The Ultimate Unveiling: 10 Mind-Blowing Mysteries Revealed in the Hijack Finale

The Ultimate Unveiling: 10 Mind-Blowing Mysteries Revealed in the Hijack Finale

The gripping Hijack finale is on the horizon, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats Uncover the secrets behind Amanda's role, the full extent of the hijackers' plot, and the fate of Kingdom Flight 29 With lives hanging in the balance, expect thrilling twists and heart-pounding suspense in this must-watch conclusion


Buckle up for a heart-pounding rollercoaster as Apple's captivating series, Hijack, reaches its climactic finale. Prepare for an adrenaline-fueled journey that will unveil the gripping answers to the burning questions that have been cunningly constructed over the course of the previous six episodes.

In the finale, it will be revealed that Amanda and Alec are involved in a hijacking connected to the Cheapside Firm as part of an insider trading scheme. The fate of Kingdom Flight 29, the response of the British government, and whether Sam and his family survive are crucial uncertainties that will be resolved.

Apple's thrilling series Hijack reaches its thrilling climax with just one episode remaining, promising to unveil the answers to several burning questions set up by the previous six episodes. Led by the talented Idris Elba, this series boasts a captivating ensemble cast who deliver an intense and adrenaline-pumping thriller filled with unexpected twists and original plot developments. While Sam's relentless efforts to neutralize the threats on Kingdom Flight 29 seemed promising, he soon realizes that the hijackers themselves are mere pawns in a much larger and incredibly dangerous criminal operation.

Throughout the first four episodes of Hijack, the objective of the hijackers remained intentionally ambiguous. However, the narrative took a dramatic turn in episode 5 with the tragic death of an innocent passenger named Sheena. The initial suspenseful uncertainty evolved into a horrifying realization that the Cheapside Firm, an influential illicit trade network spanning across Europe, is the mastermind behind the hijacking. In episode 6, a shocking twist leaves Captain Robin dead, leaving seemingly innocent passenger Amanda alone in the cockpit. With the stage set for a chaotic thrill ride, the finale of Hijack promises to be an exhilarating conclusion that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

10 Who Is Amanda & What Is Her Connection to Edgar?

The Ultimate Unveiling: 10 Mind-Blowing Mysteries Revealed in the Hijack Finale

Amanda, the first passenger Sam attempted to comfort when the hijacking of Kingdom Flight 29 began, turned out to be an unexpected accomplice. Unbeknownst to Sam, Amanda was secretly connected to one of the leaders of the Cheapside Firm, Edgar Janssen, just like Stuart. Stuart was astounded when he witnessed Amanda approaching the cockpit with a loaded gun. Without any hesitation, Amanda shot and killed Captain Robin, and presumably secured herself inside the cockpit, taking full control of the flight during the Hijack finale.

9 Who Else Is In On The Hijacking?

The Ultimate Unveiling: 10 Mind-Blowing Mysteries Revealed in the Hijack Finale

The connection between Alec, the passenger seated at the back of the plane, and the hijacking has become evident. In episode 1, it was Sam's act of kindness that allowed Alec to board the flight. Little did anyone know that Alec had brought a bag containing the actual bullets used by Stuart to kill Sheena. Furthermore, Alec was seen making a phone call, instructing someone to "confirm the trade," indicating his involvement with Devlin in an insider trading scheme. Their plan relies on the belief that Kingdom Airlines' stock price will drop due to the hijacking. With Amanda and Alec posing as innocent passengers, it is possible that more individuals are part of the Cheapside Firm's grand conspiracy.

8 Will Kingdom Flight 29 Land Safely In London?

The Ultimate Unveiling: 10 Mind-Blowing Mysteries Revealed in the Hijack Finale

The anticipation surrounding the fate of Kingdom Flight 29 has been the central question since the first episode of Hijack. Will it successfully touch down in London or was it never meant to reach its destination at all? The range of possible outcomes for the plane's landing is vast. However, with the seventh episode aptly titled "Brace, Brace, Brace," the chances of a smooth landing seem uncertain. With Amanda taking charge in the cockpit following Captain Robin's demise, it is clear that she intends to be the one guiding the aircraft towards its ultimate destination. The only other individual capable of safely landing the plane is the co-pilot and First Officer Anna Kovacs, who may be summoned to save the day.

7 How Will The British Government Respond?

The Ultimate Unveiling: 10 Mind-Blowing Mysteries Revealed in the Hijack Finale

The British government will need to evaluate the potential threat posed by Kingdom Flight 29 to the safety of London's residents and the city itself, and determine the appropriate course of action. If Amanda has no intentions of landing the plane and intends to utilize it as a weapon against a prominent landmark or building, the British government will be compelled to intervene and neutralize the threat. If this option is not feasible, they will be obliged to comply with Edgar and the demands of the Cheapside Firm until their objectives are fulfilled.

6 What Is Sam’s Plan For The Rest Of The Flight?

The Ultimate Unveiling: 10 Mind-Blowing Mysteries Revealed in the Hijack Finale

5 How Do Stuart & The Hijackers Plan To Escape?

: The effectiveness of Sam's strategies has been consistently questionable, leading to speculation about whether or not he will recognize his errors and cease his constant involvement in every situation. Given Sam's unwavering belief that he is the central figure, it is imperative for him to effectively employ his negotiation skills and persuade Amanda, Stuart, and the hijackers to abandon Edgar's mission. Although Stuart should have no reason to trust Sam at this point, his ability to influence others may prove crucial in the climactic Hijack finale.

The Ultimate Unveiling: 10 Mind-Blowing Mysteries Revealed in the Hijack Finale

Stuart's frequent uncertainty in his own plan implies that he and the other hijackers may lack a clear escape strategy. This uncertainty may be revealed when Stuart is surprised by Amanda's sudden involvement, exposing a hidden aspect of Edgar's plan that Stuart was unaware of. Alternatively, Stuart may have a specific plan to ensure their safety, but this is unlikely considering Edgar's potential manipulation of Stuart and the other hijackers for his own gain. It is improbable that Edgar will offer any rewards or protection to Stuart and his accomplices.

4 Will There Be More Bloodshed on Kingdom Flight 29?

The Ultimate Unveiling: 10 Mind-Blowing Mysteries Revealed in the Hijack Finale

With two innocent people already dead and one hijacker neutralized, it would be somewhat surprising if there were no additional casualties by the end of the final episode of Hijack. Unless Edgar demands otherwise, under Amanda's control, it seems unnecessary to have more lives lost, unless the British government refuses to bow to the will of the Cheapside Firm. It is highly likely that at least one more character will not survive Hijack, and the finale must address not only who that would be, but also the reasons behind it.

3 Will Edgar & John Return To The Cheapside Firm?

The Ultimate Unveiling: 10 Mind-Blowing Mysteries Revealed in the Hijack Finale

Having successfully evaded the clutches of the British police force, the pressing question now looms over Edgar and John—what course of action will they pursue with their newfound freedom? Did their daring prison escape satisfy their desires entirely, or are there further demands they intend to make in the thrilling climax of the Hijack saga? Given the substantial targets painted on their backs, it would be imprudent for Edgar and John to revisit familiar territories where their identities might easily be unmasked. Instead, they might have devised a detailed plan to seek refuge in a foreign land, and a daring possibility hovers in the air—it is conceivable that they might even embark on Kingdom Flight 29 itself.

2 Will Devlin's Insider Trading Scheme Work?

The Ultimate Unveiling: 10 Mind-Blowing Mysteries Revealed in the Hijack Finale

Devlin and Alec's insider trading scheme aims to enrich themselves by investing in the decline of Kingdom Airlines' stock. If they were to bet against it and the stock price plummets, they stand to gain substantial financial benefits. However, their plan could encounter complications, such as potential temporary trading freezes or potential exposure of their illicit activities. The exact destination of the proceeds from this illegal trading remains uncertain, but it is highly likely that the Cheapside Firm would greatly benefit from Devlin's endeavors.

1 Will Sam & His Family Survive?

The Ultimate Unveiling: 10 Mind-Blowing Mysteries Revealed in the Hijack Finale

Regrettably, Sam's questionably aggressive tactics on Kingdom Flight 29 have made him a target, putting his family in grave danger. If the two Cheapside Firm 'cleaners' who are currently in Sam's house happen to find Kai, the outcome will undoubtedly be either his murder or his capture. Additionally, Amanda, who has proven her resolute capabilities, may take matters into her own hands and eliminate Sam herself, since Stuart seems unable to do so for unknown reasons. The future of Sam and his family hangs in the balance as the riveting Apple series Hijack reaches its climactic conclusion.