evil in season 1, she should have made it clear that they could not participate - and this should have remained her firm position thereafter. However, she allowed additional humans, including her younger sister, to become entangled in the chaos. Admittedly, some of them possessed the ability to defend themselves, and a few even acquired powers to fight evil, but the unfortunate reality is that too many of them suffered harm as a result of their involvement.

8 Buffy Is Self-Pitying

The Unforgettable Truths Behind Buffy's Character in Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy frequently pities herself, lamenting her responsibilities as the slayer and emphasizing her solitude. In the season 7 episode "Selfless," she expressed to Xander and Willow, "You criticize me for isolating myself, but ultimately, the Slayer is always isolated." However, this statement is completely untrue. Buffy usually has numerous friends and allies by her side. When she does find herself alone, it is typically a deliberate choice, like when she left Sunnydale and voluntarily exiled herself to Los Angeles at the conclusion of season 2. As a result, her grievances about loneliness lack credibility.

7 Buffy Is Self-Righteous

The Unforgettable Truths Behind Buffy's Character in Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Despite her physical superiority over others, Buffy should not feel superior to them. However, she sometimes gives off that impression. In the episode "Selfless", she concluded her confrontation with Xander and Willow by declaring, "I am the law!" This assertion is quite audacious considering that, although she possesses the power to combat evil, she would not have wielded it as effectively without the guidance of others. Another instance occurs in season 3's "Enemies", when Faith asks Buffy if she believes she is better than her. Buffy responds, "I am. Always have been." While this statement might be true, uttering it appears quite haughty.

6 Buffy Often Displays Ingratitude

The Unforgettable Truths Behind Buffy's Character in Buffy The Vampire Slayer

5 Buffy's Romantic Choices Were Awful In Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy has occasionally expressed gratitude for the assistance she receives in battling evil. Nevertheless, it seems that she often overlooks these moments of appreciation. It is important to recognize that without Giles, Xander, Willow, and their companions, Buffy would have faced numerous defeats. However, she sometimes expects her friends to be thankful for her efforts instead of reciprocating the gratitude. A prime example of Buffy's lack of appreciation is evident in "Empty Places" during season 7. When speaking to Giles about Spike, she disregards the fact that Xander had sacrificed his eye while fighting Caleb in order to protect her. In response, Giles aptly and sarcastically remarks, "We're all watching your back."

The Unforgettable Truths Behind Buffy's Character in Buffy The Vampire Slayer

While Angel and Spike may be beloved characters and former villains, they are not suitable choices for Buffy's romantic interests. Given the dangerous nature of Buffy's life, introducing two of history's most notorious vampires only heightens the risks she faces, regardless of any changes they may have undergone. Riley Finn, another significant relationship for Buffy, managed to keep his demon-hunting activities a secret from her, highlighting the inherent dangers even in seemingly normal individuals like Owen from the season 1 episode "Never Kill a Boy on the First Date," who showed enthusiasm for the perilous aspects of Buffy's lifestyle.

4 Buffy Is Less Interesting Than Most Characters

The Unforgettable Truths Behind Buffy's Character in Buffy The Vampire Slayer

One of the most apparent truths regarding Buffy Summers is that she lacks the same level of interest when compared to her friends and other supporting characters in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Take Willow, for instance. Her character development far surpasses that of Buffy's. She transitioned from a timid geek to an empowered witch, relying on her creative problem-solving skills through the use of magic instead of sheer physical force. On the other hand, there's Xander, who fights alongside Buffy despite lacking any supernatural abilities, yet manages to captivate us with his humorous and engaging personality. Meanwhile, characters such as Angel, Spike, and Anya have centuries worth of captivating stories to share. In fact, there are an additional five intriguing characters to explore further.

3 Buffy Summers Is Hard To Relate To

Unlike many characters in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy Summers is difficult to relate to. While other central characters have a variety of personality traits that viewers can connect with, Buffy has fewer in comparison. Perhaps this is because she often distances herself from others, making it challenging to connect with her on a deeper level. Despite this, there is something unique about her that sets her apart from the numerous humans, vampires, witches, and demons in the Buffyverse. As the only true slayer (or at least the intended one), Buffy's limited relatability is understandable.

The Unforgettable Truths Behind Buffy's Character in Buffy The Vampire Slayer

2 Buffy's Power Levels Are Inconsistent

The Unforgettable Truths Behind Buffy's Character in Buffy The Vampire Slayer

1 Buffy Isn't Special, She's Lucky

The inconsistent portrayal of Buffy Summers's strength and power in Buffy the Vampire Slayer is primarily due to poor writing. One moment, she effortlessly wields a troll god's hammer, overpowering a hell goddess with ease. However, in the next moment, a newly transformed vampire manages to outmatch her in a graveyard. This inconsistency makes it challenging to accurately assess the slayer's true strength and durability. While it is not Buffy's fault, this discrepancy remains an unfortunate reality that affects the portrayal of her character.

The Unforgettable Truths Behind Buffy's Character in Buffy The Vampire Slayer

The popular belief is that Buffy Summers is unique, extraordinary, and the chosen one. However, the reality is that slayers are not chosen based on their exceptional qualities; instead, they are randomly selected. It is merely a stroke of luck - if you consider it a burden - that Buffy possesses abilities that others do not. This randomness has been illustrated multiple times in the Buffyverse. For instance, it is unlikely that Faith was granted slayer powers due to her virtuous nature, and the mentally unstable Dana from Angel season 5's "Damage" was probably not chosen for her strong character. Although Buffy Summers of Buffy the Vampire Slayer is undoubtedly formidable, her power is merely a result of chance and nothing else.