The Ultimate Wishlist: Unleashing the Power of Diablo 4 with the Most Anticipated DLC Classes, Ranked

The Ultimate Wishlist: Unleashing the Power of Diablo 4 with the Most Anticipated DLC Classes, Ranked

Discover the untapped potential of Diablo 4's character roster! Explore the missing classes from previous games that could make a thrilling return as DLC, ranked for your anticipation Unleash your imagination with the possibilities!

Diablo 4 presents a diverse selection of classes catering to various player preferences. Among the options available, players can embark on their journey as a Barbarian, Druid, Necromancer, Rogue, or Sorcerer, and for the first time in the series, they have the freedom to customize their appearance. While these choices are commendable, devoted fans yearn for the inclusion of additional classes, as the series has previously featured a total of fourteen classes, some of which were revamped iterations of others. With five classes already confirmed, there remain nine potential candidates that could be introduced through DLC. The question then arises: which classes should Blizzard prioritize in Diablo 4?

8 Warrior

The Ultimate Wishlist: Unleashing the Power of Diablo 4 with the Most Anticipated DLC Classes, Ranked

Including a Warrior class in Diablo 4 alongside the Barbarian, amidst a world brimming with Barbarians and other melee-focused classes, may only serve as a nostalgic gesture.

7 Assassin

The Ultimate Wishlist: Unleashing the Power of Diablo 4 with the Most Anticipated DLC Classes, Ranked

Adding an Assassin class to a video game can bring a whole new level of gameplay. One notable game that has mastered the concept of stealth-based gameplay is Assassin's Creed. However, in the world of Diablo, the Assassin was introduced as a revamped version of the Rogue from the previous game, Diablo 2's expansion.

The Assassin relied heavily on cloaking and shadow abilities to accomplish their tasks. While there are notable distinctions in terms of skills between the Rogue and the Assassin, the similarities between the two classes are significant. With the presence of Rogues already established in Diablo 4, introducing an Assassin class might overcrowd the game and diminish its overall experience.

6 Amazon

The Ultimate Wishlist: Unleashing the Power of Diablo 4 with the Most Anticipated DLC Classes, Ranked

The Amazon class was introduced in Diablo 2 and made a singular appearance. Similar to other melee-based fighters, the Amazon possessed the advantage of extended reach. Amazons favored spears as their melee weapon and were also skilled in using bows.

In Diablo 4, the inclusion of the spear would offer a distinctive choice compared to the existing options. It would be intriguing to witness Blizzard's creative approach in designing a modern Amazon character, complete with their trademark spears and lances.

5 Wizard

The Ultimate Wishlist: Unleashing the Power of Diablo 4 with the Most Anticipated DLC Classes, Ranked

In most RPGs, Wizards are often considered the quintessential magic class. However, in the Diablo series, Sorcerers were initially introduced as a modified version of Wizards. They made their debut in Diablo 3 and have continued to be a part of Diablo Immortal.

Considering the presence of the Sorcerer in Diablo 4, one might question the necessity of having a Wizard. Nevertheless, Blizzard has the opportunity to distinguish the two classes by equipping Wizards with unique elemental spells that are beyond the capabilities of Sorcerers.

4 Witch Doctor

The Ultimate Wishlist: Unleashing the Power of Diablo 4 with the Most Anticipated DLC Classes, Ranked

Witch Doctors, like magic users, delve into the realm of conjuring, but their practices tend to lean towards the darker aspects. Introduced in Diablo 3, they emerged as a contemporary iteration of the Necromancer. Similar to their counterpart, they possessed the power to summon minions, but their expertise primarily revolved around curses and poisons.

In cooperative gameplay, Witch Doctors proved to be an invaluable addition to any team, employing afflictions to gradually weaken bosses. Given their distinct approach from Necromancers, reintroducing them would be a worthwhile consideration.

3 Monk

The Ultimate Wishlist: Unleashing the Power of Diablo 4 with the Most Anticipated DLC Classes, Ranked

Monks, one of the swifter classes in the Diablo series, stand out from the typical Rogues found in most RPGs. With lightning-fast jabs and the ability to wield holy magic, they dominate their enemies. Monks have made appearances in various games, including the expansion to the first Diablo game, Diablo 3, and Diablo Immortal. However, the absence of Monks in Diablo 4 is deeply felt, leaving many players longing for their powerful potential when built correctly, reminiscent of the overpowering characters in the Final Fantasy series.

2 Demon Hunter

The Ultimate Wishlist: Unleashing the Power of Diablo 4 with the Most Anticipated DLC Classes, Ranked

The exclusion of the Demon Hunter class from Diablo 4 has disappointed fans. However, they can still enjoy playing as this unique class in both Diablo 3's starter class set and Diablo Immortal. Unlike other classes, the Demon Hunter excels in long-range attacks, which sets them apart.

Visually, the Demon Hunter class resembles a character from a different game, reminiscent of a medieval version of Dante from Devil May Cry. Instead of relying on firearms, Demon Hunters wield twin crossbows as their weapon of choice. Their distinctive style and abilities make them suitable protagonists for a potential spinoff game within the Diablo series, even if it deviates from the traditional looter RPG format.

1 Crusader/Paladin

The Ultimate Wishlist: Unleashing the Power of Diablo 4 with the Most Anticipated DLC Classes, Ranked

Both the Crusader and Paladin possess similar characteristics, making it difficult to determine a clear winner. The Paladins were the original class in Diablo 2, effectively replacing the Warriors. Known for their strength, impressive defense, and proficiency in holy magic akin to Monks, they laid the foundation for the Crusaders. The Crusaders, on the other hand, can be seen as enhanced versions of Paladins, focusing on utilizing massive shields and hammers.

Although Crusaders made their debut in the Diablo 3 expansion and are also present in Diablo Immortal, it would be fitting for the Paladins to make a comeback, considering they have only been featured in one adventure thus far. A well-rounded RPG party necessitates a Paladin to lead the way, especially when confronted with the ominous gates of Hell.

Diablo 4 was released on June 6, 2023, and is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.