The Unforgettable Trait That Makes Final Fantasy 16's Clive a Legendary Protagonist

The Unforgettable Trait That Makes Final Fantasy 16's Clive a Legendary Protagonist

Final Fantasy 16's Clive stands out as a protagonist with his refreshing kindhearted attitude, setting him apart from previous characters in the franchise

While a few instances of review bombing suggest that there are some unhappy with the current direction of the Final Fantasy franchise, the majority of players have expressed their adoration for Final Fantasy 16. The game's Eikon boss battles have been commended for their unmatched spectacle, the dark narrative has been celebrated for its emotionally impactful moments, and players have become attached to the diverse cast of characters. Among these characters, Cid and Dion enhance the ensemble, but it is the protagonist, Clive Rosfield, who deserves the most commendation. There is one particular aspect that truly sets him apart.

At first glance, Clive may share many similarities with previous Final Fantasy 16 protagonists, only differing in terms of age. However, while players may expect a brooding character akin to Cloud from Final Fantasy 7 or Noctis from Final Fantasy 15, Clive manages to defy these expectations. Although he experiences moments of anger and battles with self-hatred throughout the story, Clive rarely directs his frustrations towards others. Instead, he consistently displays kindness and chivalry towards everyone he encounters, which significantly contributes to his likability as a character.

Clive’s Kindhearted Attitude in Final Fantasy 16 is Refreshing

The Unforgettable Trait That Makes Final Fantasy 16's Clive a Legendary Protagonist

Plenty of video games feature kindhearted protagonists, but they often follow a familiar pattern where a flawed individual becomes a better person. Characters like Arthur Morgan, Kratos, and Joel Miller exemplify this format, which has proven successful due to the visible character growth it provides. However, Final Fantasy 16 takes a different approach with its main character, showcasing an alternative way to create an impactful protagonist.

Clive, like other characters who have experienced trauma, would have valid reasons to be miserable and cold towards others. However, Square Enix avoids this predictable path in Clive's character development. While this approach comes with risks, as it may lead to overly positive characters that feel unrealistic, Clive's portrayal succeeds because it is balanced by his own regrets and shame. The events of Phoenix Gate, which players experienced in Final Fantasy 16's demo, burden Clive deeply. As he uncovers more about what truly occurred on that night, the weight on his shoulders only becomes heavier. At times, he lashes out at himself and even contemplates suicide. Despite his inner turmoil, Clive manages to maintain his connections with other people, refusing to allow it to harm his relationships.

Clive exemplifies kindness by expressing gratitude whenever someone does something good for him. Even during his darkest moments when he is consumed by finding his brother's killer, he takes a moment to thank Gav for his scouting skills. This is just one of the many instances where Clive shows appreciation to those who have contributed to saving Valisthea. It is rare for a protagonist to devote so much time to acknowledging and thanking those around them, showcasing Clive's character in a remarkable way.

In contrast to characters like Cloud Strife, who often appears grumpy and uncommunicative, or Geralt of Rivia, who frequently demands payment for his services, Clive simply appears content in assisting anyone in need. He genuinely cares for the people in Valisthea, particularly the mistreated bearers, and this sentiment is evident throughout the game. While Clive strives to create a more equitable world in the main story, he willingly performs acts of kindness in optional quests solely because people ask for his assistance. He helps improve the quality of food in the hideaway, retrieves missing letters for a courier, and crafts thoughtful gifts for his companions. All of this is accompanied by a smile on his face, with any moments of melancholy directed inward rather than outward. Furthermore, he prioritizes peaceful resolutions, attempting to reason with cruel individuals before resorting to violence.

Clive demonstrates deep respect for his closest advisors, especially when Jill tries to dissuade him from impulsive actions. Throughout the story, Clive willingly accepts assistance, even when he initially wants to decline, revealing his trust and appreciation for his comrades. His motivation for a better world is genuinely selfless, mirroring Clive's own character. Whether players engage in optional content or progress through the main story, Clive consistently showcases his innate kindness at every turn. While complex characters are becoming increasingly common, Clive Rosfield offers a refreshing departure as a character who is purely virtuous. Discover the world of Final Fantasy 16 now available on PS5.