The Unforgettable Legacy of Super Mario Bros: Exploring a Game of Revolutionary Milestones

The Unforgettable Legacy of Super Mario Bros: Exploring a Game of Revolutionary Milestones

Super Mario Bros Wonder, the highly anticipated upcoming release for the Nintendo Switch, promises to be a game like no other With its innovative gameplay and mind-boggling power-ups, this is a Mario adventure that fans have been waiting for Get ready to embark on a truly unique gaming experience


Super Mario Bros Wonder is a highly anticipated exclusive game for Nintendo fans, set to release on October 20, with vibrant visuals and new power-ups.

This game marks a major milestone for the franchise, as it is Mario's first classic 2D platformer in ten years and the first full-length game featuring Mario in quite some time.

In the reveal trailer, incredible power-ups were unveiled, including the ability to transform into a shadow figure, a spiked bowling ball, and even an elephant, hinting at numerous exciting surprises within the game.

In a surprising twist during last month's Nintendo Direct, Super Mario Bros Wonder was formally announced by the company. Set for release on October 20, it aims to be a fantastic addition to the Mario series, perfect for the upcoming holiday season. The reveal trailer dazzled with its vibrant colors, lively animations, and exciting new power-ups, adding a touch of unpredictability to the beloved Super Mario Bros franchise.

Following the success of Tears of the Kingdom, which dominated the Switch spotlight in the first half of the year, Super Mario Bros Wonder is now positioned as the must-play exclusive for Nintendo enthusiasts in the latter part of the year. While there is still much to uncover about the game before its release, the announcement trailer provided tantalizing glimpses of what awaits. Notably, this game brings a range of firsts to the historic Nintendo franchise.

New Super Mario Bros Wonder Is The First Full-Length Mario Game In Years

The Unforgettable Legacy of Super Mario Bros: Exploring a Game of Revolutionary Milestones

Excluding Bowser's Fury, which was included as a bonus with the Switch version of Super Mario 3D World in 2021, Wonder marks the first proper Mario game in several years. Notably, Super Mario Odyssey was released way back in 2017, during the initial year of the Switch's release. Additionally, Wonder is the first traditional 2D platformer for Mario and his companions in a decade, with the previous release in this style being New Super Mario Bros U on the Wii U.

As fans are aware, Nintendo takes its time between major installments of its flagship franchises. This devotion to quality is evident in their six-year development period for Tears of the Kingdom, as well as the ongoing production of Metroid Prime 4, which saw the complete scrapping of its initial version due to subpar standards. The announcement of a new Super Mario Bros game is always an exciting time, especially now as the Nintendo Switch nears the end of its lifecycle. The beloved plumber is bound to deliver a memorable experience to bid farewell to the platform.

New Super Mario Bros Wonder Features The Weirdest Power-Ups To Date

The Unforgettable Legacy of Super Mario Bros: Exploring a Game of Revolutionary Milestones

The Super Mario Bros franchise, in all fairness, is quite peculiar. It revolves around a plumber who consumes mushrooms to grow and step on other mushrooms with eyes, using his weight to crush them. Throughout the series, there has always been a sense of absurdity, but Super Mario Bros Wonder takes it to a whole new level. The game's reveal trailer is packed with so much craziness that it's hard to wrap your mind around the countless eccentric concepts created by Nintendo. What truly stands out are the bizarre power-ups that Mario will be utilizing this time around.

The trailer opens with a talking plant and proceeds to showcase the series' trademark flawless platforming. At one point, Mario encounters something called a 'Wonder Flower'—a first in the franchise—and things spiral into utter madness. Mario transforms into a long shadowy figure, a spiked bowling ball, rides a fleet of sheep to reach a flagpole, and skillfully leaps across sewer pipes, resembling the movement of a caterpillar.

If that's not sufficient, the icing on the cake comes in the trailer's closing moments. Mario unleashes a last power-up, and the perfect demonstration of the game's peculiarities arrives in just two words: Elephant Mario. As absurd as it may sound, it's probable that Nintendo has additional surprises waiting for players when the game officially debuts later this year.

Super Mario Bros Wonder will be released on October 20, exclusively for Nintendo Switch.