The Ultimate Showdown: Unveiling Saturn's True Power Against the Yonko

The Ultimate Showdown: Unveiling Saturn's True Power Against the Yonko

Unveiling the Power of Saturn: A Comparison to the Yonko in One Piece Dive into the depths of Saturn's Devil Fruit abilities, explore the presence of Haki, and unravel the ultimate question - Is Saturn truly stronger than the formidable Yonko?


The powers of Saturn, one of the Five Elders in One Piece, have finally been unveiled in the latest chapter. Saturn wields a Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit which draws inspiration from a Yokai, a supernatural creature in Japanese folklore.

Saturn stands as a formidable force in the One Piece universe, owing to his extensive age and wealth of experience. His abilities have been honed to perfection, and it is plausible that he has not only survived but thrived throughout the enigmatic Void Century.

Undoubtedly, Saturn has unlocked the full potential of his Devil Fruit, demonstrating a mastery over its powers. Furthermore, he possesses the coveted Haki, with the very real possibility of possessing Conqueror's Haki. The amalgamation of these extraordinary abilities, alongside his sheer strength and commanding presence, ultimately suggests that he could rival, if not surpass, the Yonko in power.

The One Piece universe is becoming increasingly exhilarating with each new chapter, capturing the undivided attention of fans. In the previous chapter, fans were treated to an awe-inspiring spectacle that they had long anticipated - the long-awaited appearance and exhibition of powers by one of the Five Elders. This moment has been years in the making and has left fans craving for more.

In recent chapters, it had become evident that Saturn would eventually make his presence felt, and indeed, he did so in the previous chapter by unveiling his extraordinary Yokai-based Devil Fruit abilities. It is clear that Saturn possesses a level of strength that surpasses the vast majority of characters in the world of One Piece. While fans are aware that the Yonko reign supreme in terms of power, the revelation of Saturn's powers begs the question of whether he may even surpass them.

Saturn's Devil Fruit

The Ultimate Showdown: Unveiling Saturn's True Power Against the Yonko

Saturn is undeniably one of the most formidable characters in the One Piece universe. The reason why Oda chose to introduce him in the Final Saga further emphasizes this. Apart from considering the storyline, a mere glance at his Devil Fruit confirms that he is no ordinary fighter. With his ancient existence and probable connection to the Void Century, evident by his ability to recognize Nika, Saturn possesses an immense wealth of experience that hones his powers to their peak. Despite centuries passing without his presence on the surface, fans can easily conclude that his abilities have not diminished in the slightest.

Saturn's Devil Fruit is evidently influenced by the Yokai, Ushi Oni, from Japanese mythology. This mythical creature is depicted as having the lower body of a spider and the upper body of an ox. The Oni-like upper half and the ox-like horns that Saturn possesses, coupled with the spider lower half, serves as undeniable evidence that his fruit draws inspiration from this powerful creature. Given that his abilities are rooted in Japanese folklore, fans can confidently affirm that Saturn possesses a mythical Zoan ability of the utmost caliber, placing him firmly among the strongest individuals in the world.

To further elevate the situation, it is apparent that Saturn has also activated his Devil Fruit. Enveloping his neck is a dark cloud of flames, similar to the one observed emanating from Lucci and Kaku upon awakening their own Devil Fruits. Unsurprisingly, fans would not be taken aback by this revelation, considering Saturn's longevity, presumably spanning centuries. With ample time to acclimate himself to the capabilities of his Devil Fruit and possessing the status of a Warrior God, his combat proficiency undoubtedly holds paramount significance. It is highly probable that he engaged in fierce battles against the Ancient Kingdom, solidifying his position as the most skilled wielder of Devil Fruit powers worldwide.

Does Saturn Have Haki?

The Ultimate Showdown: Unveiling Saturn's True Power Against the Yonko

There is no question that Saturn possesses an incredibly powerful form of Haki in the world of One Piece. It is a universally recognized power that every individual in this world possesses, making it peculiar for the highest authority in the One Piece universe to lack this ability. Fans have observed in awe as Saturn utilized his giant ritual circle, witnessing the emergence of immense Haki sparks. Although these sparks may not always indicate the presence of Haki, they bear a striking resemblance to it. Unless the fans encounter proper coloring that distinguishes Haki, it becomes difficult to definitively determine its presence.

Regardless of whether these were Haki sparks or not, it is highly probable that Saturn possesses Haki, particularly Conqueror's Haki. As a person with the highest royal lineage in the One Piece world and potentially one of the 20 Kings, he undoubtedly qualifies for possessing Conqueror's Haki.

Considering his ambitious nature, evident in his conquest of the entire world in collaboration with the Five Elders and Imu, there should be no doubts about Saturn's possession of Haki. The specific type of Haki he specializes in is yet to be revealed, but fans can expect him to possess all three types.

Is Saturn Stronger Than The Yonko?

The Ultimate Showdown: Unveiling Saturn's True Power Against the Yonko

The first thing that should be clear is that Saturn is one of the strongest characters in the world of One Piece. He displays potential immortality through his speech and appearance. Additionally, he possesses a rare and unique Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit, which grants him extraordinary powers as a Yokai. It is undeniable that his Devil Fruit abilities are among the most formidable in the world.

Even lower-ranked Marines are unable to directly face him without the risk of losing their heads. His presence alone can be felt across an entire island, even by the most powerful fighters. It is highly likely that he possesses Haki and is proficient in all three types. Furthermore, his Devil Fruit has been awakened, surpassing the standard abilities. Apart from Devil Fruits and Haki, Saturn possesses additional powers, including a ritual circle as seen in the previous chapter.

Saturn is undeniably one of the strongest individuals in the world, as evidenced by every metric. If Marine Admirals can successfully fight against the Yonko, then Saturn should definitely possess the strength to defeat them as well. The extent of Saturn's power in comparison to a Yonko is open to debate, but it is clear that he is at least on par with them, if not stronger. He may even surpass the might of the Yonko, should the creator, Oda, choose to take things to the next level.

Fans can certainly anticipate Saturn displaying his extraordinary abilities in the upcoming chapters of One Piece. He is a formidable force that very few characters would be able to challenge in battle. As the Final Saga of One Piece unfolds, it is time for all the members of the Five Elders to showcase their true worth and unleash a war unlike anything fans have witnessed before.

Read One Piece for free on the Shonen Jump and Manga Plus apps, officially provided by Viz Media. The highly anticipated chapter, One Piece 1094, is scheduled to release on October 8, 2023.