The Ultimate Vault of Easter Eggs: Uncovering the Top Borderlands Secrets
Discover the most hilarious Easter eggs in the Borderlands series! From a Minecraft-inspired cave in Borderlands 2 to a Dark Souls reference, prepare for a nostalgic trip with nods to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Super Mario Bros, and even Lord of the Rings in Borderlands 3 Get ready to embark on a whimsical journey through 14 years of memorable surprises! (348 characters)
Easter eggs have been part of the video game industry since the 1970s, and the Borderlands franchise is known for having some of the best.
Borderlands games incorporate Easter eggs that pay homage to popular media including Minecraft, Dark Souls, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Super Mario Bros., and Lord of the Rings. These Easter eggs, like the elaborate Borderlands 2 Minecraft cave, have a lasting impact on players even after their initial discovery.
Easter eggs in the video game industry have been prevalent since the early 1970s, although their exact origins are still debated. These hidden surprises can take various forms, such as the inclusion of the developer's name in the background or nods to popular movies, TV shows, and other video game franchises. The Borderlands series, in particular, is known for hosting some of the most impressive Easter eggs.
While Easter eggs can be found in different genres of video games, open-world titles offer the most significant and noteworthy ones. These games encourage exploration and reward players' curiosity with clever references. As an open-world action-adventure series, Borderlands is an ideal platform for featuring a plethora of Easter eggs. The franchise consistently goes above and beyond in this aspect, presenting some of the finest Easter eggs in the gaming world.
Borderlands 2's Minecraft Cave Easter Egg
Borderlands 2's Dark Souls Easter Egg
- The legendary Borderlands Easter egg - and quite possibly the most beloved Easter egg in all of gaming - is undeniably Borderlands 2's Minecraft cave. Even after all these years, this intriguing location nestled within the Caustic Caverns maintains its allure. Deep within a narrow crevice on the side of a towering cliff, players stumble upon a wall constructed from peculiar blocks of sand. Adherents of Minecraft instantly recognize these distinctive low-resolution blocks, which can be shattered to unveil a hidden aperture beneath the precipice. Within this hidden sanctuary, players encounter a handful of Minecraft Creepers, accompanied by enigmatic Minecraft blocks that can be dismantled to uncover exceptional Minecraft weapon skins and character cosmetics.Another Easter egg from the Borderlands series can be discovered in Borderlands 2's Caustic Caverns. Located just north of the immense Crystalisk Blue, players will come across an island situated in the middle of a toxic lake, featuring a prominent tree. By having sufficiently high shields and health, players have the opportunity to reach the island and uncover a hidden reference to Dark Souls. On the island, alongside a bonfire, players will encounter a knight named Solitaire, as well as the elusive soul of a knight that intermittently phases in and out of existence.
Borderlands 2's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Easter Egg
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel's Super Mario Bros. Easter Egg
Moving forward to some of the more intricate Borderlands Easter eggs, one of the most noteworthy Easter egg quests in gaming is the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles questline in Borderlands 2. In a quest titled "Splinter Group," players will be assigned the task of enticing a group of mutant rebels, hidden in the sewer, to come out and then eliminate them. To entice their emergence, players are provided with a freshly baked pizza. Once the pizza is placed down, Lee, Mick, Dan, and Ralph will all emerge from the nearby sewage pipes. Eliminating them will eventually lead players to Flinter, the leader of this group.
While Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel might not have been the most cherished installment within the franchise, its Easter eggs were undoubtedly comparable to some of the best ones in the series. Among them, the Super Mario Bros. Easter egg stands out as a prime example. Towards the end of the game, players stumble upon a room brimming with ascending platforms, with one of them leading to a pipe that serves as a portal to a Mario Bros. level. By vanquishing several waves of foes emerging from these pipes, players are rewarded with a handful of loot chests. What enhances the appeal of this Easter egg is the fact that players can skillfully jump their way to the very top of the level, where they will discover a concealed room adorned with pipes. This remarkable inclusion serves as a subtle, nested homage to Mario Bros.' hidden pipe rooms.
Borderlands 3's Lord of the Rings Easter Egg
One of Borderlands 3's finest Easter eggs is its "Demon in the Dark" questline, cleverly paying homage to Lord of the Rings. Throughout this quest, players navigate a hauntingly familiar setting resembling the Mines of Moria, and are even entrusted with the task of dropping a bucket down a well, mirroring Pippin's iconic moment from Fellowship of the Ring. Ultimately, Borderlands players will confront a formidable fire-based enemy, undeniably influenced by the Balrog.