The Ultimate Zelda Hack: Unveiling the Secret Behind Zonai Wings in Tears of the Kingdom

The Ultimate Zelda Hack: Unveiling the Secret Behind Zonai Wings in Tears of the Kingdom

Discover an ingenious technique in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom to preserve the durability of Zonai Wings indefinitely Learn how to unlock limitless usage for this essential item in the latest installment of the beloved Zelda game series

A player of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom recently discovered a technique to prevent Zonai Wings from disappearing. This bypasses one of the game's frustrating limitations when it comes to flying. They took to the internet to share their method shortly after another player revealed a trick to significantly increase the distance at which vehicles despawn in Tears of the Kingdom.

Despite the widespread praise for the building mechanics in the new Zelda game, some fans still have mixed feelings about the Zonai devices in Tears of the Kingdom. They believe these devices make traversal a little too easy, creating a double-edged sword effect. It seems Nintendo was aware of this potential issue and attempted to balance custom vehicles by making certain flying components disappear after only 60 seconds. It's important to note that all Zonai objects have built-in timers, but the majority of them can stay active for at least half an hour. However, most players tend to abandon their creations much sooner than that.

Zonai Wings, although subject to strict usage limits in the game, can have their disappearing animation canceled mid-flight, effectively giving them unlimited durability. This discovery was recently showcased by Reddit user wokecahontas, who demonstrated that by alternating between a Zonai Wing-based aircraft's power states every few seconds, the wings can remain intact for up to half an hour. This technique is particularly effective when used in conjunction with four vertical fans and one horizontal fan, paired with a Zonai Steering Stick. By continuously relinquishing and seizing control of the aircraft, it is possible to fly between any two points on the map, as long as the trip does not begin with worn-out fans. It is worth noting that Zonai Fans in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom disappear after exactly 30 minutes.

In summary, while not easy to implement, this newly found technique contributes to the already existing resource-efficient traversal options for determined Tears of the Kingdom players. Those who seek a smoother flying experience without using Zonai Wings can explore the infinite-energy helicopter design pioneered by another Tears of the Kingdom player recently. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom can be played on Nintendo Switch.