The Ultimate Starfield Mod: Revolutionizing Inventory Management like Never Before!

The Ultimate Starfield Mod: Revolutionizing Inventory Management like Never Before!

Unleashing chaos in Starfield, this newly discovered mod takes inventory management to a whole new level of realism, intensifying the game's most dreaded feature Brace yourself for a truly immersive and challenging experience!


A new mod for Starfield enhances inventory management by making it more realistic, but this may aggravate some players who find it already annoying.

PowerOfThree, the creator on Nexus Mods, developed this mod to enhance the immersive experience by allowing the player to carry an unlimited amount of weight. However, to use the mod, Steam players must have the Starfield Script Extender and an address library plugin installed, as it is not compatible with other versions.

A new Starfield mod has been discovered that enhances the RPG's inventory management, a feature that has been widely considered one of the game's most frustrating aspects. This latest addition adds to the growing collection of Starfield mods that have been appearing online since early September.

Modding has long been synonymous with Bethesda's open-world RPGs, although the official content creation tools have often been slow to catch up with the games themselves. As expected, Starfield is still awaiting official mod support from the developers. However, this hasn't deterred the dedicated modders within the fan community, who have already begun creating simple mods using hex editors, custom configuration files, and other basic methods soon after the release of this expansive galactic RPG.

One recent addition to the growing list of customizations is perhaps one of the most notorious ones yet - the Gravity Affects Weight mod created by Nexus Mods user PowerOfThree. While the original version of Starfield already takes gravity into account when determining the maximum carrying weight for players, the formula used has significant limitations that often go unnoticed by most players. PowerOfThree's mod overhauls this system, removing all these constraints and making the game much more realistic.

The Ultimate Starfield Mod: Revolutionizing Inventory Management like Never Before!

While the idea of implementing a more realistic item weight system in Starfield may not be appealing to many players due to the already time-consuming task of managing inventories and ship storage, PowerOfThree's attempt to enhance the immersion of Bethesda's latest title has found an audience. Within just two weeks of its release, the mod has garnered over 13,500 downloads.

To use the mod, players will need to have the Starfield Script Extender (SFSE) and an accompanying address library plugin. It is important to note that the mod is currently only compatible with the Steam version of the game. The PC Game Pass and Windows Store versions have a different executable that is not compatible with SFSE. It is unlikely that this situation will change in the foreseeable future, making Steam the optimal platform for modding Starfield.

SFSE is already widely used by various mods and is expected to become even more popular in the future, just like the creator's previous tools for Fallout: New Vegas, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, and Fallout 4. Bethesda has also announced that the Starfield Creation Kit will be released in early 2024 to support official modding for the game.

You can now play Starfield on PC and Xbox Series X/S.

Source: PowerOfThree / Nexus Mods