The Uncanny Valley: George Carlin AI Special Sparks Controversy

The Uncanny Valley: George Carlin AI Special Sparks Controversy

A new comedy special featuring an AI recreation of the late George Carlin has caused quite a stir. The controversial George Carlin: I'm Glad I'm Dead has sparked debates about AI, ethics, and the use of likeness without permission. Let's delve into the details and implications of this unprecedented event.

The George Carlin AI-Generated Special Explained

A new comedy special featuring an AI recreation of the late George Carlin, George Carlin: I'm Glad I'm Dead, is causing a lot of controversy – and with good reason. The utterly quotable George Carlin, who passed in 2008, was an icon in comedy, a trailblazer whose style and mind are inimitable. It's exactly that reason that the new comedy special has caused such an uproar.

George Carlin in Life is Worth Losing

George Carlin in Life is Worth Losing

This isn't the first project centering on Carlin that's come out in recent years. In 2022, the excellent documentary series George Carlin's American Dream dropped on Max to acclaim. The series, directed by Judd Apatow and Michael Bonfiglio, brought together comedians and actors to discuss how Carlin had influenced and inspired their own careers while reflecting on his life and legacy. While that series was a homage to Carlin, George Carlin: I'm Glad I'm Dead is another matter entirely.

George Carlin as Cardinal Glick giving a press conference in Dogma

George Carlin as Cardinal Glick giving a press conference in Dogma

The new show comes from a comedy AI podcast. The hour-long special sees the AI-generated Carlin discussing a range of topical humor, as the real comedian did, ranging from mass shootings to class systems. In a section that's particularly meta and approaching Black Mirror territory, the artificial intelligence George Carlin also discusses artificial intelligence.

The George Carlin AI-Generated Special Explained

The George Carlin AI-Generated Special Explained

Twitter article posted by Kelly Carlin

George Carlin's Family Never Signed Off On It & Don't Approve

One of the main areas of contention with George Carlin: I'm Glad I'm Dead is the fact that before taking Carlin's likeness, the creators did not ask Carlin's family for permission. In particular, Carlin's daughter, Kelly Carlin, took to Twitter to express her disapproval of the special.

George Carlin's Family Never Signed Off On It & Don't Approve

George Carlin's Family Never Signed Off On It & Don't Approve

Carlin's daughter, Kelly Carlin, expressed her concerns about the AI-generated George Carlin special. She emphasized that her father spent a lifetime perfecting his craft from his very human life, brain, and imagination, and that no machine will ever replace his genius. She stressed the importance of letting the artist’s work speak for itself and highlighted the significance of supporting actual living human comedians.

Using AI Likenesses Without Approval Is Why Actors Just Went On Strike

Inherent in Kelly Carlin's statement is the understanding that her father himself would have hated knowing he was reduced to a pale facsimile of himself. This issue is one of the reasons actors just went on strike for months, as AI has become a growing concern in Hollywood, both for actors and for writers.

There's real, valid worry among actors that their likenesses and voices can be used without their permission into perpetuity. It's made actors - and creatives of all types - think about how their legacies might be tarnished, if not perverted.

The AI-generated George Carlin touched upon the issue of AI and its impact on the entertainment industry in the special. However, it failed to capture the nuance and insight that only humans can provide, ultimately making a mockery of George Carlin's decades of work and lived experience.

What The Fallout Of The George Carlin AI Special Could Be

It's impossible to predict what the fallout and consequences of the AI special will be. With George Carlin: I'm Glad I'm Dead providing such a perfect example of the dangers of AI, it wouldn't be surprising to see it end up in a lawsuit. Legal complexities arise as AI programs claim it's merely an impression, while using someone's likeness without permission is a different matter.

The fallout of the AI special could set precedent moving forward, potentially leading to lawsuits and contributing to the ongoing debate on the ethics of AI uncoupled from permission or consent.