The Unforgettable Journey with Wrex: Mass Effect's Ultimate Companion

The Unforgettable Journey with Wrex: Mass Effect's Ultimate Companion

Urdnot Wrex: A Mighty and Captivating Companion in Mass Effect, Wrex stands as Commander Shepard's largest ally and an exceptional crewmate, delivering unmatched power and immense entertainment value


Wrex, an impressive and captivating ally in the Mass Effect series, boasts formidable combat skills and a substantial reservoir of vitality. He undoubtedly ranks among Shepard's most formidable assets when facing combat head-on.

Wrex's character is enhanced by his infectious charisma and witty humor, making him an incredibly appealing character. He forges authentic friendships with multiple crew members, Shepard included.

Wrex's character progression throughout the trilogy is truly remarkable. Starting off as a cantankerous mercenary, he eventually rises to become the influential leader of the Krogan on Tuchanka, exhibiting true dedication to saving his race and securing a brighter future. Witnessing his heartwarming evolution is an incredible experience.

Wrex, one of Commander Shepard's earliest companions in the Mass Effect series, stands out as one of the most remarkable. Throughout the Mass Effect trilogy, Shepard forms alliances with a diverse group of crewmates, including both humans and aliens, who prove to be fiercely loyal. Only the strongest allies can endure the immense dangers faced by Shepard and the Normandy as they strive to save the universe from countless threats. Among these courageous individuals is Wrex, a formidable Krogan warrior.

The assistance of their crewmates is crucial for Commander Shepard's survival during the journey to the potential endings in Mass Effect 3. Initially, Shepard is supported by pilot Joker and Biotic expert Kaidan, but their team expands to include individuals with different skill sets and species. Some, like the Turian sniper Garrus, become long-term companions, while others join for a single game. These crewmates not only provide invaluable assistance in battles, but also have their own missions and perspectives. The presence of Shepard's crewmates is so integral to the Mass Effect experience that it is difficult to imagine the game without them.

Wrex is a Powerful and Entertaining Mass Effect Companion

The Unforgettable Journey with Wrex: Mass Effect's Ultimate Companion

When considering exceptional crew members, Mass Effect's underappreciated Urdnot Wrex should not be overlooked. As a Krogan Battlemaster, Wrex showcases impressive combat abilities, making him a valuable addition to Shepard's team. Boasting a substantial health pool and the capability to don heavy armor, Wrex can endure prolonged battles. His proficiency with a shotgun and assault rifle ensures he can hold his own in combat. Furthermore, Wrex possesses biotic powers that prove advantageous both offensively and defensively. In any combat scenario, Wrex stands out as one of Shepard's top choices.

Beyond his combat prowess, Wrex's captivating personality is a major asset. As a seasoned mercenary with shades of moral ambiguity, he brings a distinct dynamic to the crew from the first game. Surprisingly, Wrex exudes charisma, fostering genuine friendships with various members of the team, particularly Shepard. Moreover, he injects moments of wit and humor into interactions, as seen in his entertaining elevator conversations with fellow crew members in the initial installment.

Wrex undergoes significant development throughout the trilogy, making him a standout character. If Wrex is saved in Mass Effect, he eventually becomes the leader of the Krogan on Tuchanka. Originally a money-driven mercenary, Wrex transforms into a dedicated king, diligently working towards the betterment of his people. This growth is evident even in his joyful reunion with Shepard in Mass Effect 2, creating a heartwarming moment.

Having Wrex around adds a delightful element to both gameplay and the overall experience. While it remains unknown what lies ahead for his story, it would be a pleasant surprise to see him return in Mass Effect 4. In Mass Effect 3, assuming he survives, Wrex emerges in a favorable position, guiding the Krogans towards a prosperous future. Players of Mass Effect should definitely give Wrex a chance in their next playthrough, as his story proves to be a worthwhile investment of time.