The Undying Impact of Six Feet Under's Iconic Finale, 18 Years On
Discover why Six Feet Under's remarkable finale still captivates audiences 18 years later This article highlights the perfect timing, satisfying closure, unique sequences, emotional depth, universal themes, and exceptional performances that make it one of the best TV finales ever
Article Overview
Six Feet Under's finale still holds up as one of the best in TV history, with a consensus that it is a groundbreaking ending.
The last episode delivers a gratifying conclusion for all the significant characters, addressing their anxieties and offering a clear path forward. Through its distinctive format and flash-forward sequence, the finale redefines the concept of "closure" by unveiling the future of every character, even their eventual demise, resulting in a profound sense of fulfillment.
The final episode of Six Feet Under still stands as one of the greatest TV finales in history, and there are several reasons why it has garnered so much attention. Despite originally airing 18 years ago, before the rise of streaming services, it continues to resonate with audiences today. Each year, new viewers discover this masterpiece from HBO, and when it comes to discussing the best series endings, Six Feet Under always finds its way into the conversation. While it may not be the most widely remembered or beloved show, there is a consensus that its finale is truly exceptional.
Many great TV shows often falter in their final moments. They either overstay their welcome, like The Walking Dead, or lose their beloved characters' relatability, as seen in Game of Thrones. Typically, viewers unanimously critique the ending, believing it should have been different. But even when a finale is somewhat satisfying, there are still those who despise it. Therefore, for a show's finale to be universally celebrated as exceptional is groundbreaking. This is precisely the case with Six Feet Under, and it is worth exploring the reasons behind the attention it receives.
1. The Timing To End Six Feet Under Couldn't Have Been Better
The Show Is Not Shorter Nor Longer Than It Needs To Be
The timing of Six Feet Under's conclusion was impeccable. With fewer seasons, there is a risk of the show fading into obscurity, while an excessive number of seasons can lead to its downfall. Although the series maintains a distinct and remarkable style, by the fifth season, it undergoes some subtle changes from its original form. Initially, Six Feet Under showcases darkly comical moments with a cynical perspective; however, it gradually becomes more dramatic. While the show's quality remains consistent, there is a lingering sense that if it had continued, it might have lost its original essence. Alan Ball's decision to end the series appropriately becomes the pivotal moment.
2. Six Feet Under's Final Episode Is Part Of The Bigger Picture
The Final Episode's Script Works As A Whole With The Rest Of The Show
In Six Feet Under, death is portrayed as an integral part of life, emphasizing the cyclical nature of existence. The series showcases the idea that with every death, new life emerges. This thematic element is particularly evident in the finale, which mirrors the first episode. While the pilot centers around the death of Nathaniel Sr., the concluding episode focuses on the passing of Nate. Furthermore, the series begins with a death and ends with the birth of Willa, emphasizing the continuation of life. To further emphasize this concept, the finale concludes with the deaths of all the major characters, creating a sense of closure through its narrative structure.
3. Six Feet Under Gives A Satisfying Closure To Every Major Character
Every Character's Dramatic Arc Reaches A Final Point
The finale of Six Feet Under not only achieves closure in its structure but also in its content. Unlike many other shows that leave plot lines unresolved or make characters unlikeable, this show provides a satisfying conclusion for each character. In the final episode, every major character confronts their fears head-on. Claire faces her fear of inadequacy, Ruth confronts her fear of death, David tackles his fear of self-acceptance, and Brenda addresses her fear of motherhood. Each character makes decisions based on their true desires, leaving the audience with a sense of comfort knowing that they have finally found their own path in life.
4. Six Feet Under's Unprecedented Final Sequence Is Unique
The Last Minutes Won't Be Found In Any Other TV Show
Six Feet Under revolutionizes the concept of "closure" through its remarkable final sequence. Unlike most TV shows, where viewers are left speculating about the fate of various characters until the very end, Six Feet Under takes a different approach. The concluding sequence offers a glimpse into the future, providing insight into the lives of each character, particularly their deaths. The revelation of how and when each character meets their demise adds a profound depth to the meaning of "closure." Although the finale effectively puts an end to any possibility of a reboot, it serves as a masterful conclusion to the series.
5. Everything That Happens In The Final Episode is Relevant
The Finale Is Not About Closing Subplots
Frequently, in a television series, the central conflict is resolved a few episodes prior to the finale. The protagonist triumphs over the antagonist, leaving the final episode to tie up loose ends and conclude lesser storylines that may not be of great importance to the audience. This holds true for both plot-driven and character-driven shows. However, in the case of Six Feet Under, where there are no clear antagonists and the main plots revolve around each character's personal growth, every event in the final episode holds significance as it provides closure to the fundamental questions posed by the show throughout its seasons.
6. Six Feet Under's Finale Is As Dramatic As It Gets
Everything That Happens In The Finale Is Loaded With Emotions
The appeal of dramatic shows lies in their ability to evoke strong emotions, particularly the desire for a cathartic release through crying. A prime example of this is evident in the finale of Six Feet Under. The death of a central character like Nate permeates the storyline with a pervasive sense of melancholy. Moreover, the complexities surrounding Willa's premature and precarious birth add to the emotional intensity. Nate, a character who is well-liked by the audience, betrays his pregnant wife, also a beloved character, before tragically passing away. The convergence of all these emotions during Willa's birth, coupled with the characters' struggle to make crucial life decisions, elevates the drama to a whole new level.
7. It Is Hopeful
Besides Being Dramatic It Leaves A Positive Feeling
While the finale is filled with dramatic moments, its true charm lies in its underlying sense of hope. The focus remains on Claire, allowing for the possibility of a fresh start. In less than a minute, we see Claire embarking on a new life and facing his own mortality, yet there is an overwhelming feeling of hope. He is determined to pursue his dreams and avoid the same mistakes that Ruth made in her youth. Furthermore, each character's storyline concludes with them fulfilling their deepest desires, sparking a renewed sense of hope in life.
8. The Finale Doesn't Display Big Surprises Yet Is Not Predictable
Everything Is Coherent But Unpredictable
The ending of Six Feet Under effectively presents plausible and coherent outcomes without being too predictable. Each character stays true to their nature, yet the way it unfolds leaves room for uncertainty. For instance, Claire wrestles with the decision to move to New York, initially unsure about it. Then, just as she finally makes up her mind, the job offer falls through. Nevertheless, she still chooses to leave, which is coherent but somewhat unexpected. This pattern repeats with the other characters in the final episode.
9. The Main Topic Never Gets Old
The Topics Dealt With Are Universal
Six Feet Under's exceptional achievement lies in its ability to provide thought-provoking commentary on its main themes. Centered around a funeral home owned by a family, the series ingeniously taps into the perpetual demand for such services due to the inevitable reality of death. Remarkably, this central thematic element works in its favor, as life, death, fears, and the process of maturing are enduring and universal subjects that have captivated humanity since time immemorial—and will undoubtedly continue to do so in the future. Irrespective of the ever-evolving technological and socio-cultural landscape, Six Feet Under remains unwaveringly relevant.
10. The Performances Take The Final Episode To Another Level
The Cast Is At The Top Of Its Game
The cast of Six Feet Under truly shines, delivering powerful performances that heighten the already dramatic climax. Without their exceptional talent, the emotional weight of the finale could never have been sustained. In many successful TV shows, actors and actresses excel in their roles but struggle to break free from them, resulting in performances that are truly one-of-a-kind. The finale of Six Feet Under stands out not only for its brilliant storytelling, but also because the actors and actresses portraying these captivating characters are truly exceptional.
Editor's P/S
1. The finale of Six Feet Under was truly unique and groundbreaking. It took risks that other shows were not willing to take, such as killing off all of the main characters. This may have been a controversial decision, but it was also a powerful one. It showed that death is a part of life and that it is something that we should not fear.
2. The finale also provided closure for the characters and the audience. We saw each of the characters come to terms with their own mortality and find peace in their lives. This was a satisfying conclusion to a complex and emotional series.
Overall, the finale of Six Feet Under was a masterpiece of television. It was a fitting end to a groundbreaking series.