The Ultimate Zombie Showdown: Killing Floor 2 vs Call of Duty Zombies!

The Ultimate Zombie Showdown: Killing Floor 2 vs Call of Duty Zombies!

Killing Floor 2, from Tripwire Interactive, offers an exceptional alternative to Call of Duty Zombies, catering to fans seeking a fresh and thrilling experience With striking similarities, it's the perfect choice for those craving intense, zombie-infested action


For those eagerly anticipating new content in Call of Duty Zombies, Killing Floor 2 presents itself as a viable alternative. With its comparable gameplay loop involving successive waves of enemies and progressively increasing challenge, players can find a similar thrill and excitement.

Killing Floor 2 is a first-person shooter that allows players to wield a wide range of weapons and earn points to acquire upgrades. While it may not boast the intricate puzzles and hidden surprises found in CoD Zombies, it emphasizes the immersive experience of survival, making it particularly appealing to enthusiasts of classic zombie maps.

While the game can be enjoyed on console platforms, playing on a PC provides the added advantage of being able to access custom maps that are equally as captivating as the official content.

Call of Duty Zombies enthusiasts have eagerly awaited fresh content for quite some time. Although Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and its subsequent map releases provided enjoyable experiences in 2020 and 2021, Call of Duty: Vanguard Zombies was a significant disappointment. With the franchise taking a break from the mode in 2022 and plans for an open world experience in this year's game, it appears that gamers will have to wait until Treyarch's next installment for another high-quality round-based map. This extended waiting period may prompt one to search for an alternative. Fortunately, Killing Floor 2 offers a superb option.

While there are other possibilities available for Call of Duty Zombies fans yearning for new experiences, such as the Custom Zombies maps accessible in the PC version of Black Ops 3, not everyone is willing to acquire a PC solely for the cooperative mode. Furthermore, even the finest custom maps can become monotonous over time, just like Treyarch's official creations. Consequently, opting for an entirely different game with a similar core gameplay loop can be an excellent solution to combat the scarcity of content. Whether you're a console or PC player, Killing Floor 2 is certainly worth considering for CoD Zombies fans.

Killing Floor 2’s Similarities to CoD Zombies Make it An Ideal Option

The Ultimate Zombie Showdown: Killing Floor 2 vs Call of Duty Zombies!

While fans eagerly wait for the release of Killing Floor 3, newcomers can still find a wealth of content to enjoy in its predecessor. Years of support have resulted in a vast collection of skins, maps, and weapons to enhance the gameplay experience against the Zeds. For fans of zombie games, it's worth noting the similarities between Killing Floor 2 and Treyarch's popular co-op offering.

Just like the Call of Duty franchise, Killing Floor 2 is a first-person shooter that provides players with a wide range of firearms and melee weapons to combat the enemy. The core gameplay loop mirrors that of Zombies, where up to six players can team up to face waves of adversaries. With each wave, the challenge intensifies with the introduction of tougher opponents and mini bosses. This familiarity with escalating difficulty and special enemies will resonate with Call of Duty Zombies fans.

Players in Killing Floor 2 will earn points, referred to as Dosh, similar to Call of Duty Zombies. These points can be used to purchase more powerful weapons, gear, and upgrades from a buy station between waves, preparing for the next wave of Zeds. Although Killing Floor 2 does not include the intricate puzzles and Easter eggs found in Call of Duty Zombies, fans of simpler survival-focused gameplay in CoD Zombies will thoroughly enjoy it. Furthermore, those who find high rounds tedious may prefer Killing Floor 2's style, as it provides a clear goal to strive for. After surviving a certain number of waves, players will face off against a boss, successfully finishing the map upon defeating it.

While Killing Floor 2 offers a multitude of official content on consoles, playing on PC has an advantage, similar to Call of Duty Zombies: Custom Maps. Some of the community-created maps are on par, if not better, than Tripwire's official content, providing hours of gameplay. It is worth noting that Killing Floor 2 weapons often appear in Custom Call of Duty Zombies maps, highlighting the similarities between the two games.

For console players interested in a wave-based gameplay with options to camp or strategically maneuver enemies, choosing Killing Floor 2 instead of a Steam Deck for Custom Zombies is highly recommended. Not only is Killing Floor 2 much more affordable compared to purchasing a PC, but it also offers a wealth of content that has been continually added over the years, ensuring a satisfying gaming experience right from the start. Furthermore, by exploring Killing Floor 2, newcomers may discover a new game that they thoroughly enjoy, building anticipation for the upcoming release of Killing Floor 3. With the impending arrival of both Killing Floor 3 and Call of Duty 2024, enthusiasts of wave-based zombie killing can eagerly anticipate a plethora of engaging content. The only challenge lies in surviving until these games are released. Killing Floor 2 is currently available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One platforms.